Author name: Lisa


imdb quiz

If you haven’t been to the site and you like and/or watch movies, I give you permission to take a break from my blog and visit it now: This site has everything about pretty much every movie:  a list of the actors and crew involved with clickable links so you can see where else

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The Hitcher

Hubby and I watched this movie last night.  Plot inconsistencies aside – it is a horror movie after all, so we weren’t expecting much – it was actually better than I thought.  I really enjoyed how they let the main characters keep slipping away from the Hitcher, the bad guy, only to be back in danger…  but

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This town SMELLS

You think you know where I’m going with this, but it’s actually not a complaint.  A lot of places have their own smell.  I’ve driven through towns in Georgia that smell like peaches.  Gary, Indiana smells like what I can only descibe as “burning rubber french fries” – a term I invented as a kid, and I haven’t

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