Author name: froggy


New position

I have come to a decision on the new position at Goodwill. I will be taking the job in the back. At least for now. I was talking to Sarah and decided that right now, what is best for me is to have something steady, with set hours since I have all this other stuff

New position Read More »


I have been given two choices to choose from at Goodwill. Well, actually three if one really thinks about it. I am either able to stay on as a cashier, move up to head cashier or move into the bak and start sorting clothes. I have already said no to staying a cashier. I need

Decision Read More »


I was called by the manager at Goodwill this morning. Starting Friday, I will be working two to three days a week at Goodwill!!!!! I know this is not going to be a very long blog, but I really do not care at the moment. I am just so happy about getting some money to

YAY Read More »

Weird, but nice

It’s weird, I get a call about Goodwill opening and I will get to help set up the store. So, I would be working again in June. But that’s not all of it! I got a call from Movie Gallery yesterday and they wanted me to have an interview with them. Of course, I was babysitting

Weird, but nice Read More »


Well, what can I say? I haven’t blogged in awhile and now I am writing about bad news. No, I was not fired from my job at Goodwill, but we have a leaky ceiling and we are closed for awhile, which means that everyone that works there cannot go to work until they fix the

Jobless Read More »