“God Only Knows Who Will Hit The Last One”

Quote made by George Herman “Babe” Ruth As of now, Jose Molina holds the distinction of having hit the final home run at Yankee Stadium. Opening day April 18, 1923 The Babe hit the first home run: a three run shot that helped the pinstripes defeat the Boston Red Sox 4-1. Since then, the Yankees have won 26 World Championship titles and 39 American League Pennants. Love them or despise them the legacy left at the stadium will leave an indelible mark long after the last brick is hauled away and the new stadium is opened mere feet away.

Not only has Yankee Stadium been home to the Bronx Bombers, there have been multiple other events staged at the cathedral. 4 popes have said mass. Boxing matches have been held. The New York Giants played their home games from 1956-1973. Multiple movies have been filmed there (Die Hard with a Vengeance, Big, Anger Management, and of course The Pride Of the Yankees to name a few). George Costanza worked there as the “Assistant to the Traveling Secretary.” Billy Joel, Pink Floyd, and Simon and Garfunkel have all performed concerts at the venue.

My earliest memories of the stadium were during the 1977 World Series and Game Six of the series when “Mr. October” himself hit three home runs. Only 4 years old, but yes, I do remember watching it on television with Howard Cosell’s luminous tones broadcasting. I also do remember the Reggie Bar. Of course, I was raised on stories of the Greats: DiMaggio, Mantle, Whitey Ford, Yogi, and more.

So, although the Bombers will not be present in the post season for the first time in (I believe) 12 seasons, the cathedral was closed tonight in style.

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Final score: Yankees 7, Orioles 3. Andy Pettite gets the win and Jose Molina indeed hit the last dinger. Ironically, a Yankee pitcher hit the first and a catcher hit the final homer. Now… GO CUBBIES!


Ok… today (all right, yesterday) was the second annual Theatre Softball Game/Picnic. When I arrived, I saw people decorating the pavilion where we were to meet decorating for a birthday party. Unfortunately, the sheet that claimed our group’s rental had fallen off. However after the offer was made to share the space, the birthday revelers graciously set up at another nearby location.

So after the large contingent of theatre regulars and new recruits ate, the time had come to do battle on the softball diamond. The teams were chosen and the game commenced. I again amazed myself by getting on base 4 out of 6 times. the first at bat being a strike out. Happily, I hit a triple but almost caught up with the runner in front of me; I kept shouting… “GO, C____, GO!” The fielding however, not so good. Although, I was instrumental in turning a double play at first base. I kept offering to let someone else take the position, but… However, after 7 innings of play, my team had 19 runs to our opponents 18. Not too bad for a group of thespians out having a day of fun. Yes, I WOULD say that had my team lost. I did see the tell-tale sign of the buzzards circling our territory as they did last year looking for any fresh meat that happened their way.

The festivities continued at the wonderful home of some of the best people anyone could ever have the great pleasure of knowing. We watched the 1994 Kevin Spacey starring film Swimming with Sharks. For anyone who has ever wanted to get into the film industry, this is DEFINITELY THE MOVIE FOR YOU. A very dark, but hilarious tale about a little guy getting revenge.  The movie tells the story of a young man who hopes to break into the business who has the boss from hell (played marvelously by Mr. Spacey). The young assistant grows so tired of his demanding, overbearing, rude, obnoxious boss that he kidnaps him and well… you just have to see for yourself. Also in the cast is Michelle Forbes who appeared as Ensign Ro Laren on Star Trek The Next Generation.

The evening ended long after most everyone else had left. Three of us were trying to convince our fourth wonderful friend to join us for a few days in Florida next month. She promised that she would consider it (look at her syllabi, try to get off work for 4 days, etc). Honestly, we were not trying to force her to join us; we just thought it would be so great to have her come along. But, she promised to let us know soon.

So, yet another fun day with great friends.

The Stars of High School Musical 10

Before High School Musical 3 comes to the big screen on October 24, why not take a gander at the movie that inspired the whole thing. Grease began as an homage to the teenage greasers and bobby soxers of the 1950s. It started in 1971 at the Kingston Mines Theatre in Old Town Chicago and quickly found its way to the Great White Way. From there it made the transformation to the big-screen in 1978. Since then it has been revived in high schools, community theatres (yes, WCCT had its own interesting production). Broadway audiences have seen two revivals of which one is currently playing. Stars of television and movies have played the roles. Brooke Shields, Maureen McCormick (Marcia, Marcia, Marcia), and Rosie O’Donnell have all played Rizzo. ’80s teen idol Debbie (or is it Deborah) Gibson and Olivia Newton-John (of course) have all played Sandy. Richard Gere, Patrick Swayze, and John Travolta all slicked their hair back to play Danny.

Now… comes the latest group to step into the roles. This video may even make Zac Efron and the rest of the cast of High School Musical take a second look


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Quotable Quotations (good Scrabble Words)

Ok… so this past week has not be fraught with hilarity… some fun, but a lot of downness (I KNOW a word that is not ), So, to cheer things up, I found a list of 24 quotable quotes from television… not from movies now. I’ll start off and let’s see how many we can come up with:

Ok… that’s five. come on all you shy people keep the ball rolling. Remember only television quotes for this one.  Sounds almost as fun as a rousing game of Shoes and Socks or “I’m Going on a Trip.”

She Had The Final Word

For anyone who knew Emily Curtis well has at times encountered her fierce, stubborn determination get get things done HER WAY!!! Every band show, choir song, organ piece, musical scene everything down to the minutest detail had to meet with her demands.  She was the teacher that you either loved or hated but always respected.  Her devotion to family, country, students, everyone she touched was stronger than most; very few could match her will and strength.  This profound quality  showed in true fashion in the  memorial service that she orchestrated herself.

The prelude music was traditional Ma.  From the religious to the patriotic to musical theatre to CHRISTMAS? was all there.  You heard correctly… Christmas.  The woman had Christmas trees in every room of her house every year… yes, even the bathroom.  “Silent Night” closed every holiday concert she ever directed.  The choir (be it high school, junior high, or elementary) stood in the darkened  auditorium  with lighted candles and sang  all three verses  alternating from English  lyrics to the traditional German.  I also heard “O, Holy Night.”

The Broadway pieces also were typical.  “You’ll Never Walk Alone” from Carousel would fit most funerals and is a regular piece in many church hymnals.  I also heard “Edelweiss” from The Sound of Music which was the last lyric that Oscar Hammerstein II wrote. I was half expecting to hear the guitar opening the overture of Jesus Christ Superstar, but must have come in late.

On to the service itself.  I’m sure that Emily chose each reading herself.  However, the point that drove the whole thing home was Amanda’s “Time of Remembrance.”  Her mother asked her to deliver it.. they did everything together.  At the end of her delivery, Amanda took out a micro-cassette player and pushed “Play.”  then, Emily’s voice filled the  church  as she  told of her love of family,  country, and large support group.  She ever joked about her need to have the final word.  She never gave up her battle with leukemia.  The doctors and nurses at the James Center on the OSU campus were all amazed at her fortitude.  They dubbed her either “princess” or “general.”  They knew her well, too.  Unfortunately, the disease finally defeated her.

The music played during the service was also quite unusual for most… but not for Ma’s.  A violinist played “Carmen Ohio” (the Ohio State alma mater).  Although she was a graduate of Miami University of Ohio, Emily was a traditional Buckeye… she bled Scarlet and Grey.

Following the internment service, a large number of people returned to the church to celebrate and remember  Emily.  Teachers… remarkably who found subs for the day (probably 15 total), family, friends shared some personal memories.  My mother told me that we had until 1.45 because she had to get back to drive the school bus.  I can honestly say that I am a stronger person because my life has been touched by Emily and her typical lunch of fat-free pringles or honey mustard pretzels and her can of Diet Coke (I would not want to be around her if she did not have her can of Diet Coke).  So many great, profound, life-affirming memories that will last forever.  THANK YOU MA, I LOVE YOU…SON2.

The End Of A New Adventure

Yesterday was the final production of WCCT’s run of the hilarious play, The Nerd. The play itself is one of my favorite goofball comedies and our interpretation of it was met with great audiences and huge responses (although there was the one performance, but you go on). The final performance began with a few cast members getting antsy at the delay of the title actor’s arrival. The gentleman playing Axel approached and asked “Have you seen Chris? I can’t be both parts!” I had a very sneaky suspicion.

At 2.20 (ten minutes before curtain), taylhis approached the theatre pushing the stroller along with Christopher. My suspicion was confirmed. He was indeed watching the Bears play. Right behind me came Producer justj who informed me that it was MY responsibility as stage manager to go get him. I was already on my way. However, I was soon being trailed by said producer. Two heads are better than one?

When we arrived at the house (thankfully, it was mere yards from the theatre), our friend was engrossed in the final seconds of the first half. “Let me see if Hester returns this kick!” Ok… Mission accomplished just as the director was opening the show with her personal rendition of Cyndi Lauper‘s ’80s hit, “Time After Time.”

Following the curtain fall, clean-up began and photos were taken and presents were exchanged. My favorite memento was the card I received from my friend.

Final thoughts on my first stage management. I had a great time working with the cast and my crew. It was definitely a challenge and I know that I could NOT have done it alone… THANKS Carol. However, I AM MUCH MORE of an onstage performer. However, if the need presents itself and I am not engaged as an actor I could be persuaded to assume the role again. Thanks again one and all… cast, director, crew, friends old and new, groupies (OOOPS, they are friends), and of course Alex.

Spread Your Wings And Soar

Boy, I am just now beginning to see that this blog can be therapeutic as well as entertaining. These past few days have been really tough but I am finding that with the support of some of the “bestest” friends I have ever had, grieving and remembering one of the best people I have ever known is bearable. I know that I will repeat myself so bear with me. I have already told you that Emily Curtis was much, much more than a music teacher to me. The last few years of her life, she gave up at least one of her lunch periods a week TO ME. I would go to school for a voice lesson on Tuesday mornings. Sometimes we would use them for other things as well. Upon arrival, I would always ask how Amanda and Jonathan were doing. Being the proud mother she is, Emily would boast about their latest accomplishments. On one occasion, she told how she and her daughter had just gone to see Jekyll and Hyde (WITHOUT ME!!! 😀 ). While Jonathan was at West Point, they would travel to NYC to see shows at least twice a year. One of my lessons was mere hours after Jonathan was sent to Iraq. I asked her if she wanted me to come that morning. She told me that she needed ME more that day than I needed her; just to hear me sing? I even called her at 10pm on a school night to tell her that auditions for an area production of Joseph… was in two days. “Get your butt (ok…maybe not that word, but, I like to keep this a family site) over here TOMORROW!!!”

The last show of mine that she came to see was The Odd Couple. Following the Sunday matinee, my crowd of admirers gathered at the Dairy Queen across town. When I entered the restaurant, a group of at least 10 rose to their feet and applauded all led by Emily. It was then that she again reminded me that I should not limit myself to musical theatre alone but to “spread my wings and soar” and to “not hide my light under a bushel basket”. Definitely, one of my staunchest supporters and biggest fans.

In The Arms Of The Angels

Gloomy days always get me down (unless there is a great thunderstorm raging outside… I LOVE a good thunderboomer). However, today is a not such good day. Today, on the 7th anniversary that she began her great Troop Care Package campaign, Emily Curtis (Ma 2) passed away. It just amazed me how much she and one other lady from a very small town in our little corner of the country could spear-head such a massive undertaking; not at all surprised but just amazed. Right after the tragedy of 9/11/01, Emily began getting the word to everyone to start saving necessities to be shipped overseas to Iraq, and other places where troops were stationed. Drop off locations were set up at churches, schools, KMart (yes… my former place of employment did not allow a barrel to be placed in their vestibule). She traveled around the state as far south as Cincinnati. In chatting with Emily about the campaign, she said that some people went beyond the toilet paper, toothpaste, tube socks, etc and donated things like game boys, DVDs, phone cards, and other nonessentials. including 250 huge bags of DumDum Pops. The soldiers were so grateful to the program that letters have been sent by hundreds of the troops in gratitude. Emily even went to a hospital in Germany to see first-hand the wounded who arrived there from battle. You can read about her week-long Germany experiences here. 4 TONS of items have been shipped over. Now Operation Support Our Troops has a real angel watching over them. It may not be the most popular area for U.S. involvement, but Emily has always been a strong supporter of our military (her son is a West Point graduate). Just talking about all the wonderful things she has done helps immensely. My heartfelt prayers and love go out to Paul, Amanda, Jonathan, and the entire family.

A Bunch Of Carny Folk

Last night, I received an email to meet a bunch of friends at the county fair this afternoon. Since I got off work at 4, I just made it to the fairgrounds by the 4.30 meeting time. None of the other people who were invited were able to attend (or just were “too good” for the rest of us…KIDDING). It has been a few years since I have been to the fair. I believe the last time I went was about 4-5 years ago when I was asked to go on the bus for the county high school band show. We never made it. By the time the bus arrived, it was pouring rain and the show was canceled.

I am pleased to say that this evening was great fun with great friends. With rides and attractions provided by Poor Jack Attractions. We came to the conclusion that it is called Poor Jack not because the proprietor is a poor man named Jack, but because Jack is laughing at all the poor folks spending their money.

I am constantly amazed at the daredevil Sammie. She will go on ANYTHING… or at least try. There was one ride that she could not get on because she was not tall enough. But she and her two sisters were just a ball. Even when they had their moments. But with three siblings of my own I well remember having moments of our own.

After depleting our supply of tickets riding the “ocrapus” (is that it?), bumper cars, Goose rode her favorite (Tilt-A-Whirl), among other rides, we spent an absurd amount of money on carny food that was deep-fried, fattening, and delicious. We then played one game. However, I REFUSE to play a game in which you could not understand what the barker is saying. I did treat myself to a chocolate milkshake at the dairystand (a must at the fair). Hopefully, a precursor to the fun I will be having on a trip next month. I did take exception to one thing: Why was it that the bumper car operator told the other riders to gang up ON ME?!

A Break From The Chaos

Well…. not really chaos (unless you include Thor…. just kidding, but I was never 8-years-old). Opening weekend of The Nerd went very well. There were huge laughs, audiences for each of the three shows (although today’s performance was questionable… at 5pm Saturday, there were only 6-7 reservations of which 4 were my family members). The only major thing that I encountered was the absence of real deviled eggs.. sorry Carol.) Also to Chris for the absence… I would find it difficult to eat a hard-boiled egg and have that dry texture in my mouth. And the pop will be waiting for you at intermission from Thursday night onward (put it in my script: POP @ INTERMISSION 4 CHRIS!!!)

Let’s see… Saturday night the cast was to have an 80’s Night Party at the lounge across from the theatre. After about 10 minutes inside, a group of us decided to be a bunch of “godless party poopers” and held our own gathering elsewhere. The highlight of the party had to be the The Wonderful World of Disney Trivia in which 2 of the competitors knew more about the world of Disney than I and our ever so gracious hosts formed a team (thinking that two heads are better than one).  But all in all a truly successful opening… coming from someone who sees absolutely nothing of what is happening on stage.