Felony Franks

Last weekend, while in Chicagoland headlining at the Horeshoe Casino, Regis Philbin did NOT partake of the deep-dish Chicago pizza.  He apparently likes thin crust.  He did make a stop at a West Side hot dog stand.  Felony Franks is unusual in that it hires only former felons after they have served their time behind bars and are out looking for a job.

The menu is centered on crime: misdemeanor weiner, custody dog, probation burgers, etc.  No mention of justj’s mentioned Chicago style dog.. is that a crime?  A stand in Chicago that does not feature the Chicago-style version?

What do you think about the new stand?  I would say that I would be hesitant to purchase a hot dog from a former child molester or murderer.  And apparently, the press has been rather heated on the venue.

Telephone Operators On Skates?

Last Friday, I watched one of last year’s most talked about movies (at least in my circles).  I must say that the Clint Eastwood helmed/Angelina Jolie-starring film Changeling was well worth the months I have been endeavoring to watch it.  The story itself was harrowing made even more dramatic by the fact that is factually based.

Since taylhis has already given an excellent synop, I will mention the pains taken in the creating of late 1920-early 1930s Los Angeles.  Costuming, set design, the music, everything put you right there.  The only building that is still standing in the greater LA locale is the City Hall itself which has been seen in numerous television series and movies (I can think of two immediately: The Naked Gun and the watchable if laughable updated Dragnet starring Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd).  Eastwood even resurrected the LA streetcar (which have been out of service since 1961).  The multi-talented director also composed the musical score for the film which he has done in many of his efforts… primarily with his passion for jazz.  The costume design was totally period.  Did telephone switchboard operators really move along on roller skates… complete with key?

And here is my extreme geek topic of the day.  The fact that (The) Changeling is a title of a TOS episode was not lost on me.  In fact, some theatres received the film under the name Nomad which was the name of the space probe from the 1967 season two episode.  Not a total geek, I had to cheat on the year the episode premiered.

A truly memorable viewing experience.  Again, totally robbed at Oscar time (and Clint was not even nominated).

Don’t You Looove The Smell Of Roses

The fact that it comes after an overtime victory is even sweeter.  The Buckeyes are off t Pasadena on January 1, 2010 after defeating the Iowa Hawkeyes 24-27 in OT after kicking a field goal.  Let’s hope that Coach Tressel and his squad can pull it together this time and bring home a bowl victory.

I had to keep getting updates from my cell phone while at work all afternoon.  The last I knew it was 24-17 in the 4th quarter… not over yet.  At 7:50, my sister came in and gave me the final overtime score.  Apparently, the fact that Iowa’s main quarterback was out of commission following an injury last weekend did little to quell the Hawkeye’s spirits.  However, the ol’ Scarlet and Grey came out on top and speculation is they will be facing either Arizona or Oregon on New Years Day.

Bring on THE GAME next Saturday… GOOOOOOOO BUCKS!

Creed In The Stockroom With A Dundee


Tonight’s episode put me in the mood for one of those infrequent murder mystery game nights. But seeing that our poor hosts are under a self-imposed quarantine, this will have to wait…. get well soon.  It seems that the gang from Dunder-Mifflin Scranton Branch are under the impression that the company is on the road to financial disaster.  Much to co-manager Jim’s dismay, our beloved leader devises a plan to put the teams mind at ease: A Murder in Savannah.

Each associate is given a character with props to create using their imagination.  Naughty Nellie Nutmeg, Nathaniel Nutmeg, and VooDoo Mama Juju are a few.  Guess who gets to play Caleb Crawdad, handsome playboy.  As usual, hilarity ensues in the face of turmoil.

The outcome of the company will likely take a few episodes to decide as will the undertones of the Andy/Kelly “Erin” relationship.

Perhaps it is all a ploy to advertise the newest edition of the classic board game Clue.  And check out the cool new look of the Tangents homepage and check into starting a blog of your own… it’s FUN!

From The Twisted Mind Of A Thirteen Year Old

Tonight, my nephew/godson and his two siblings came into the store before Wednesday night CCD.  I thought… uh-oh what is this terrible trio up to.  Joshua (in his infinite wisdom) chose to ask me in his own special way if I would consider being his sponsor for Confirmation… “since no one else seems to be able to.”  I tried really hard not to laugh at the presentation but I could not resist firing back at the way it was presented.  What an honor to be asked when so many others turned it down.  How many others were asked I do not know.  After they left, I decided to think that he failed in his attempt to say that there was no one else he would rather have do it.  Hey… this is my blog so if I want to sugar coat some things, it’s my prerogative.

I remember when I chose the person I wanted to stand with me as I made the decision to accept my Christian faith that my parents and godparents made for me when I was baptized.  It also happened to be my godfather.  I also remember hearing stories about the bishop slapping each candidate on the face as they were being confirmed.  This practice must have stopped some time before I received the sacrament.

Ok, I will say that it will be an honor to be a part of Joshua’s Confirmation day.

Not So Evil… YET!

So… we are now in week two of rehearsals.  Last night was exceptionally fun.  We had our first injury and it wasn’t even stage related.  It seems that our director had a bit of a spill earlier in the day and had a humongous gash on his forehead.  Someone made the crack that he should have dialed 9-1-1 and he could have answered his own call.

We rehearsed a few of Mr. Potter’s scenes and while I tried my best to be good and evil, I was having a bit of difficulty.  For one thing, I kept hearing someone humming the “Imperial March” (or Darth Vader’s theme) from The Empire Strikes Back.  No goon to lead me in so I improvised which did not help matters at all.  So, while fun, I don’t think we got a great deal accomplished.

After rehearsal, I went home and watched my new rental, the second X-Files big screen extravaganza entitled, I Want to Believe. It was definitely the uncut director’s edition because there were a few rather gruesome scenes that would have NEVER made it to movie screens rather long the television series.  But, being a fan of Agents Mulder and Scully, I enjoyed it.

So What Happens AFTER You Push The Button

That is when the enthralling if not totally preposterous events begin to unfold in The Box.  A likable couple with a young son are approached by a creepy looking man with a device that contains a button that button that when pushed rewards the pusher one million dollars (tax-free).  The price: the death of a person whom you do not know.  It could be an innocent new born infant or a murderer on death row.  Arthur (James Marsden) and Norma (Cameron Diaz) Lewis certainly could use the million but are they willing to have “blood on their hands” after the button is pressed?  I think the movie would have been rather dull if they sat around discussing the moral conundrum and if they had simply refused it would have been a twenty minute show.

I’m sure I have read a short story or two in which this scenario is played out but this movie puts a whole new spin on the consequences.  What is purpose behind the box?  Who exactly is the mysterious man named Arlington Steward (played deliciously by the creepy Frank Langella)?  That’s as far as I go.  I do think the reason I liked it is the fact that it was so Twilight Zone-ish and was not for one moment boring.

This was a reunion of sorts for Langella and Marsden.  Langella played Perry While and Marsden played Richard White in Superman Returns.

Day Planning

A Saturday off with nothing scheduled?! What am I to do? Nice to have one off every other week, but then I go crazy coming up with fun things to do. Well… I volunteered myself to help in the reorganizing of the Huber costume room so we can begin blocking scenes while we await the usage of the grand stage. What’s this you say? A costume room large enough to rehearse in? Sounded unbelievable to me, too until last winter when I saw for myself while looking for costume pieces for Grandpa Prophater. I had grown accustomed to a small, cramped closet full of things that by a show’s end is always in need of an overhaul. Well… maybe once that $5 million complex is built…

Of course, there is the OSU/Penn State game today at Happy Valley at 3.30.  With 2 weeks to go until THE GAME at the so-called Big House.  My Saturday off better not be screwed up.  the Bucks are 7-2 (4-1 in the Big 10)  A rematch of last year’s conference co-champs and they are neck and neck for second place in the Big 10 behind Iowa.

Later tonight, I am filling in as song leader at mass. There really are so many there that each person only does one mass every month or so. I will be singing one of my favorites: “Prayer of St. Francis” (Make me a channel (instrument) of your peace/ Where there is hated, let me bring your love, etc).

Plus, it sounds like it i going to be a beautiful day with sun and near 60 degrees.  Not bad for November 7.


Man, I wonder what time those people got in line to ride the double decker tour buses (remember those well) along the parade route… 37,000 people attempted to get tickets… so many that the server was shut down.  The first ticker tape parade for the Yanks since 2000!  I bet it is even more exciting in person… nothing like an NYC ticker tape parade.  Bombers greats past and present riding through the Canyon of Heroes to City Hall:  Yogi and Mr. October joining new heroes Nick Swisher, C.C.,  Mark Teixiera among others!  I see “snow” on the ground and it’s only November 6th.  Bring on the Fab Four… those who have been THHE HEART AND SOUL OF THE TEAM since 1996!  Every time I am the Big Apple, I get a chill but I cannot imagine what the millions of fans lining Broadway are feeling right now.

Even Captain Jeter said that he had forgotten what it felt like after nine years.  There’s a worker shoveling the snow.  INDEED WHAT A WAY TO CHRISTEN THE NEW HOUSE! Derek Jeter… what a class act!  Attitude, charisma, performance all rolled into one.  Wonder if Molly got to meet him along with the Boss a few years ago when his health was better.  And there he goes… on his float along with Jorge Posada.  An 18 month old heart transplant recipient named Jeter received a special gift from the superstar.

Even NY Governor Paterson… a confirmed Mets fan… is celebrating.

MO!  The greatest and most feared saver in Major League Baseball!

And the clincher… Andy Pettitte (name spelled correctly).  Winner of the clinching game of the ALDS against the Twins, the ALCS against the Angels, and Game Six against the Angels!

Ok… that’s a wrap!  Thank you fellow tangenteers for allowing me and putting up with my adoration!  I know you all have your own favorites and I fully expect you to do the same WHEN the time arrives.


WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP NUMBER 27!!!!!!! I TOLD YOU YANKEES IN SIX!!!!! FIRST TIME SINCE 2000 (yes, I know some have never or have not had the feeling for many years).  Last night, I saw a picture of a past World Series ring on a friends Facebook profile that positively made me drool.  Apparently Molly has a connection in the offices of the NEW YORK YANKEES!  She was allowed to wear the ring for a day!  Tonight’s hero… Hideki Matsui…Godzilla himself.  Nearly became the first player in history to hit for the cycle in World Series play.  A two run home run, a two run single, a double… just missing the triple.  The most uttered phrase in sport’s history… “The Yankees are world champions!”

Ol’ Blue Eyes is singin now!

MVP….. HIDEKI MATSUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fans in Japan are celebrating at 1.07PM.  6 of the seven RBIs! Not too bad for a DHer whose contracts expires this year and is questionable?

I was even at work through the first three innings with my cell phone giving updates!

Winning pitcher… Andy Pettite!

Game 5 was a fluke… just getting it back to NYC… and deservedly so to christen the new cathedral right!

Great series… great games… great season!  Ok… maybe this will be the end of my Yankee’s posts for the next 5-6 months.

And the OTHER fab four: Pettite, Mariano RIVERA… BIG MO, Jorge Posada, AAAAAND CAPTAIN JETER!!!!!! OK… SO MAYBE THE PARADE ON FRIDAY!!! No thanks to the brilliant (HA!!!) COMMENTARY OF JOE SCHMO BUCK!

So… until spring training begins….. THE YANKEES WIN!  THAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YANKEES WIN!