Author name: Lisa


A Day of Mini

Finally the snow has stopped (quick, where is some wood for knocking?!?  Our snowblower has been put away, which is enough of a jinx, but add a comment like the above, and I’m asking for trouble!), and the weather is finally being cooperative enough for some outdoor fun.  So this weekend had us taking in

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Back in the Office

Well, friends, our favorite show The Office is back on tv after the awful hiatus that was the Hollywood writer’s strike.  The first new episode in months actually aired last Thursday, but since it was our anniversary, I was busy and also had other things to write about.  Last week’s episode was funny as usual, but

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I Passed!!!

Yesterday I did something I’ve never done before – I passed a 3 hour glucose challenge!  I haven’t had a gestational diabetes-free pregnancy since my first-born 8 ½ years ago!  It feels really good to know that I can eat whatever I want for the next few months without having to worry about pairing proteins

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Alpha Dog

Saw the movie Alpha Dog last night.  It wasn’t really my kind of movie, and the only reason I really enjoyed it is because it’s based on a true story…  and unlike many  movies which claim to be based upon true stories, this one was actually pretty accurate. It’s about a spoiled rich kid named

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Hunger and Boredom

Took my 3-hour glucose “challenge” today, and since it was SO fun for me (sarcasm adundant), I thought I would spread some of the ‘cheer’ by giving you a run-down of what this medical test entails. First, why do they call it a glucose challenge?  To provide extra motivation, maybe?  Whatever the reason, I think

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Fun With Animals

Came across a few really cute animal-themed emails lately, so I thought I’d share.  The first one is for people who don’t have a dog or just have a very disobedient one.  Enter a command in the text box and the cute doggie will do it.  Try ‘kiss’.  [swf][/swf] Then there’s this video, which features

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