Author name: justj


Waiting up

Ok, I’m the father of a teenager. She is out tonight watching a movie, leaving Dad home alone to blog away the evening. My youngest as a rather big heart. She took her sister to the latest teen vampire movie (there has been more than 1 right?) for her birthday. Not anything I was interested

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Sweet music

It was a beautiful evening in Bryan Ohio. There were some wonderful singers and musicians performing for a musical recital. My youngest did her best to bring music to many people. It is her senior year and last recital. So many talented young people, and so few times to see them. I guess I should

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Blank Slate

I’ve wondered about this expression for some time. I’ve always thought that it referred to wiping your slate (chalkboard) clean before starting something. I just finished a google search and found that it can have a deeper meaning or much lighter. One thing I found deals with the whole “Nature or Nurture” question. The blank

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