I made a purchase for my nook reader over the weekend that made reading with the Nook just one step closer to the books it is replacing. And it does have the smell of a new leather bound book.
I picked up a protective cover for it. A nice leather cover that opens up like a book. Holding the leather gives the Nook a different feel. Less like a piece of electronic equipment, and yes more like a book. I was surprised at how close to a book it was when I tried to turn the page. I actually tried to flip non-existent pages in an electronic book. I’m not sure if it was the feel of the cover, or the material I was reading.
Anyway the book I was reading was another free download from B&N. The author is Lee Child and the book was the 9th in a series of murder mysteries with the lead character being Jack Reacher.
It was a gripping novel that had me not wanting it to be time to sleep. Very hard to put down. It also made me want to look up other works of this author. While I haven’t been disappointed in any of the free books I’ve had the chance to read, I did notice the special free selections seemed to be aimed at getting the reader to buy other books. Excellent marketing ploy. Free books to download on Fridays and for a limited time more free books to download when you go into a B&N store. Most have been a good first representation of a particular author/style. A couple have been books I wouldn’t normally look at, but I try at least the first chapter to see if I care for it at all.
Not much in the way of a book review, but I thought that it was interesting that I tried to turn a physical page after I put the Nook in a cover.
Ooh, a book that’s hard to put down… I love those. How is the first one of the series, have you read it yet? If you say it’s hard to put down also, then maybe I’ll add it to my famous “to read… eventually” list!
Yes, a good marketing ploy. Free e-book to whet your appetite for more in a series
The Jack Reacher novels have all gotten rave reviews from the critics. I’ve cataloged the audiobooks and Playaways.
By the time I ever get around to purchasing one of these things there will probably be few freebies available. Oh, well- I will just continue to use the library as I always have.
Depending on what you want, there are many free books on the web. Check out feedbooks.com for one. I’ll have to check the for the address, but project Gutenberg is also a good one. Google books has some free books too.