Author name: justj


The early child

My early child was my last child. She came into this world 7 weeks early. She weighed in at 4 lbs 11 oz. She spent some time on a breathing monitor at home. She was dressed in doll clothes for the first month of her life. But she was born a fighter. She would kick

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Mars Pictures

During the past couple of days, I’ve again been amazed at the pictures current space missions have been sending back to earth. The first pictures from the latest lander are back.  Just cool stuff.   I saw one yesterday where one of the orbiters got a picture of the lander underneath the parachutes. I am interested

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Daughter #1

My oldest daughter and I have a different history. I met her when she was around 18 months old. I was a big Dungeons and Dragons player when I first met my future wife and her daughter. This charming little 18 month old helped me roll the dice so necessary in the game. I sat

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My little girl

My second daughter is the one most like me. She wanted to do the things I did, and wanted a working tool set when she was younger. Somewhere between then and now, she grew up and became a young woman, wife and mother. She just had a birthday. She lives many states away. I couldn’t

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