Author name: Lisa


Jack Hanna!!!

While my girls are counting down the days until they get to go to their Grandma’s house, I am counting the days until I get to see a LIVE JACK HANNA SHOW!!!  Don’t get me wrong, I’m really excited to see family too, but I’ve been waiting to see a live Jack Hanna show for

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Fun On The Farm

I think most people have fond memories of visiting a special family fun place in the fall.  The pumpkin farms that my husband and I grew up going to are much different now – his has closed down, and mine has expanded beyond the family-owned small operation into a little carnival of sorts; I visited

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Meet Marty

Question:  What’s the best way to dislodge me from a “case of the Mondays”? Answer:  A surprise trip to the zoo on a work day, of course!  Hubby knows me so well 🙂 Tangent:  If you have your own “case of the Mondays”, rent the movie Office Space – it’s hilarious! So we took off

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Dropping Like Flies

It’s been really difficult to blog with a 2-year-old in the house, especially because mine is a boy.  He just seems to get into anything and everything, and this phase of his is lasting longer (and is much much messier and harder on my house) than was any of his 3 sisters’ terrible twos.  Complicating

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