Author name: Lisa


Rectal Gas Policy

We’re all adults here, right?  Then you’d think the following sign spotted in the band room at a local high school would be less amusing: Rectal Gas Policy – Any student who releases audible rectal gas will receive one after school detention. – Any student who “reacts” to audible or inaudible rectal gas will also receive 

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Wow.  What a great film…  and I don’t think I’ve been able to say that since I saw The Orphanage months ago.  We ventured over to the Toledo suburbs yesterday for date night to see Changeling at the nice theater since we still had a free pass leftover from a movie where they had technical

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Call Of Cthulu

In the past few months, I’ve had the opportunity to get involved in a role playing game – sort of like Dungeons and Dragons, I’m told.  This one was called “Call of Cthulu”, and we played it on two separate Saturdays for about 5 hours each.  We began by choosing a character, and then we

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Gas Prices

Unlike previous posts of mine, this one is being written to compliment the status of gas prices these days.  Here in NW Ohio, we ‘re paying $1.99 for gas – it was actually weird looking to see a 1 up there on the price board at the gas station. But I’m really happy about it,

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