Help save the FROGS!

I have just finished watching a show on Animal Planet and it both disturbed me and gave me some hope. It was called The Vanishing Frog, and so many of our frogs are dying out because of a disease called chytrid fungus. This disease is spreading quickly throughout the entire world and so far, 33% of our frog population is in danger! As many of my friends and family know, frogs are my favorite animal and I want to be able to help them. There is a website, and I am going to find a way to help out as much as possible. Frogs are very important for our medicines as well. If that doesn’t help convince you the importance of frogs, I’m not sure what will. I would like to ask everyone that I know to help me with my quest to save my favorite animal from going extinct. Spread the news around to anyone you know. We cannot sit around and do nothing while these animals are dying! Things that affect frogs will eventually affect us as well. To save these frogs, we have to start now! We cannot wait, for there are frogs dying and without them, we are in danger! The show made me hide my face many times because of all the pictures of dead frogs and I refuse to sit around and let them continue to die! Please, help me!

High School Musical 3

I have seen High School Musical 3, and I want to see it again! It’s like Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith all over again. Only, I think I was a little worse with Star Wars. I knew how many hours and minutes to Star Wars, and I wasn’t quite that bad with HSM 3. There were many surprises in this movie and I couldn’t stop laughing. Okay, of course there were some parts that you didn’t want to laugh, but I’m pretty sure you get the idea. It’s just a fun, relaxing, and entertaining show! There are some new characters, that I think they plan on using in the next High School Musical if they do a fourth one. I don’t think I’ll want to watch anymore if there are different people. It just wouldn’t be the same! I normally don’t watch sequels if there are different people playing main characters. As I sat in my seat at the movie theater, I didn’t feel as if it was as late as it was getting. You were absorbed in the show and you lost track of time. Troy and Gabriella have three duets in this movie, and you can really see that Zac and Vanessa (for anyone who doesn’t know, those are the actors) really love each other through the way they act. You can just see it in the way they are able to act with each other so well. It must have meant so much to them when they sang those songs, and were together. I have the CD now. As soon as the movie was over, we headed to Tony’s house, so I could get my money and he took me to Wal-Mart to get the CD. I can’t wait to be able to see it again! When is it coming out on DVD?!?!


Tony and I are having problems finding ideas for Halloween costumes. We want something that will work as a couple, but something also quick and cheaper than what we have been finding. I would love a costume to shock people, but it is not a necessity. So, if anyone has a suggestion, please,  please let me know. We would really appreciate it.

Wedding details

I know that it has been awhile since I have last written, but I have been busy. I have been trying to plan my wedding while go to school and work at the same time. I guess I could write how much school is driving me crazy, or something like that, but at the moment, I am going to write about my wedding.

Since the wedding is the ‘bride’s day’ I am sure that I should be planning most of this myself. Or at least, that is the tradition. There was no way I was going to plan this huge event all by myself, especially not when it will effect both of our lives. Nope, he is helping me with all the planning for this wedding and he is not even complaing. He really does not mind helping me and I am so glad for that.

At the moment we have the guest list finished for the most part. It might change every now and then, but for the most part it is finished. We also have the place where we are having our reception reserved for us. We really wanted to make sure we could get it reserved since we are getting married the same time so many people are graduating and having graduation parties. I know that it might seem like we have picked the wrong time to get married, but my younger sister is graduating next year, and we are trying to make things easier on one of my older sisters who lives in Florida.

I have picked out what dress I want. Unfortunately, it really does not exist, so my oldest sister is going to be making it for me. She had to spend hours upon hours to find a pattern really close to what I want. Tony and I had wanted to have some Star Wars in our wedding, but since we are having it our church, our Pastor said no. It wasn’t going to be the entire wedding party dressed as Jedi or anything. All we wanted was for me to wear Mara Jade’s outfit and Tony was going to wear Luke Skywalker’s black outfit. Oh, and of course Artoo Detoo as the ring bearer. Well, now instead of wearing the green outfit of Mara’s, I am wearing her wedding dress. Pastor does not know that my wedding dress is related to Star Wars in anyway and I am not going to tell him. Besides, what can he do? It is a wedding dress after all.

There are some other planning that we have finished all ready, and we have slowly begun to buy things that we are going to need for the wedding. I refuse to get stressed about planning for this wedding. My oldest sister was the one who paniced for her own wedding and then my other sister’s wedding, so I am just going to let her do the panicing and I will remain calm. At least, that is the plan.


My boyfriend has asked me to marry him and it was in a way that totally surprised me. He took me to George Bible Park and handed me a lightsaber. We started to fight and after killing him many times, my friend Monica and her boyfriend, Jesse, came at us from both sides of the bridge we were on. I went after Monica and killed her, along with Jesse. As I was killing Jesse, Tony asked me to marry him! I cannot believe that it has happened, but I’m not going to say it was a bad thing. I couldn’t be any happier at the moment.

One Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was finally the day I had been waiting for! It was finally July 1, one year since Tony and I started dating! I couldn’t sleep very well Monday night at all! Amie and I were at Tony’s grandma’s house Monday night so she could do my hair for today. It took two hours to do that and I even had about five inches cut off my hair a couple of weeks ago. (I miss my hair :'( !) But anyway, Tony came to pick me up at 10:30 yesterday morning and Amie had to stall him for a couple of minutes because I wasn’t quite finished, I still had to brush my teeth. I gave him the movie National Treasure and he gave me a white rose. His mom insisted on taking pictures because she said it was a once in a lifetime occassion to see me dressed up like that. I had Amie take some pictures with my camera also. We headed off to Defiance and had Ponderosa for lunch. I missed eating there, I really haven’t been there in years. After that we went to Wal-Mart so I could pick up Daddy’s Father’s Day present (The Ultimate Guide to Indiana Jones). At the mall, we walked around and visited the bookstore (I didn’t buy anything, though I really wanted this nice journal and a book called Twilight). We also saw Claire’s and F.Y.E. At 1:30 we walked over to the movie theater to watch Wall. E. We weren’t sure if we wanted to see Wall. E, Wanted, or Get Smart, but we decided that the other two could wait. We will most likely see them once they come out onto DVD, but Wall. E, I really wanted to see. We didn’t want to go home right away because I wanted to do something special, something different, that we wouldn’t normally do. While we were trying to think of something, we walked over to Jo-Ann Fabrics, to look at material for a Mara Jade outfit. It was then that I decided I wanted some craftbook stickers so I could put yesterday into my scrapbook, whenever I get around to it. I didn’t find anything I liked, so we walked to Wal-Mart where I found two things of stickers, plus two picture frames. We made a couple of copies of the pictures from my camera and now we both have a picture from this day, to put anywhere we want. Yesterday was the best day of my life! I didn’t want it to end, but I know that it had to. But at least it will always be in my heart and memory!

I love you, Tony. 😉


I have been finished with babysitting since Wednesday. I left and spent the night at my boyfriend’s grandma’s house for two nights. Let me telling you, these children really drain you. With the first child to arrive at 5:30 in the morning and the last two children to leave is between 8:00 and 10:00 at night, it is a long and tiring day, but to do so for an entire month almost, it was so tiring, especially since I do not really sleep that well anyway. Sometimes I feel like I was not really helping my friend, but she insists that I did a lot to help her out, and she did not know what she would have done if I had not agreed to help her out. I had to take about three classes so I was qualified to help, but apparently my friend really appreciated my help, and I am glad that I was such a help to her. That is why I went over there anyway. She wanted my help and after I met some of those kids, I could not leave her by herself, they really start gettin on one’s nerves and just grate them against themselves. I really do not know how my friend’s mom can handle it, but this is what she said she wanted to do, and that is what she is doing now. I love kids, but after helping my friend babysit these five kids, I am really wondering if I want any of my own. There was one little girl that was a sweetheart, but I know that not all children are like she is. Maybe I will want some of my own, but of course not until I am married and even then, not until at least a year into the marriage so I can have that time to work on making my marriage stable and steady to be able to put children into the mix.


Okay, I know that Sue needs help moving up here, but I really don’t understand what has been happening. She called Jane and said that she couldn’t handle things on her own, so Jane left a week earlier than planned, and yet still coming back when she originally planned, if not later. Amanda is getting so frustrated with her mom, and so am I, but I am there to help Amanda and that’s what I’m doing. Apparently things are not going well with Sue, but at least Jane is there to help her. It doesn’t help that Amanda never wanted to babysit in the first place. That’s what Jane does, and Amanda had to take over while her mom is away. Ugh, it’s just so frustrating and there isn’t anything I can do about it. We, Amanda and I,  are hoping that Jane will be back by the 28 or so, but it could be later than that. There is so much going on that I would love to write about, but I don’t think it would be appropriate, at least to write about it on the internet. Thank goodness my boyfriend is always there to hear me complain and things.

Busy, busy, busy

For the past four days, I have been helping out my friend Amie while she babysits while her mom is down in Texas. You see, Cheryl (Amie’s mom) went down to Texas to help her daughter-in-law, Angel, and Angel’s son, Aidien, move up here, while Zac (Amie’s brother) is over seas. The problem, what was going to be a two week thing has turned into being a whole month! Apparently Angel called and said she couldn’t deal with it, it was all too much to handle on her own and she needed Cheryl down there as soon a possible. Yes, I understand that her husband is going over to Afganistan, and her son is a premie, but is it really necassary for Cheryl to be there a whole month while Amie is up here doing Cheryl’s job and not getting paid for it? Amie was supposed to go down and help Angel for the summer, and get paid, so she would have some money for college in the fall, but that was changed, and now she’s helping her mom for nothing! Amie’s not too happy about it, and to tell the truth, neither am I! Amie is working so hard with these kids and is going to have five children at a time some days. I am staying with Amie and helping her this month, so she doesn’t go crazy. There are days that I will be going back to my house to do some chores around the house, but a lot of the time, I will be over with Amie, because a month is too long for her to have to do this for free. Yesterday, Amie went to her friend’s graduation party while I watched the kids, so hopefully she will be able to do that occassionaly, because I get to leave when I feel like I need to, or should so I can do things at my house, and spend some time with Tony. So I am hoping to do the same for her: let her spend time with her boyfriend and other friends. She will need breaks and I want to be there when she does.

Once Angel gets up here, she and Aidien will be staying with Amie and her family. The problem is that Aidien has to stay downstairs because of his oxygen and other stuff, so Angel has to sleep down there too, but there isn’t really anywhere for her to sleep. Cheryl stays on the couch so she can get up when the kids start to arrive. And another thing, with all the stuff for the kids that Cheryl babysits, there really isn’t room for all the stuff Aidien needs either. Amie isn’t very happy with what is going on, but she really can’t do much, since Angel is family and it’s her mom who is letting them stay. Plus, with the way things are between Angel and myself, it will make things a little difficult for Amie, I think. Angel isn’t very thrilled with me, though I really haven’t figured out why. I have asked Amie about it, and she really doesn’t know either. I have tried to patch things up, to help Amie, but Angel keeps pushing my attempts away, so it’s really up to her, if things are going to get better between us while she’s here.

On a lighter note, Amie has kittens in her garage. There are five cute little kittens and Amie has named them all. There is George because he’s verycurious, Cotton because she’s so fluffy and soft, Jet because she just takes off, Juno and Telula just because Amie liked those names.


I just found out today that Amie is no longer going down to Texas to be the live-in-nanny for her sister-in-law. In fact, her sister-in-law is going to be coming up here next month after Amie’s brother goes over seas. I am excited and scared at the same time. I am glad that Amie is not leaving, though it seems to me that there is something coming between us lately. It hurts, but I also know it happens. I am also scared that her sister-in-law will say things to me, like she has been doing. That hurts worse than losing Amie’s friendship because it is not just about me. It deals with my friends and my boyfriend! I am praying that things will turn out differently than what I think is going to happen. I am praying that God will help patch up what has happened in the past and build our friendship again, and maybe it will be easier between Amie and myself.