Raindrops On Ceilings And Wrinkles On Grandpa

Amidst the pounding rain on the ceiling of the Huber, the cast gave another fine performance of Meet Me in St. Louis.  This time, I had a larger fan base in attendance.  Family and very great friends (two of which I had no idea were coming) were there.  Backstage, some cast members were curious whether the weather would play havoc on the sound, but from audience reaction, it must not have.  A funny thing happened during the entre’acte (big French work…the music played prior to the opening of Act 2), the keyboard seemed to be accompanied by a back beat or a metronome, but it was a very curious sound.

Following the performance, I was greeted by most of my fan base.  I saw my niece and nephew who came with their mother.  Then Sharon congratulated me (I DID NOT KNOW THAT SHE AND AL WERE COMING!!! WHAT A SURPRISE)  Chris and Lisa were all proud as always.  C even commented on my dancing ability.  I dunno… I must just make it LOOK good, right?!

Before the show started, one of the Village Players asked if I had been fully stolen from the WCCT. I told her “Not on your life.”  I told her that I am planning on trying out for WCCT’s production of Little Shop of Horrors in October (but never say never about trying out for future shows… I love the Huber stage!!!). “Katie” was very interested in trying out for it, as well.  “Lon” also voiced an interest in auditioning as well.  So, it seems that we might actually have more some more theatre crossing going on which can only mean good things for everyone.  Chris even voiced an interest in auditioning for shows with the Village Players (hopefully, his busy schedule will allow that to happen).

It seems that I need to have a class in theatre etiquette for some of the other members of my group.  I totally understand that the hour was late and we have the time change tonight so I will forgive this once, but remember IF YOU REALLY ENJOY A PERFORMANCE,  the thing to do is to congratulate those in the cast before walking out the door.  Otherwise, the cast member(s) who thought you were supposed to be in the audience might think you did not come at all.  But thanks all the same for coming and feel free to comment on the performance.  😀

Another Century Post


Ice Cream, Cotton Candy, Lions, And Trolleys

Tonight was opening night for Meet Me in St. Louis (Louis) and it went remarkably well from the stage, anyway.  The director presented us each with a carnation and told us that we were the best cast she has ever had (and she has been involved with the theatre since 1974).  Prior to the show, she gave a short speech on the historical significance of not only the show but also the Huber theatre itself.

But for anyone who has never had the opportunity to be inside the Huber, you owe it to yourself to visit it.  It is really amazing and has a large history to it… some good… some best left forgotten, but all part of history.  I vaguely remember when the building was known as Tremors and eventually fell into ill repute until a group went in and cleaned it up.  It really is a gorgeous site in which to see a show and even better, to perform.

During intermission, refreshments were sold.  These were also a nice addition to the historical effect.  Ice cream cones and cotton candy were both introduced at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair.  The break lasted a bit longer than the typical 15 minutes.  The ice cream was still hard and people were standing outside the building to get some.  Carol, bless her heart, jumped in to help scoop ice cream.

During curtain call, I watched John Truitt, who stood to my right, to bow.  Unfortunately, he was bowing all over the place at the wrong time.  Finally, I just watched the center of the line for our mass bow.  A wonderful show with a very responsive audience.

Following the performance, I went out to greet the public.  Megan actually got me a totally unnecessary gift.  Just her and Carol’s presence in the audience was the only present I needed.  There were a few other audience members I knew and had to chat with, lots of cool compliments for Grandpa.  I even considered going out to McDonalds across the street in full dress and makeup, but decided against it.

This weekend seems to be jam-packed with theatrical productions.  We have Meet Me in St. Louis at one theatre.  Lion in Winter at another (hope it went well, j. You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown being presented at a nearby high school as well as a high school production of Les Miserables.  Lots of good stuff happening if only I had time to see it all.

Adrenaline Overload

WOW… here it is 2AM wee hours of opening night and I cannot sleep.  Really, the last time this happened was opening morning of my favorite show and I got even less sleep for obvious reasons.. chief among them being I had to be up SUPER early to be on television promoting that show.  Plus, I had a good excuse then … I was used to being up at those crazy hours since I worked 3rd shift at the time.

Now, as Diamonds are Forever is nearing the end, maybe I will be able to just lay back and close my eyes… oops there is a yawn… maybe sleep is on the way.  Better to crash now than on stage tonight, eh?  But it’s so much fun to feel this rush.  Theatre is MY anti-drug.  And there goes the Bomb Surprise between the legs of Mr. Wynt and over the side of the cruise ship he goes.   And James Bond will return in Live and Let Die and I will sign off and let the adrenaline rush wear off.


After Tuesday nights ever predictable rehearsal from heck, the cast, crew, and orchestra really pulled together tonight.  Tuesday’s rehearsal was predictably bad because I have yet to be in ANY show in which opening week was not full of pitfalls.  I actually would be very surprised if I ever in one that ran flawlessly… I would have to walk out and come back into the theatre.

The entire evening was magical.  You would have thought we had a paying audience.  This was the first time that Grandpa got to be in makeup.  The director’s major comment after the run is that I needed more age lines.  OK, I will inform the makeup mistress of this tomorrow night.  I DO NOT do my own makeup.  Although a certain female within my home theatre scares me sometimes when she carries around a mascara applicator.  Honestly, look into my eyes and tell me that my lashes need extended.

One thing that was mentioned in early rehearsals.  Meet Me in St. Louis actually has a basis in fact.  Sally Benson,whose nickname was Tootie, wrote about her childhood experiences in St. Louis and attending the 1904 World’s Fair.  The house that her family lived in on Kensington was demolished in 1996 as it had fallen into disrepair.  That is all that I know that is historically accurate.  Like The Sound of Music, The King and I, Titanic, and any other historical musicals or plays like Lion in Winter, I am sure there are many tidbits added for dramatic purposes.  But what a treat.  Total run time… we started at 8 and got done juuuuust after 10.  I think the 15 minute intermission went a bit long.  We did get to indulge in some chocolate cake following the rehearsal.  If you happen to be coming, the doors will open at 7.10 Friday and Saturday nights and I would say 1.50 Sunday afternoon.  To The Cast… BREAK A LEG.  To those attending… ENJOY!

I Love You To Watch A Fast Race To Witch Mountain Knowing Monsters Vs. Aliens With Hannah Montana, Man

Entertainment Weekly has published a list of no less than 17 movies that are to hit multiplexes beginning this weekend.  There are some that look like must sees, some that can wait for DVD viewing, and others… you get the point.  Opening Friday is the apparently long-awaited film based on a graphic novel from the 1980’s, Watchmen.  Until the hype of the movie began, I had never heard of the comic book heroes but the movie looks amazing.

I recently saw a spot on the television for Nicolas Cage’s new movie, Knowing, that seems to be joining the latest trend in Hollywood: the number theory thriller.  This, too looks like it would be worth a viewing.

Growing up in the mid-70s, I was a fan of the Disney live-action Witch Mountain movies (there was a less than memorable remake in the 90s as well as a failed weekly series)  Instead of a total remake, a re-imagining of the franchise is coming: Race to Witch Mountain.

Moving down the list is the ridiculous looking Dragonball movie.  Is this based on a video game or one of those card collecting games that I never got into like Pokemon.

In the category of senseless sequel/reboots comes the newest installment of Fast and the Furious.  I lost count of the number after the first sequel.  It looks like the producers of the franchise are going back to the drawing board and bringing back the stars of the original movie whoever they are.  But the title is perhaps the most brilliant thing about it:  The Fast and the Furious.  WAIT A MINUTE… Haven’t they done that before?!  Get my drift.

There is at least on screwball comedy coming.  Sunday night, I endured the trailer for I Love You Man.  Is there a male counterpart to a “chick flick?”  Apparently, this movie, centering on a newly engaged man’s search for a male BFF, attempts to fill that bill.  The preview did not endear itself to me.

The tween set has not been left out, either.  Miley Cyrus is taking her phenomenally popular character Hannah Montana to the big screen in a plot-driven movie.  Did she not have a big-screen concert extravaganza a few years ago a la the recent Jonas Brothers foray to the cinema?

FINALLY, the movie that is on the top of my must see list for the spring: Monsters v. Aliens.  After watching the 3D preview on Super Bowl Sunday,  I said OOOOOHHHH!!! Looks really fun!

Two To Go

Dress rehearsal #1! Typical. Still bugs, cast members losing their voice (Daughter Anna needs to gargle), technical difficulties, and other mishaps. Anyone involved in community theatre surely has any number of dress rehearsal nightmares. Happily, I have encountered worse so I knew exactly what to expect. One of the big problems tonight was the sound crew. Apparently, their script was not marked well with cues and such so large spaces in which nothing was heard by the actors on stage. However, IF we had done a full run through yesterday… but that is hindsight and we can only look forward. Lots of improvement continues and lots of positives from the director who actually wants MORE from Grandpa. In fact, some of the cast has mentioned that there has been a bit of typecasting in the role. I cannot understand that AT ALL! More to come.

Drop Hangars And Other Uninvited Guests

Today was a rather hectic, busy, but ultimately rewarding day.  The Sunday before the opening of any show I have ever been in (no matter the venue) is known as Tech Sunday (or as I like to refer it… Hell Sunday).  This day was much different than ones I am used to.  Today involved trying on the rented costumes which we just acquired… I am happy to report that my costume fits nicely.  After trying on the costume, I helped hang three drops that will be flown from the rafters of the Huber.  FINALLY, the tech rehearsal began.  Microphones tried for the first time… some successfully, others… well, we were promised that they would be worked on.  Good to know!!!  the rehearsal was much more for the lights and sound cues as we just rushed through lines, songs, everything.  I have every confidence that the dress rehearsals will go magnificently beginning tomorrow… The best of times; the worst of times.

I am happy to say that my ticket count continues to grow.  Today, I had to pick up two for opening night.  For Saturday night, I have already purchased 4 and tomorrow I have been asked to pick up 4 more.  Glad to know that I am contributing to the audience count.

After rehearsal, I needed to get the tickets to Megan and Carol.  Megan and I decided to make the final showing of The Uninvited.  A very suspenseful movie that I will not dwell upon since taylhis has already done so.  I, too would find it hard to post a full review as there is just so much good stuff packed into the 90 minutes that it would be hard not to give anything away.  Excellent movie.  But I am pleased to say that we both enjoyed all the twists and turns and even were getting to the point of overanalysis while eating at Pizza Hut which I can now tell I will be paying for.

Buy Movie Tickets Online Now!

Doling Out Some Justice With A Little BAM!

The next time a group of would be house robbers decide to go looting someone’s home, they will think twice when reading about Ellen Basinski of the suburban Cleveland community of Elyria, Ohio. Mrs. Basinski was on the phone with her husband, Judge David Basinski, when a group of four young men entered her home and started by emptying the contents of her purse. Mrs. Basinski sprang into overdrive and grabbed her Emeril Lagasse saucepan and whacked one of the the boys with it. Hilariously, the perpetrator stared in stunned disbelief and asked, “What did you do that for?’ The 70 year-old whacked him again. You can read the full details of the not so frail woman by following the link.  By the way, the chef has personally guaranteed Mrs. Basinski that he would replace the saucepan and probably cook her a special meal besides.

Web-Swinging On Broadway?

If I recall, I posted on the POSSIBILITY of the world’s favorite web-slinging superhero making his Broadway debut. The creative genius behind The Lion King’s transformation from screen to stage is teaming with the creative genius of U2 to bring us Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark. I’m sorry, but this seems destined for failure. Julie Taymor took a well established Disney animated feature and brilliantly brought it to the stage. Bono and the Edge have had multiple hits for probably 2 decades. I know that the Last Son of Krypton made the leap to Broadway in the 60s in It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s Superman but I’m just not sure that I would want a return to pure camp which I see this ending up becoming. If not, I will happily beg for a retraction. But for now, I’m not feeling greatly optimistic about this one.