I think I must have been in the right place Friday afternoon. On my lunch hour, I was watching Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. During the last commercial break, an ad promoting auditions in my neck of the woods came across. I thought to myself… well maybe I will go. After prayer and consideration, I made the decision that YES I WILL GO! I remember back about 13 years ago after the premiere episode hosted by Regis, I dialed the then “900” number to play the fastest finger round and tried to make the cut. A few years later after trying each time the opportunity arose (eventually, the number became toll-free), I successfully completed round one and waited for a follow up call the next day. Alas, I was unsuccessful in round two.
This Wednesday beginning at 7AM, I will be attending one of the show’s Summer Tour audition calls. Instead of once again getting up at 4AM, I decided to make a reservation and stay the night. Five years ago, I had one of the best experiences in the city when my best friends, our chauffeur, and I made our way to the television studio to promote one of our community theater’s productions. I think this experience will be very fun. And I am not thinking about anything but this initial step.
So at this point, I just pray that I am safe in my journey and have as much fun with the experience as possible!
Interesting trip! Hope you had fun! I see there is another post to read… 😉