Author name: Derek


That theatre bug

Reading the post on Jamiahsh’s blog about his favorite things, I started to respond to his post then realized I probably had enough information for my own post, so here goes.  While I was in a school play when I was 7 and in the chorus of one when I was 10, theatre didn’t really

That theatre bug Read More »

Back and caught up

Well, mostly.  Anyway, I have returned and apparently the site I thought would link to my HPX page never did so (EDIT: there was a post there- I just missed it and so apparently did everyone else!), so there are no comments there.  In the last couple of days I have caught up on much

Back and caught up Read More »

See you in a week

Well, I am off to my fourth summer camp with the 4th and 5th graders.  Sorry I didn’t come up with some pre-camp posts- the computer post took most of my time along with getting ready for this thing.  In any event, I am out of time so I will have to cut this post

See you in a week Read More »

The New HPX

Courtesy of, I now have a new computer. This page will eventually tell about my experiences thus far, but for now enjoy the pictures. Click on each thumbnail for a larger picture. Be careful- some are quite large and will take time to show on a slow connection. Please excuse the quality as I

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Still working on the HPX page

So… take a break with this hilarious video titled The Great Office War.  I’ll see if I can dig up some others. So this is the secret of teaching success! [teachertube][/teachertube] In case the embedded teachertube video above isn’t working (didn’t work for me) here’s the link, along with a couple just for fun: How

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New page!

If you look at the top of this page, you will notice a new link at the top.  Just click on this link and you will see some pictures of my new computer.  This page will be expanded soon, with descriptions of the pictures and more, but for now just click for some pics!  A

New page! Read More »

The end (of subbing)

Well, it is truly the end for the year.  All districts have officially finished (well, one has a 50-minute day tomorrow, but that’s beside the point).  My last day of work, and only day this week, was Tuesday.  I was a little stressed from my organic chemistry class the first time I subbed in that

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