Everyday Life



We were playing in the back yard yesterday when we saw something furry laying on the ground.  Thinking the dog had gotten an animal, I put the dog inside and made myself scarce while my husband investigated – I’m sensitive about animals, and if the dog had killed a furry little creature in the back

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Battle Of The Bulge

If you think this is a weight-loss  blog post, click again! Recently, I’ve  noticed a huge bulge appearing in the floor of our downstairs bathroom: Ok, so it’s difficult to see in the picture – it’s a few inches above that rectangular green carpet, but believe me when I say it’s getting bigger, seemingly by

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Memorial Day Weekend

In honor of  fallen US soldiers on MEMORIAL DAY 2009 The dead soldier’s silence sings our national anthem. -Rev. Aaron Kilbourn ————————————————————————————————————————————– Despite the seriousness of Memorial Day and what it signifies, it is a day that is also  known for kicking off the summer season in much of the United States – the season

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My daughters are having a garage sale today.  They’ve been working it all by themselves (along with their older friend), and it’s fun to peek out the window and watch them.  They’ve gotten a lot of customers, and people are buying our old junk and popsicles and some have even donated money just because the

WHERE IS THE RAT?!? Read More »