

The Drama…

I’m going on my third month as a youth group leader, and while I always enjoy myself at church on Wednesday nights, in recent weeks I’ve also felt a strange kind of dread.  I couldn’t put my finger on it until last night.  There was a huge drama in our small group of 7th grade

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Camp: Day 4

Whew- what a scorcher this day was!  I am certain temperatures were in the 90s…  The kids certainly got no breaks at meals with drinks other than plain water.  Normally, they have to drink a glass or two of water at lunch or dinner, and then they can have punch or lemonade but for most

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My Little Man

My son is ONE year old today – how time flies!  He is starting to look like such a little man: This picture was taken at our church for his baby Dedication ceremony we had in June. Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of

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