Let’s go boys. Can we do it?

How dare you challenge me? 😉 You should blog about that.

No problem, Piece of cake… piece of CRUMB cake! People just don’t understand what is involved in this. This an art-form! My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.

Is there a point to this? Do you believe in love at first sight? Or have you ever, like, seen somebody? And you knew that, if only that person *really* knew you, they would, well, they would of course dump the perfect model that they were with, and realize that YOU were the one that they wanted to, just, grow old with. So that’s, like, a metaphor? Not if you pay attention.

So how does it happen, great love? Nobody knows… but what I can tell you is that it happens in the blink of an eye. One moment you’re enjoying your life, and the next you’re wondering how you ever lived without them. I don’t know if that amounts to insanity. I had it great and perfect for a while. You know, I had a dream. And it was wonderful. Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were suppose to be together… and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home… only to no home I’d ever known… I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like… magic. Who could ask for anything more?

Wonderful Thoughts

As of yesterday, all 4 of my daughters and 1 sister have visited and even made a comment or two on my internet musings. It took some time to get all 4 daughters to respond, but it did happen.

So a big welcome to my daughters, Betsy, Froggy, Kittles and Draclet. You are my best girls, and I am proud of all of you.

And little sis, apparently my one ‘relative’ who is blog savvy, I love having you around.

I’m still working on it….

A semi-challenge was placed on this blog, for a movie quote blog. It is a little more difficult than I thought at first. Some of the first things that came to mind were quotes from shows I have been in. Then some TV shows that I like, and finally some movies.

So I was wondering how to handle that. I’m thinking I should keep it to movies only, but there go some good TV quotes. And then I have to make sure that the quotes I have from plays I’ve been in are actually in their movie counterpart. Tough to do. I will have to keep a list of all the movies that the quotes have been in. And no partial phrase quotes. The quotes should make up a complete sentence. And not a long ‘blog’ worthy quote from some movie. That would be cheating…

Can I do it?


Hmmm, do you see the changes around you? Do they make you stop and think a bit? What to do?

Spring is a season of major change, and we are now in the first inklings of Spring. The weather seems to be getting warming. Rain is falling instead of snow. The ice and snow is melting. What to see?

I’m getting older, my children are getting older and our lives are changing. Our relationships are not what they were last year at this time. Things may or may not have gone the way we wanted. Change is there. Who do I love?

Change is all around us. Do you see the change? What changes will you make because of those changes?

Random things that crossed my mind

On Facebook
Why do I realize that my daughters are using movie quotes in their facebook statuses and almost nobody else does?

Why did I start using movie quotes as facebook statuses?

Why can’t people realize we are doing this even after we told them we were?

On Numbers
Does anybody else miss comparing your count of posts with our other Tangents’ bloggers? I know how many posts I have, but don’t see the other numbers anymore. 🙁

I wonder how many days I will have actual posts. This month I’ve had at least one a day. But by the time this is read by folks, there may be two cheats 😉

Did you realize that 11:58 doesn’t look much different than 12:02 when you look outside and not at the clock.

I’ve lived more than 1/2 of a century. That is a number right?

This post has one hundred fifty words, by the word count.

I just never knew.

I’ve known that I have some talented daughters. Writing, art, sewing, singing and maybe a little acting thrown in there have all been some of the talents displayed by one or more daughters. Not that they would make careers of this, unless they start pushing in that direction, but a bit of talent is shown.

Now, since I’ve joined facebook (shudder!!!), I’ve been made aware of my niece’s amazing talent. I wouldn’t normally do this, but I need to share her link. Check the work of Veronica Leigh on Redbubble.

I’ve put in a request for some coffee cups of some of her pictures. Guess what Christmas presents will be in 2010. I’ve got it all planned out now.

Been deep in thought

I often wonder if I will ever get lost in my thoughts and not be able to find the way out. I tend to think about some strange things when I should be getting some sleep. I have a feeling that this is the main cause of all my sleep problems. I just can’t turn my brain off long enough for sleep to come easily. I tend to stay away until I can no longer function.

Maybe my body clock doesn’t conform with the standard 24 hour day. Maybe I’m really a night person and should be working a 2nd or 3rd shift job. Maybe I just think too much. Hmmm I need to think on this.

I’ve worked both 2nd and 3rd shift jobs, but I had the same problem with sleeping. I never seemed to get enough until the days I had off. Sleeping late wasn’t what I intended to do, but I slept late because that gave me my 8 or 9 hours of sleep.

I’ve been involved in a sleep study, but never one that would allow me to ‘set’ my body’s clock. I think that may be an interesting study. I don’t think I would mind finding that out. That could explain the times I feel like sleeping and those times that I don’t. I’ll have to keep that in mind if I ever see that sort of study in the area.

And of course I could think too much. The various ramblings on this blog and other places tend to show I have a lot on my mind. I could talk about all subjects, but there are a couple that I stay away from just because I really don’t want any conflict on this blog. Maybe I should start another blog or two under other assumed names for controversial subjects. Now that may be able to clear a thought or two from my mind to let me sleep.

When things calm down, …

…what do you do? Someday I would like to know the answer to that question. Me, I’m simply avoiding all the stuff I need to do. I’m sure that puts my ability to got to that answer a day or two behind, but it is what I want to do now.

Maybe that is the answer. Things don’t have to be calm to find that time to do what you would do when they were calm. Doing them when life is hectic is the exact time to do them. Yes, finish those things that are a priority. Pay the bills, feed the family, get the things that must be done out of the way. And then for a minute, an hour, a day, or weeks even, do what you would do when things are calm. Relax, enjoy and recharge yourself.

For years, I’ve held back on taking time away from a perceived ‘must do’ list and didn’t do some things I would have wanted to. That put me to a point where I was not doing things that I should have done. So some time in the near future, I will schedule some time for me.

I may use this to do some things around here that I should have done years ago. I may do things that would just be relaxing. But it will be what I want to do. I’ll let you know when I force things to calm down. Then I will know what I would do…

Wow was that a long day

I had to make a trip to Columbus, Ohio for work today. So the day started out extra early and involved a 3+ hour drive this morning. I started out at 4:50 am to get to the State Capitol between 8:00 and 9:00. The drive was so much fun after getting just 4 hours of sleep last night. I went to bed early but woke up 2 hours later and had trouble getting back to sleep. Warm milk and stuff added does nothing for me.

7 hours of meetings later, and I’m on my way home. Just pulled in and got settled. I don’t think I want to drive anywhere for a while. The day was too long.

I did see lots of deer today included the 5 that thought the road would be a good place to stand just after sunset. I now know that my truck still has good breaks and my reaction time isn’t too shabby. Just one more thing that added to the length of the day. I’m just waiting for the next ‘thing’ to happen. Maybe I should go to bed before it occurs.. Naah, it will still happen.

Good night folks.

Phase one completed

Yes, phase one of my getting back into running a regular role playing game has been completed. The group will comeback for more and maybe even complete the journey. I had a wonderful time. My dice rolling was poor, but that helped the group survive for one more day.

This has been a nice weekend. I got to spend some time with my youngest daughter. We were able to tackle our little corgi and get his nails trimmed. He never likes that, so it is an adventure every time. Maybe next week he can have a bath. I don’t think he minds that nearly as much, but he is 27 lbs of compact muscle.

Lots of fun this weekend…