
Today was a hard time for me. It is the sixth Mother’s Day without Mommy and this is one of the hardest days for me. Today and her birthday are the two days I need Tony with me. Of course, Tony had to work today, since everyone had to work at KFC today. Mother’s Day is a very busy day at KFC, so the rule is that everyone works. I had to sit in front of everyone, hearing how we should honor mothers and make them special because it’s their day and my mother isn’t here. I know taht it has almost been seven years, but I still miss her.

My wedding was another time I wanted my mother there, but I think from now on, I’ll be fine because Tony will be with me on my anniversary from now on! Right now, I am watching Bride Wars and I know how Liv felt. There are just some days I miss my mom and I don’t even know why, well besides that she’s  not here. It isn’t always for a specific reason or anything, but I still miss her. I wish Tony could have met her, but apparently God had other plans. Well, my movie is almost over, I am almost ready to cry, so it’s time to close this blog. I love you Mommy!


I really don’t have much on my mind right now, but I have this urge to write, so here I am sitting at my computer staring at my screen hoping something will pop into my head.

My life is pretty much boring. I usually sit at home by myself because Tony is scheduled to work when I am home and vise versa and Amie is either at work or somewhere else. So I sit at home with my four cats. At the moment, I have most of the windows open and the front door, enjoying the beautiful weather. My kitties seem to be loving it as well. They love to try to steal window seats from each other. If one cat is in a window, the others try to take it. It is so entertaining. Darth loves to try and sneak behind me to get to my milk cup. They are all so cute and lovable.

I guess I will be rambling again, but nothing interesting is coming to my head. I have a movie in and once it’s over, I am thinking about climbing out the upstairs window and reading on the roof. It will be nice to read outside and watch as the cats decide who will be the one to sit in the window and watch me.

I am not sure what to do. When Tony isn’t around I can do things, but I get bored so easily. Maybe if my kittens decided they wanted to cuddle more often. I don’t have very many friends, but I seem to need them to have fun! 🙂 No, not exactly what I mean. There are times I love to be alone, but right now isn’t one of those times. One of those times would be when I am in a mood to clean or take a walk or something, but since I walked home from work, I have no desire to walk, though I would take a walk with Tony. We haven’t walked together for a long time. We did go to the mall last week and walked around there, but that isn’t really the same thing as taking a walk outside, in nature. I guess I’ll always be a country girl even if I am now living in town. I want the country back, the lawn next to the house, not another house. so many wildflowers, rabbits, deer, ducks, frogs and so many other animals running across the yard!

Well, I guess I should go. I think my movie is almost over and then it’s time for some reading, or writing. Not sure which one at the moment. Adios!

New family members

Yesterday was a day for new family members, I guess. Tony and I had one planned and one was a surprise. My boss had asked if Tony and I were interested in taking Darth’s friend and ‘brother’. He was the last cat she had left in the garage, and she felt bad about leaving him by himself. He was losing weight and everything. So, Tony allowed me to bring him home and now Padme, Beru and Darth have a new brother. Wedge is a grey and white cat and is the biggest of our four cats. Padme is definitely not happy about it right now, but she will come around, she did with Beru and Darth and I am sure she will with Wedge. Wedge is a very friendly cat and he listens to Padme, so that will definitely help her except him, since he already knows who is in charge! Once Padme excepts Wedge, she will be nicer to the other cats also. She is a very spoiled and temperamental kitten, but I love her so much! 🙂

Well, the other family member was brought home by Amie. She brought home a little two month old Jack Russel puppy. It isn’t always going to be staying here since it is being potty trained. Where ever Amie is, the puppy will be going with her, when it can. She named him Zeke and he is adorable. It is probably a good thing that Padme hasn’t met him yet. She would be just thrilled to have a little hyper puppy around. 😉

Save the Frogs Day

As I have been reminded, it is Save the Frogs Day on Friday. I only think one state officially recognizes it, but that is not that point. The point is that we should be there to support the frogs! I would love to see how many of my readers agree with me on this! Frogs are my favorite animal and they are disappearing all around the world! Without our frogs, we are losing so many different important things in our life! Without frogs, so many of our medicine will no longer be around. And think of how many insects that frogs eat, the dieased misquitos for one! There are so many reasons that frogs need our help to survive. I could go on and on, but I won’t especially since I have to go pick up Tony, but think about what would happen if we suddenly had no more frogs in this world.

bored and lonely

I am sitting here on the couch, all alone and bored. Tony is at work and Amie is out celebrating her one month anniversary with her boyfriend. I have done two loads of laundry, plus folded the loads that Amie had done a couple of days ago. I don’t mind doing laundry. It is actually one of the few chores that I don’t mind doing and don’t need to be in a cleaning mood to feel like doing. I wonder if that made any sense to anyone else besides me. Oh well, I am just in the mood to write.

I am no longer head cashier at Goodwill. I was getting so stressed from that, so instead, I am part time cashier and part time production in the back just so I can get the hours I need. This week and next week, I am going to be getting over time. We are short a two cashiers. I am the only one right now, the other two cashiers are actually the head cashiers. One of our cashiers is on medical leave and the other one was promoted to head cashier to take my place. Last night I stayed two extra hours just to help catch things up so they wouldn’t have so much to do with closing. Though I am not sure how my hours will be once they hire people to replace all the ones we need. We have hired two of the four positions we need. Next week I will be training the new cashier, which could be interesting.

Tony has applied for an internship for some computer thing in Hicksville. I really hope he can get that so he will finally have experience. I know for him to get a good job for his major, he will need experience and we would have to move to a bigger city. UGH! I really don’t want to, but I would, for Tony. I love the small towns. I guess I will always be a country girl at heart, but Tony will eventually find a job,  I am sure of that, and we will move.

On a happier note for me, my little baby kitten is turning one on Wednesday. Well, it isn’t exactly a happier note. My baby is growing up! I don’t want her to get older. She is supposed to stay my little baby forever! Betsy said she will always be my baby, and she will. She is my spoiled baby and she knows it. She is still so playful and cute! I know that eventually she might calm down, but it seems so unlikely with her. Padme is not one who likes to sit and cuddle unfortunately, though Darth and Beru make up for that. She sometimes sleeps next to me at night, but that is few and in between. She reminds me of me when I was younger. 😉

Who knows right now?

Right now I do not feel very optimistic. I feel like crap and start crying at just the thought of what happened today. I have been a head cashier for about a month now and in that time, I have been over/under my drawer at Goodwill by five dollars or more at least three times! I have never had that problem before when I was a cashier and now I am worried that it could cost me my job! Tony and I cannot afford for me to have no job. If I lost my job, we would have to move in with his parents and that wouldn’t be good. They don’t really have any money either, plus, Amie just moved in with us! That isn’t fair to her.
I have been thinking of asking if Sarah would let me go back to being just a cashier, but what if she won’t let me, or my hours get cut back a lot! We can’t afford having my hours cut back anyway. I just don’t know what to do.
I have no job skills, no one is hiring anyway. I really don’t have any good talents to help me find a job.
I am good with animals, but I have no school to do anything with them, I cannot make a living out of babysitting, I would go crazy and eating chocolate isn’t going to help with anything! I just don’t know what to do anymore. Apparently math isn’t one of my strong suits anymore. I apparently can’t count money, no matter how many times I recount before I hand it back to the customer. Well, enough on that. Who wants to hear my rantings.

On a happier note, both Beru and Padme came out of their surgeries just fine. Padme is just finally starting to eat again, so hopefully she will put on the weight that she lost from not eating for a little less than a week. She was really starting to scare me, but she’s much better now. I know that most people didn’t know that Padme and Beru were going in to get spayed, but my blog wasn’t working for awhile. Unfortunately, Padme isn’t any more cuddly than she was before she was spayed, but at least she is healthy. I miss when she was a baby and would cuddle and want to be picked up and held. She’s still my little baby and I love her. She’s just growing up, that’s all. At least that what I try to tell myself.

Crazy things

Well, us moving is up in the air. Tony, I think, has decided that we won’t be able to get a loan, but I won’t give up. I know that something will work out, I have to believe that. I can’t give up before we have even started. Amie and I are planning on looking at houses if we have a day off together. Maybe it will be a waste of time, maybe we won’t be able to get a loan, but I don’t want to give up before we even start! I love Tony, and I know that he can be pessimistic, but that is who he is and I wouldn’t change him for the world. I will just have to keep up being the one who has the faith, keep him from going doubting too much.

I know that Tony will be reading this eventually, and I just want him to know, I really believe we can get a loan somewhere! We just have to keep trying. We are already outgrowing this house and we really need that $8000 tax credit next year. So, keep praying for us. Thanks.


Well, Tony and I have gotten news that his parents will have to sell the house we’re living in because of their taxes. That means we are looking for a new place for us, the cats and Amie. Unfortunately, we cannot afford anything that isn’t a foreclosure. We know that we can afford $200 a month and so anything over that will most likely be pushing it. We have seen two house online, but we haven’t actually gotten the opportunity to take a look in them. One has five bedrooms and two bathrooms and really looks nice on the outside, but of course, the inside might not  be that great. It is two hundred dollars a month, so it’s at the top of our price range, but it has the space we will need. There would be two bathrooms, so Amie could have her own, and Betsy would be able to have a room when she stays the night, plus a room for our computers, and maybe a room for my stuffed animals. Kind of sad that my animals need a room for themselves, isn’t it?

The other house has three bedrooms, which would be enough. We don’t need the other two, it would just be a really, really nice perk. The one downside is that there is one bathroom. Though, if it’s bigger than the one we have now, it might be all right. It would be about sixty five dollars a month. That’s not bad, but the inside might look really bad. We are hoping to be able to see the inside soon enough. We would like to be able to find a house as soon as possible.

Of course, both houses we will have to pay electric and gas bill, but we already do that. It will be hard to find something in about a month, I think, especially since we would like to stay in Bryan because we only have one car and both of our jobs are in Bryan. We are hoping to be able to look at some houses later this week. Pat will be contacting a friend of hers, who helped find their house to help us out.

I feel bad for Amie, since she just moved in and she will have to move again and we haven’t even been able to tell her since she has been at work and we don’t know when she will be home. But if we find a good house, maybe we will be able to have a house that will let her spread out some more and let us not feel like our house is always dirty. Plus, give more room for our cats to run around and play. Pray for us. We really need it.


It seems like I have been getting sick a lot lately. Last Friday, I felt terrible after working all day. I had to call and let my leaders know that I wasn’t going to be at my first Bible study lesson! I didn’t feel any better by Saturday, but I was not going to miss a seven hour work day either, not when we need that money. I didn’t stay the entire time. I left two hours early, after I got sick from my lunch. Sunday, I stayed home and did nothing, just so I could be well enough to go to work on Monday. By Monday, I was fine. I was up and about, nothing wrong at all. HA! Now I have no voice and a cough that keeps my voice from coming back. Well, that and having to try and talk at work. That’s always fun to do. I have had no voice sine Tuesday night and it’s now Saturday. Thankfully, that is the only thing wrong and isn’t keeping me from work.

Tony is also sick, though he doesn’t want to admit it. He insisted on going to work yesterday after waking up with a fever. I am pretty sure he will go to work tonight also. True, his fever had gone down by the time he had to go to work, but it came back. I could feel it. I guess he’s just stubborn, not that I’m not. 🙂 We are very stubborn people. One of the many reasons I love him.

Hopefully, Amie doesn’t get sick from us. She can’t get miss any work any any more than Tony and I can. We have a house full of poor people who need to work and need insurance. Though Amie will be able to get that soon enough from her work. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to get it from Goodwill when I am working more with my head cashier position, which I start training for today! Pray that everything goes well.

Just updating

I finally have internet, so hopefully, I will be writing more often. I was working two jobs for awhile, just so we could pay bills and get food. I was working at KFC with Tony and at Goodwill. Thankfully, that is over with now. I was getting very stressed and Goodwill offered one of my co-workers a promotion. She took it, which gave me her job. I would be working the morning shift which would give me close to 30 hours a week, which was what I needed! For a couple of weeks now I have been working the morning shift, but wait…there is more to my tale! I am being promoted as well! Kelsey is now head cashier and starting Saturday, I will begin my training for head cashier! That will give me at least 35 hours a week! Which definitely helps since Tony and I now have four cats in our house.
Padme is not happy with us, but I am hoping that she will calm down after a week or so. If she doesn’t, they will have to go back, but she calmed down after we brought home Beru, so we are hoping that she will calm down with Darth and Chewie soon enough. I love them all, but Padme is my baby! She is so spoiled and I know it’s my fault, but I cannot make myself regret what I have done with her.

In a couple of weeks, my little baby and her sister, Beru, will be getting fixed and I (and Tony) are hoping that Padme will become calmer and want to cuddle again. That is one of the things I miss from when she was a kitten. She loved to cuddle. Now, she loves to play. I have to say that that is all right too. I get plenty of picture opportunities from that. Though, of course, at the moment, she is being grumpy and anti-social.

Tony and I now have a roommate. Amie has move and is spoiling my little babies. Not that I need any help with that any!

Well, I guess that is the main things to update, since my lap is being occupied by one of my kittens, which makes it a little difficult to type.