Author name: Derek


Mystery painting

So, what to post today?  I have spent a wholly unexciting week at home not getting the things done thet I need to, such as attempting to secure a post-school-year job.  There is also the basement and garage over here that need some attention.  And of course the blogging that I’ve ignored- sorry readers and […]

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I hate bureaucracy

Yes, hate- a stong word for someone such as myself.  Here’s the new thing in IL- mess up and forget to register your plates on time and you have to jump through bureaucratic hoops.  I noticed yesterday my plates were expired.  Oops- they sent me notice two months ago but it got buried and forgotten. 

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(imagine a picture here that I’m too tired to make right now) A little drama in accepting assignments- is the job his, or isn’t it…? Can eighth grade LD/BD kids really be quiet? What happens when a hand is put in front of the face of an autistic child who doesn’t want to work? Tune

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