Opening weekend

Production week essentially started the Thursday before Thanksgiving, as we had no rehearsal last Wed. and Thurs. for the obvious reason.  Well, we didn’t have Wed. rehearsals period due to the church being used that night.  I have to say that those rehearsals left me drained.  We were there until after 11, and with my sleep troubles and having to be up for work- well, let’s just say that I didn’t always maintain a good handle on my frustrations.  Not that there were any blowouts or even close to them, just periods of anti-social me.  The biggest struggles were moving sets around.  There is no stage crew, so we all chip in with moving set pieces and props around.  Between some scenes there are a lot of changes.

On to the topic, we opened this past Friday to a sold out crowd.  Saturday was sold out as well.  I should add that the small church only seats about 140, so it is actually not hard to sell out.  In fact, at least one more performance is completely sold out and a couple others have less than 10 seats available.  Not bad for a theatre in a church, eh?  So Friday night we performed after a two-night break and I had two spots where I messed up.  One minor, one not-so.  For some reason, there is a set of lines I constantly struggle with.  An excited Dr. Campbell runs out to George and excitedly informs him that the Building & Loan will keep going and that in fact there is a special treat for George (which he doesn’t think is so great, but that’s beside the point).  Well, with the excitement and my slow brain, I tend to fumble some of this.  Even after going over it in my head several times during the day.  Sigh.  The not-so-minor messup was me not making it out in time for the start of act II.  I don’t know what happened- I heard the one-minute call, but it just didn’t register.  I realized the problem when I heard the start of the scene and rushed up there.  Too late.  Well, my role was very minor with one line that wasn’t really necessary, so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.  Still…

Fortunately the next night I did much better.  I don’t know if we as a whole did much better (the second act dragged Friday- we were told it lasted 15-minutes longer than it should have!) but I would be surprised if we didn’t.  Anyway, I don’t know if there will be a pickup rehearsal or not, we’ll see.  Otherwise, next performance is this Thursday.

By the way, you may have noticed I wrote “Dr. Campbell” above.  In addition to Mr. Gower I play three other roles (two others really- I combined a couple of them).  Mr. Partridge is the third.  His first name became Charlie, the fourth role.

My Stressful Job

Hmm.  In the last month I had exactly two posts about my life.  I tend to write longer posts, so I just felt I never had the time for such a post.  I’d like to say I will start writing more often with shorter posts, but knowing me if I make that commitment I will break it, so…we’ll see.  Last week was a terrible week, especially Friday.  One of the workers moved to Arizona, so we (myself and the two trainees) had to cover all his stores plus two more.  The first two days were really bad- Tuesday I had to work until 8:00 to appease an angry manager, causing me to miss rehearsal.  Friday was supposed to be a short day, then rest.  Except there was a crisis at another store.  Another photographer and I were supposed to cover for someone who had to take off for court, only he only was able to shoot two out of the dozen cars they had while the first store I was at had twenty cars (some disappeared so I didn’t actually have to shoot twenty, but what I had still took time) so I wasn’t able to make it there at all until after sunset.  The manager was furious and ready to fire us, but two of us (yep, me included) spent a few hours Saturday stickering cars.  Thankfully he didn’t want us taking photos, my guess because there were so many customers around, so it wasn’t an all-day affair.

This week, I am letting one of my trainees work two stores by herself, so that will remove most of the pressure this week.

Drivin’ a wagon

No, not that kind of wagon- though I freely admit my first vehicle was an 80’s Chevy station wagon.  What other kind of wagon can one drive?  If you’re a creative couple, this kind:

<iframe src="” allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” __idm_id__=”111337473″ width=”1200″ height=”675″ frameborder=”0″>


Yes, driving a bona-fide Radio Flyer wagon, or what is made to look like one from what was originally a pickup truck.  Here’s the link to a news story on it:


Skunkpost: You’re never too old for a Radio Flyer


Back to the irregularly-scheduled program on D’s life…eventually.


What can happen in just one weekend in the populous metropolitan Chicago area?  Check this photo out:

Harvest Crusade Chicago 2010
Harvest Crusade Chicago 2010

As if that first picture didn’t say enough, the second picture shows that people are still filing down the ramp in the center!  What is this guy on you may ask?  Well, two weekends ago (yeah, I’m a lazy poster…) was the Harvest crusade at the Allstate arena.  Greg Laurie, the pastor from Harvest Christian Fellowship in California (not to be confused with Chicago’s Harvest Bible Chapel though the two pastors are good friends) came to our area with a message of hope for everyone.  I attended Sunday night, which hosted a standing-room only crowd!  If I am not being clear, I apologize and think of Greg Laurie as today’s Billy Graham, bringing the message of salvation via crusades in various cities when he is not firing up his own congregation in California.  I have to say- well never mind what I have to say except that it was an awesome experience.  Yes, only God is awesome but since this is His work after all…

Why forget what I have to say?  Because they posted videos of all three nights on their website!  And each night is different.  I actually attended on the night he talked about following Christ even through the pain of loss.  A couple of years ago he lost his own adult son due to a tragic car accident so I would say he is well qualified as a follower and as one who has experience.  Two of the musicians that night also suffered loss- Steven Curtis Chapman who lost a young daughter the very same year as pastor Laurie’s loss, and Jeremy Camp who lost a wife due to cancer several years ago.  Their pain is evident in their songs following the deaths, and they show their faithfulness in the face of it like pastor Laurie by continuing to follow Christ and spread His good news.

Each night is different, so just because you watched one in no way means you’ve seen it all!  Okay, I will have to put my money where my mouth is and watch the other two nights myself.  Saturday I believe was geared toward young adults and teens.  Friday I am not sure, but if you fall into neither category mentioned then Friday will probably be the best choice to watch if you only watch one.

So what does that number in the title represent?  Well, Allstate Arena (formerly Rosemont Horizon) seats well over that amount- in fact over 47,000 attended all weekend.  No, that number represents decisions for Christ made that weekend.  That was one big party in Heaven, as there is much rejoicing over just ONE soul saved.  Look at those pictures again.  The floor of the arena was mostly empty during the presentation and music.  In those photos people who accepted Christ that night came down to receive Bibles and followup information.  Okay, many of the people were follow-up workers (I could have been one since I went through the training beforehand, but I felt I wasn’t ready- next time!) but still- we were told around 2600 had accepted Christ over the last two nights, which means over 2000 were just on Sunday!

Time for me to shut up and let you click to the website.  To a certain blogger who lost his own wife- PLEASE WATCH SUNDAY’S PRESENTATION.  That is all.  And some videos below. [No, the songs I would link to are contained in the messages on the website, so I will not distract you from them].

I need this energy…

This first video just made me laugh.  The second one is just like it- maybe they will make your day too.

<iframe src="” allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” __idm_id__=”111337473″ width=”1200″ height=”675″ frameborder=”0″>

<iframe src="” allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” __idm_id__=”111337473″ width=”1200″ height=”675″ frameborder=”0″>

😀 😀 😀

If you want to look up more on Youtube, the band is Rick K and the Allnighters, and the person of interest is Steve Moore.  There is even an interview with him someone posted but I didn’t listen to it.

A breather at last

Well, it is Saturday and I am neither working nor rehearsing.  For the moment.  The last week has been tech week, so the set has been going up little by little as we have rehearsed.  Even after last night, the final dress, there was still work to be done.  Thursday we got glowing praises from the director on how well the show looked even if the blood wasn’t present yet.  Hey- people die, so there has to be blood- especially for one of the deaths involving a slit throat.   Yes, I will wait while you take care of your stomach in the bathroom…  Well, I do know some of you three readers are horror buffs so you are still with me. 😉

My death is clean so I don’t have to worry about blood at least.  Moving on, last night the director was extremely po’ed after the first act.  He didn’t yell, but he did make sure everyone knew.  He was far more pleased with the second act and so during notes he crumpled up one note after another without reading them aloud so as not to get down on us.  I shudder to think of the contents of the notes had the second act not gone so well.  I do think the first number at the start of the act was the best we have ever done though, even if it did drag a bit.

Following this show I am now in the first community theatre non-musical, that is straight play, I have been in in a very long time.  Now I have done straight drama in church of course, but as for community theatre is has been far too long.  It is the same show Jamiahsh was in last year, but my role is far more humble though I felt my audition went fairly well.  So did others’ apparently.  This is my role:


Oh, sorry. That was Gowron. My role is Gower.  Mr Gower, the druggist a young Mr. Bailey worked for, originally played by H. B. Warner.  They asked if I would be willing to play additional roles if necessary and I said absolutely.  Well, hopefully next time I try out for this group they will know me better (in a good way 😉 ).  We all have to start somewhere.  I do not know when I will begin rehearsing, but I will miss the first read-through because of my Monday night small group.  I’ll try to post more on this topic.


Thinking of a good title is difficult.  While some of the suggestions were good, I wasn’t in love with any of them and I’m not sure yet how much I love this one.  CAST is an acronym- Christ, Acting, Singing, and Teaching.  I don’t do much of teaching anymore, but I still do once a month or so and am at least a leader for other weekends.  It is conveniently placed last in the acronym while Christ is first.  Not that He really has been first in my life seemingly, but it is a goal.  Christ needs to be before everything, including family (fortunately He places a high value on family, especially children so He usually won’t demand anyone actually give up their family, just put Him first in your family).  So what do you think of this title?  It also has a ring to it as far as the performing words of the acronym.  As in I am currently cast as a singer and actor in Jekyll & Hyde.

The unofficial takeover of the 11:15 service has become official with the couple I mentioned before having been asked to share the role of the “point person,” or head “anchor”.  I am having somewhat of a problem with one of them unfortunately.  I haven’t yet decided if she is just taking the role far more seriously than others in previous years or she is overstepping her authority.  Looking in the guide their role is that of the room leader, but she has taken to threatening to not allow someone to lead a small group for such things as being late or doing something during the teaching time other than sitting with the kids and listening to the message with them.  Productive things I should say, not “I just don’t want to listen” things as kids often do in school.  I believe she is crossing a line here but I have to think on it, maybe ask Lisa- the staff member in charge of 4th/5th grade.  In any event, there is friction here and something needs to happen to remove it.

The show is almost there.  We just had our first rehearsal with the orchestra yesterday, at the actual performance venue.  Okay, the set for the currently running show, Into the Woods, is up meaning we will have to work around it, but aside from one more rehearsal at the retirement home we’ve been at, we are now rehearsing on the actual stage.  It was strange to work with the orchestra two weeks in advance- I am used to the orchestra not being there until a day or two before opening night.  Indeed, we may not see them again until then, but even if so, the one chance was better than none at all.  Less than two weeks until opening- yikes.  But we will be ready. 🙂

The Singing Disciple?

Still working on a title.  I want something that somewhat describes me, but not something a lot of people use.  In this example, there is a gospel group called the Singing Disciples, so maybe that one is not so good.  The singing photographer?  Erm, no.  I would stress my born-again life over my car job.  The Singing Teacher is likely popular too, and teaching is such a small part of my life now, reduced to just once a month.  Can you tell I have a fixation with singing?  I can’t say “acting _____” though because it sounds more like “temporary ______” rather than focusing on the actor me.  I’ll come up with something eventually…

The updated life of Mr. D

I have now closed comments on the one post that was getting a bunch of spam.  I’m not sure what I would do if one of those spambots latched onto a more recent post.  I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose.  Moving on now…

Musical:  Going well.  I went from using two canes as per script to just one.  A couple weeks ago I brought up the point of cane usage to the choreographer and almost got taken out of Facade for it as it would change how I move.  The only dance number I’m in.  As for the other big one at the start of act II, let’s just say there is a good reason I am not in it except for a short scene.  Tonight is a full run-through of act I, and given the rehearsal is four hours we will probably run through it more then once.  We’re supposed to be off book, but I think it will be reasonable to use my music for any off-stage singing, such as the background vocals in Alive.  I’ll soon find out if they feel the same.

Work:  The one I have been training is now out of training, so time to move on to other things.  What?  Another trainee?  Two trainees??  Sigh.   Just throw my quality control manager title out the window as it has been weeks since I have done any of that and seemingly weeks more before I can.  Well, as long as the company doesn’t mind then neither do I.  At least some pressure has been removed with the one former trainee taking over three stores I was training him at- no more trips to Naperville or St. Charles! Well, after tomorrow at any rate when I just have to watch over him at one of the stores in case of problems.  I still have the huge Elgin store for the time being and I can finally give it better attention, but then there are the new trainees.  Well, I’ll see how it goes.

Church:  Still working away serving two services for 4th and 5th grades.  A couple that started this year have sort of unofficially taken over one of the services with their ideas they are implementing.  While they don’t see themselves as the volunteer heads of the 4th/5th grade ministry, I am trying to take it in stride by thinking of them as such as the one we last had went and got himself married and so he has, shall we say, a new focus.  Interestingly enough, the one before him went and did the same thing, but it wasn’t his reason for moving on- he was graduating from Moody and got a (paid) position elsewhere if I recall correctly.

Books:  After reading a the Wheel of Time series for about five months straight, I am now on break from it for a short time.  I was all set to check out the next book which showed as one copy available last night only to be on the hold shelf this afternoon.  It’s just as well since rehearsal really picks up for the next few weeks so I won’t have enough time to read it anyway- I can hardly finish one of these 700-page tomes in a month as it is.  I am not even a third of the way through the series, and not yet where I left off way back when.  Mr. Jordan, you certainly wrote a good series.  I certainly hope you accepted Christ in your life so I can meet you one day on the other side.  Hopefully Brandon Sanderson completes the epic in a way that would please Robert Jordan.

Gaming: Nothing really to say at this time.  For a future post.

Site news

Sorry all for the lack of posting and blog-reading lately.  This show, and this job, have kept me quite busy lately.  The blog hasn’t been a high priority when I do have time so it kind of just slid to the backburner.  Anyway, as you can see I changed themes again and got rid of the old now-outdated title.  The problem is I can’t think of a new one right now.  While subbing was the focus of this blog at one time, I don’t want to have my car photographer job replace it as the focus.  I am also a 4th/5th grade leader, a sometimes actor/singer, and am interested in retrogaming even if I don’t play games much anymore.  Well, if anyone has ideas feel free to comment.

I like the changing background, and I was looking for a way to add my own, but have not so far been successful.  Anyway, you can change the background yourself by clicking on one of the little icons at the top.  Otherwise, it chooses a random one each time you visit.