Just a quick update.

I know I haven’t written in over a week and I am sorry about that. This one is going to be short as well. I need to get back to packing. My husband and I are moving to Maumee to live with my oldest sister and her husband until we can afford our own place. I have a job at either the DeVeaux Goodwill or where my sister works: Midwest Tape. I need everything packed and ready to move by Friday night. Wish me luck.

And yes, my anniversary was awesome!

One day closer!

Well, another day closer to out anniversary! Today we had Phillip’s graduation party and we also headed towards Toledo again! We went to Fallen Timbers shopping center and looked at the book store and the game store. I found plenty of books, but of course, they were more than I was willing to spend the moment. Once we got to Emmy’s, I got into the pool, but with as many kids as there was in the pool, I didn’t stay in very long. I couldn’t really swim at all! We left again to get away from the people that were filling Emmy’s house and went to Best Buy to check up on Tony’s application. Then we went to another book store! Has any one guessed that I love book stores?

First day down!

I am going to take a break from Egypt right now and write about my anniversary weekend! So, for the next three days, I will not answer any questions about my other blogs, but keep the questions coming and I’ll get back to them!

Today was the first day of our anniversary weekend! We will be married for a year on Sunday! Today we went to the zoo and had time to make it to the mall. We actually didn’t but a lot at the zoo besides lunch (including the souvenir cup, with a picture of the baby giraffe on it. Expensive, but it’s our weekend!) and gave money to help animals out! Though we did get plenty of pictures and some video (especially of the baby polar bear). We are planning on putting those on youtube and then getting them onto our facebook page! Or, at least I am. I couldn’t tell you if Tony is going to or not. But while at the zoo, we found three dead animals! Ugh!!! 🙁 Though shortly after the first one, everyone was kicked out of the reptile house, so I think they were taking care of that one. The other two were in the amphibians exhibit and the aquarium. And then, we went into the Rain Forest exhibit to hunt for the sloth only to find out that the sloth died in January! She was 27 years old and that is long lived for a sloth, but still, I always loved searching for her!

At the mall, we looked through plenty of stores without buying anything! And then we stopped by the bookstore and Godiva! I bought a huge over 500 page Egypt book! It talks about the treasure of the Great Pharaohs, Tutankhamen and Rameses II. I got it for a great price too! Tony bought a film making book, which I hope helps him out.
Oh, I forgot we also went to Goodwill this morning and bought a book about the Lost Tomb. It’s about KV5, the tomb of many of Rameses II’s sons.
With the pictures from the zoo, I plan on making a scrapbook to remind us of our first anniversary together, since we still haven’t figured out what to get as a reminder of our very first year as a married couple. I thought a scrapbook would be nice at least. Well, I think it’s time to head to bed. We’re busy tomorrow also!

Some more answers

Tutankhamen was the son of Pharaoh Akenaten and his wife, Kiya.  Akenaten’s Chief Wife, Nefertiti, was Tutankhamen’s stepmother as well as his mother-in-law. You have to know that Egyptian rulers often married their siblings to keep the royal line going. It was a way to keep the throne safe.

Tutankhamen married Akenaten and Nefertiti’s daughter, Ankhesanamum. So therefore, if anyone is confused, Tut married his half-sister.

Nefertari, is not related to Tutankhamen, unless she is related to Nefertiti. Since there is no proof of her being related to Nefertiti, we have to assume that she is not related to Tut either. Of course, if she was related to Akenaten or Kiya, she would be related to Tut as well, but no proof of that has been found either.

As for the age of these people, it really depends on when you’re looking them up in history. Rameses II lived to be in his nineties, which is doing extremely well for that time period. Egyptians during that time only lived to be in their mid-thirties! He outlived many of his sons and his favorite wife, Nefertari. King Tut died early in life, about 18 or 19 years of age. Nefertiti hasn’t been found yet. People have many ideas of what happened to her, but so far, without her body and tomb, we can’t have any real answers. Nerfertari, on the other hand died somewhere in her mid to upper thirties.

I hope this answers the questions I have been asked. If there are any more, I would be willing to hear them and answer to the best of my ability. With new questions brings more knowledge to me, since sometimes I have to look them up myself! 🙂

Answering some questions

After my last post, I had some questions that were asked of me and I intend to answer them to the best of my ability.

Rameses II and Nefertari were one of the many Pharaohs and queens of ancient Egypt. Rameses’ line was originally one of the military. His grandfather was Pharaoh Horemhab’s general and was given the throne upon his death, as was Horemhab’s wish. Rameses II became known as one of the greatest Pharaohs in history.

Nefertari and Nefertiti are two different people and were queens next to two different pharaohs. I’m not sure if they were descendants of each other, since there is no evidence remains of Nefertari’s family and Nefertiti has all been erased from history. Though I find it interesting that I can find more sites for Nefertiti than I can for Nefertari, who Rameses II painted on so many walls.
I don’t think that Nefertiti and Nefertari were common names in the time period, but I could be wrong. There might have been plenty of people named Nefertari and Nefertiti among the common people, but at least in the Royalty, they were not common names.
I am not sure if Nefertari was named after Nefertiti, though the similarities makes one think so. There was only 57 years between the end of Akenaten and Nefertiti’s reign and Rameses and Nefertari’s reign. That gives the time for someone close to Nefertiti to have a child and name her Nefertari, in remembrance of Nefertiti, but we can’t be sure at all.

More answers to come…

Nefertari and Rameses II

Tony said that I should blog about this. I told him all of this last night and he thought it would make a good blog. Now if only I could remember what I said…  😉

I have read that Nefertari was most likely the daughter of a noble family, because since she never claimed to be the daughter of royalty, she couldn’t have been. I have been thinking and what if they were wrong? What if Nefertari didn’t claim to be the daughter of royalty because she was related to Nefertiti? If she was related to Nefertiti, she definitely wouldn’t have wanted to acknowledge that since Nefertiti was the Chief Wife of the Heretic Pharaoh, who took away the people’s gods! The people would not have welcomed her as their queen if they knew she was related to Nefertiti. At least, that is what I think.

Also, Rameses  II may have been an arrogant man, he was also a man in love. He had many wives and concubines, but he had only one woman he truly loved. Rameses not only wrote poems for his Chief Wife, Nefertari, but he also built her a temple. Outside the temple, he has two statues of himself and two of Nefertari. But what is different about this temple is that Nefertari and Rameses II are the same size. He felt that she was his equal, he insisted her be the same size as he was. Most wives, even the Chief wives were smaller than their husbands, but not Nefertari! What else would this mean except he loved her and that she was the most important person in his life? Also, he had the tomb builders make an even more beautiful and exquisite than his own. Her way to the afterlife was more important to him than his own it would seem!

It is through her tomb that we know what she looks life because tomb raiders desecrated her tomb. They left the wall intact, but her body was gone! All that has been found of her were her knees! I have seen pictures of Nefertari’s tomb and it is beautiful! I just hope that when her tomb was desecrated Rameses II was not alive. It would have broken his heart to know that his love’s soul was disturbed! It was a great love story.


I have read The Heretic Queen, which as I said in my last blog was about Rameses II’s wife, Nefertari. Since then, I have been trying to find out as much as possible about Nerfertari and Ramesses II. At the moment, I am watching “The Last Great Pharaoh Ramesses II on Youtube.com. Let’s just say he was a little arrogant! 🙂 But besides that, he really did love his Chief Wife, Nefertari. He would write poetry for her and even built her a temple right next to his own.

But I not only want to know about just Nefertari and Rameses II. I love to read about Queen Elizabeth I and her family, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Anastasia and her family, Helen Keller, Pocahontas, and Sacajawea. Those are the people I usually read about. I am sure there are other people that I read about occasionally, but at the moment, it is a lot of Egypt! I have seen the Mummy, the Mummy Returns, Prince of Egypt, Joseph: King of Dreams, and something on Cleopatra on Youtube. I have also read Nefertiti and The Heretic Queen. So, you would think that I would be sick of Egypt, right? Nope.Even though I have had all this Egypt poured into my head and I had a dream about Egypt, I still want to know more! I want to understand these people, to actually get to meet them and know what they were thinking! Sometimes it’s not fair!

Books I need to buy

Before I begin, I must state that writing a blog with cats turns out to be very difficult! I was on my laptop downstairs because when I use Tony’s desktop, I usually have Wedge walking across the keyboard. Well, he decided to cuddle downstairs, but Beru was unhappy with that arrangement and she walked across my keyboard and made my screen black. I have no idea what she did, so I came upstairs and so far, Wedge is still downstairs! We will see how long that one lasts. 🙂

I have just finished reading the Heretic Queen and before that Nefertiti. Both are written by Michelle Moran and I have read them both multiple times. Nefertiti is about, obviously, Nefertiti, Akenaten’s wife and the Heretic Queen is about Nefertari, Ramesses II’s wife.

Well, I wasn’t able to finish up this yesterday because Wedge had to come and try to help me. I had to work also, so that didn’t help. We will just have to try again. Anyway, I have been looking for these books cheaper than the original retail price. I have found some on the internet, but so far it hasn’t been a top priority for us right now. 🙁 I know that when I do buy them, I will have to get them in hardcover because of how often I read them! It’s like one of my favorite Star Wars books that I read over and over. I have almost destroyed my Vision of the Future written by Timothy Zahn. The poor book has been read so many times and is now falling apart. The binding is barely holding the pages inside the book. I think some of the pages are falling out. I have another book like that also. Ella Enchanted is falling apart also. I have certain books that I tend to read over and over and no matter how careful I am, they will eventually fall apart.

short blog post

Well, today I won’t be writing much. I haven’t been home much at all since I worked 9-5 at Goodwill and then went to see a house with Amie almost as soon as I got home and then there was church after that and then waiting for Tony to get off work! Whew, it seems that there are days that I am never at home and I miss my cats terribly! They are my babies, and they know it. Anyway, I have been trying to get ahold of my older sister to see if she has found me a job in Toledo but does she answer her phone? Noooooo. Though my other sister has found me a job in Florida. Tony really doesn’t want to move down there since it would be a pain to move all our stuff down there. It would be very expensive! I just know that we need insurance, very badly! I am over due for my check-up with the doctor and unless I see the doctor for this check-up, I can’t get any birth control! ARGH!!!!

Trying to write more

Here I am watching Julie and Julia and I decided that I needed to do something to keep me blogging everyday. I am thinking about blogging on the movies that I watch, but if anyone else has any other ideas, I would like to hear them. Maybe if I had multiple things to write about, I would be able to keep up with this. I don’t do a lot of interesting things in my life to write about everyday.

So hopefully I will be able to figure out something. Hope to hear some suggestions soon!