Work today just draggggged by, especially when 3.00 hit and I was still waiting to leave. I asked for some dollar bills to fill my drawer with thinking that would send a clue. I received by 50 singles and paid for them and still I waited. Finally, at 3.15 I had no line and I went to the time clock punched out and said “adios, places to go, people to see.” Oh, they were sorry.

I arrived at C & L’s house at 3.27 (by my reckoning, anyway). They asked me where I would like to go. Honestly, I hate deciding things like that. We ended up going to the mexican place by Wal-Mart which was actually great by me because it has been a while since I was there. After dinner, C had a meeting to go to so L and I went to see Hancock which I found to be entertaining and very different from the typical superhero fare. I really liked the premise but we both agreed that the twist was somewhat hokey, but still entertaining. It only increased my appetite for The Dark Knight.

After the movie, we went back to the house and awaited the results of the meeting which we all agreed was favorable. The theatre season for 2009-2010 was approved as presented. Little Shop of Horrors is in and Jesus Christ Superstar appears to be a go along with the rest. Those are just two of the shows I was really hoping for (the fact that they are musicals is beside the point).

Before leaving the home of my dear, dear friends, I was given money to revisit the ice cream shop. If I had taken it and not gone, it would have been stealing. So, I went and endulged in a cake batter ice cream cone. I guess you could say I had ice cream and cake in one. All this on the night before L is to go to the hospital to be induced for her fourth child and first boy. YOU TWO ARE THE GREATEST!!! My birthday celebration will continue in my next blog.

A Nice Warm Apple Pie

Today being that day that someone ages a year older (not necessarily wiser), I got several emails wishing me a happy birthday… one from an area radio station informing me to listen at 6.50 AM for my name. I also knew that our local station has a birthday quiz at 6.45. I set my alarm a little earlier than usual (I could always go back to sleep). The question posed: “Who played the role of Kevin in the American Pie films?” I knew that it was not Jason Biggs who played the lead, Jim. I must admit that I had enough time to go to imdb to find the answer. After learning that Thomas Ian Nicholas played the part in the original trilogy of films, I rolled over, dialed the phone number, and rather groggily gave the answer. Apparently, Courtney understood me enough since I won a certificate to one of our local coffee shops (I believe there are two).

I will not comment on American Pie, but on another film that Mr. Nicholas was the adolescent star of. In Rookie of the Year, Thomas starred as Henry, a young kid who has a little league accident that gives him the world’s greatest pitching arm. Who should discover him but the lackluster Chicago Cubs (this was 1993… not the phenomenal team of today) baseball team. Cliches abound but the movie is fun to watch for the whole family (if memory serves). John Candy was in the press box. Was Harry still with us or could he not be persuaded to step in front of the screen? If Bob Ueker could do it, why not?

So, a nice birthday present. Hopefully, I have other equally memorable events to post about later.


Tonight was the final night of auditions for The Nerd. I thought they went relatively well had a few more readers there (one other female reader, two more male, and a precocious 9-year-old who stole my part). Then we had the master of inner voices take a stab at reading. I found myself laughing at his antics as I so often do. There were a few sure casting reveals tonight from default. My nephew, Alex, will be Thor for at least half the performances. Clelia will be played by a young woman who I worked with during Little Women who has commitments during a few of the performances working with the local radio station during county fair week. The rest of us have to sit and wait until tomorrow

Following the auditions, Alex and I went and watched the city band perform on the square. Within 15 minutes, he was getting antsy (he was getting antsy after auditions were over wanting to go home… SHEESH). As a reward for waiting, I told him I would take him for ice cream at an awesome stand that sells the best soft-serve homemade. Unfortunately, all I had was enough to get what HE wanted… a medium vanilla shake… how original.

Back to auditions… IF I GET A PART, I would really rather not get the role of Tocky (or is it Ticky). It seems that Thor insisted on practicing his foot stomp on my foot while we were watching the band concert. After an hour of listening to selections ranging from a medley of Duke Ellington to “Selections from Flower Drum Song” and “The King and I ,” I was getting a little tired, too. I really wanted to wait and say hi to a friend who plays in the band but I thought that I would rather not face the growing ire of a 9 year-old.

Batgirl Lives

A hotel receptionist near Norwich, England recently received an unwelcome surprise while she was on the job:

Abbie Hawkins, a hotel receptionist, thought her mobile phone was ringing when she felt vibrations coming from her clothes.

But she later discovered the tiny creature tucked away in the padded pocket of her underwear.

As staff and colleagues crowded around, Miss Hawkins, 19, produced the frightened bat, which was the size of her hand.

She said: “Once I realised it was a bat I was shocked, but then I felt quite sorry for it really.

“It looked very snug in there and I thought how mean I was for disturbing it.”

Miss Hawkins said she got dressed at 7.30am and arrived for work at the Holiday Inn Norwich North, near Norwich International Airport without noticing anything unusual.

“When I was driving to work I felt a slight vibration but I thought it was just my mobile phone in my jacket pocket,” she said.

It was not until her lunch break, at midday when she felt a strange movement inside her bra, which had been hanging on her washing line the previous night.

“I plucked up the courage to investigate and I pulled out a little baby bat. I just lost my breath when I saw it and I did not know what it was at first,” she said.

The teenager’s general manager freed the bat in the hotel garden.

“I keep thinking how could I have not known it was there?” Miss Hawkins said. “I will certainly be checking my bras every morning from now on.”

Jaime Eastham, of the Bat Conservation Trust, said they had never heard of a bat being found in a bra before.

But she said the animals roost anywhere that appears dark and safe.

The only thing I can say is that I am happy for her that it did not decide to have a nibble (sorry). And why would she have thought that the vibration from her cell phone would cause her to think that it would cause her to adjust herself.

The Mighty Thor

(Sorry If I disappoint fans of the Marvel Comics’ character).  Tonight was another fun evening of auditions at the community theatre.  The Nerd came under my radar my sophomore year at BGSU.  I performed a scene as Rick Steadman in an acting class.  After reading my copy of the scene, I immediately searched out a copy of the full script (and not from the college library).  After reading the play, I was immediately enamored with the over-the-top character and said if ever I found a chance to audition for it, I would soooo be there.  I nailed the scene in school and was told in my comments from the instructor that if he ever needed a white Steve Urkel, he would look me up.  I guess that was a compliment.

At the audition, I saw some returning thespians and one or two newcomers (always nice to see).  On the audition form, I listed that I would like to try for Rick and Thor (an 8-13 year old brat).  I did get to read the part of the brat while kneeling.  I was told that if I could shrink about 3 feet, shave, and grow some hair on my head I would be considered.

When the time came to read for the title role, I attempted to fit in a few snorts where applicable, roll the eyes a bit, change my voice slightly so it had a bit of a “adenoidal” sound (which the stage directions call for) to it.  The first scene was the scene in which the cast is introduced to the nerd.  Hilarious.

The second bit was a solo part in which Rick makes himself comfortable in his  ‘Nam buddy’s apartment.  He unpacks  a music stand, book, and tambourine (of which none were provided) and proceeds to butcher “The Star Spangled Banner.” I made like I was banging the instrument at opportune moments on the sofa, my head, leg, etc. while doing my best to ruin our National Anthem.  A friend mentioned that I could be arrested for such a travesty.  I thought being booed ala Roseanne would be enough.  I hope that I was “over-the-top” enough to please the director.

Although some would balk at the opportunity to play a nerd, I relish the chance to bring Rick Steadman to life once again, this time for a paying audience.  Hopefully, a great friend (who I was actually surprised to see since he and his wife are expecting some day soon) will be cast with me.  Usually, he has been directing or directing and acting; but I really would like to be cast in a show where he does not wear so many hats.  But even if neither of us get a part, there is always the next show.  More auditions tomorrow night.  Then what a nice birthday present it would be if I get any part (similar to last year after I found out that I was cast as the standout character in a previous show… although some do say I stand out in whatever part I am given… dunno) 😀 .

Genius At Work

This evening I took a jaunt to our local community theatre for a combined play reading/production meeting.  I believe that the entire meeting lasted 45 minutes and in those 45 minutes all I recall accomplishing is finding out that work we have done for nearly 3 months has gotten us nowhere man.  In May, we were to submit by the end of June a proposal for the 2009-2010 season.  Fine, we do that;  HOWEVER, the board who was to vote on our proposal did not meet to vote on our proposal.  In fact, it sounded like one (maybe even two) of our proposals would be nixed.  One of the reasons presented for one of the shows to be axed is because an area high school may be doing it.  Why should this matter?  We are not a high school putting on an annual play.  I still hear people comment that they do not know of the existence of a live community theatre house even from those who live in the town.  High schools present shows to perform, mainly, for parents and grandparents (with some exceptions).  Community theatre attempts to perform for a broader audience: the theatre-loving audience… not just those people who come to see a show to see junior on stage.  It’s also nice when it can attract more non-traditional audience members.

My question is this: If we are to ax a show because a high school may be doing it in the same season, then are we to survey each school in the area to see if any of the shows are identical?  Who acquiesces and allows the other group to do the show?

Another issue was addressed on choosing directors for shows.  I was floored when I heard that another person wanted to direct a show that someone else was planning and ready to submit for approval.  How unfair?!  A person who was concentrating on independently bringing a show and then all of a sudden someone else wants to direct it?  This of course was one of the other possibly axed shows.  I just don’t know, but it sounds like we have a lot of geniuses at work here.

A Blunt Instrument

Casino Royale was the first Ian Fleming James Bond novel written back in 1953. Since then, the movie rights have been tied up in legal matters and just recently joined the ranks of the official Bond movie series. The 2006 movie was essentially a reboot of the franchise. It introduced a BLONDE Bond in Daniel Craig who I am having a hard time warming to. Hopefully with a new adventure arriving in November, he will grow on me. In any case, the lates movie opens in traditional fashion with a pre-credit sequence which illustrates Mr. Bond’s first two kills… thereby granting him his Double-O status. That is about as similar to most films in the series as it gets. This film is considerably darker but no less entertaining than the rest.

The plot of the movie concerns Bond and a female treasury agent (Vesper Lynde) on the trail of a weapons financier, Le Chiffre, who has a rather disturbing physical abnormality. Bond is entered into a literal life and death Texas Hold ‘Em tournament with the villain. The hope is to defeat Le Chiffre and force him to aid the British government in exchange for protection from his creditors.

I found the character of Bond to be quite interesting. He is not the seasoned super spy who has been out in the field thwarting the evil plans of countless bad guys. Instead, he is careless, untried, and has an enormous ego making M question her decision to promote him to 007. Along the way, Bond learns an important lesson in the espionage game both from experience and from the advice from his superior: “Trust no one.”

As usual, the action sequences are quite thrilling to watch. One of the most memorable scenes (in fact one taken directly from the novel) involves 007 being tortured by Le Chiffre in a way which would seem to decimate his manhood forever. In true form, Bond is able to make a quick though painful quip. Also like any good Bond film, is the double entendre and suggestive character name. Ms. Lynde’s cover identity is Miss Tiffany Broadchest.

Although dark in tone, Casino Royale does provide enough heart-pounding action to satisfy. I’m not entirely sure if this was a total reboot of the series. I hope we have not seen the end of original supporting characters like weapons master Q or flirtatious secretary Miss Moneypenny. Casino Royale ALMOST took itself too seriously.

Fireworks On The Fifth

…and not a very good thing. Yesterday at work, I noticed that the energy drinks in the cooler were starting to freeze. I informed the manager of this and she said she would check it out. This morning, I go in at 8AM and what to my wandering eyes should appear but a cooler with red slushie all over the bottom and glass door. Most of the drinks had frozen and burst all over. I was surprised that the glass door was in one piece. What made me think of fireworks? While I was cleaning out the cooler, I heard this popping sound that sounded like a firecracker exploding. I turned around and there was another can split open. Unfortunately, this happened the morning following a wax job on the floor. Sorry for whoever did that, but it did not look too bad after I cleaned up the mess and ran a mop over it. I was told that the cooler is fairly new (about 6 months old). I asked if there was not a temperature control on the case. There is but the problem happened before and the temperature gauge was adjusted to no avail. Can we say warranty issue? The maintenance guy who “fixed” the problem previously suggested turning off the case, letting it defrost, plug it back in, and keep an eye on it. Who wants to drink defrosted soda or energy drink? I enjoy a good slush as much as the next person but not so much cleaning slushie out of a cooler after it explodes? 🙁

The Lights Filled The Sky

Ok… so I am a few minutes late posting a 4th of July entry, but I had an absolutely wonderful end of my day. I started out by putting in a fun-filled 10 hour day at work. Somehow for the most part it went by relatively fast especially when we had those few major rushes when I had 4 people in my line with carts and needed to call for reinforcements. Finally, the shift ended and I got to rush home (not before I overheard a few opinionated people loudly complain that we were closed already). Clearly marked on the door that we would indeed be closing at 6PM and it was 6:05 when we stepped out.

I ran home, changed into some other more comfortable clothes and headed to the country home of some other theatre cronies where we congregated, had a cookout, and enjoyed watching the sky light up with some very cool fireworks. I missed our local display last weekend for some strange reason. They usually run them the SUNDAY before the hoilday. This year, they decided to have a two day celebration and had the fireworks on Saturday night. However, I think the display presented tonight was quite exceptional and rivaled some of the best I have seen produced in our local park. I think the only thing missing was some great accompaniment of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture with its thundering cannon or John Phillip Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever, Liberty Bell, Washington Post, or any other grand march  Maybe next year we can have the sound system hooked up.  But the chance to congregate with a large group of friends to celebrate our freedom, a birthday,  and the coming birth of a special guy was such a thrill.

The Great California Scam

My parents returned Tuesday afternoon from their 2 week vacation to the Golden Gate State. Some of their highlights included: visiting San Francisco, San Diego (no zoo), the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. It also included a nine hour car trip to Santa Rosa where they visited my mother’s cousin who owns and operates a winery (Lauterbach Cellars) along with her husband. I asked if they could not bring back some wine so I could share with friends… Probably not.

I would say that the most memorable tale concerned their “guided tour” of the walk of fame along Hollywood and Vine. My parents and my father’s sister were approached by a gentleman offering to give them a personal tour of the stars for a grand total of $50. Apparently, they thought this was a steal (read on). My aunt produced the fifty dollars. The gentleman informed them that he had to get something, said he would return, and left. I’m not sure how long the three of them waited but they came to realize that they had just been swindled. Surprisingly, they somehow managed to encounter the thief along the way (probably attempted to pull the same stunt on other unsuspecting tourists). However when they confronted the gentleman, he quickly denied ever seeing them. They really got “taken” on a tour.  However, the trio did walk the stars.

Their return flight arrived in Indianapolis Tuesday morning at 10 following a five-hour layover in Atlanta. Needless to say, they were both exhausted and went to bed exceptionally early.