Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?

AHHH, Chicago… great band that saw its heyday in the 1980s, but this is not about one of their signature songs.

My tale begins nearly two weeks ago when I had admin, taylhis, and their 4 young’uns over for an evening of fun.  Of course when you get a group of kids together one thing inevitably arises: SLEEPOVER!  I was young once upon a time and remember those days quite well.  So, I helped arrange a date which my niece (not to be confused with another) Elizabeth could possibly stay over with her new chums.  This took a bit of doing since Elizabeth would be spending a week or so with her mother.

Finally, we decided that we would all go to the opening of the WCCT’s youth theatre extravaganza.  This was not a problem with my brother – at first.  When I first asked, there was nothing going on.  Then everything snowballed.  Thursday night was fine… BUT… Elizabeth had to be home the next morning by 10AM.  Wednesday, I was informed that she had to be home by  9AM so they could make their way to Columbus before COSI closed.

Now for the title of the post, Elizabeth rode her bike to the store to fill me in.  In so doing, she kept insisting that it was Thursday instead of Wednesday.  I kept offering logic to the contrary but there was no convincing the 9 year old.  It was nearly 6PM; I get off Thursday at 2PM.  But there was no convincing her.  I wonder if she really thought that it was indeed Thursday or she really does need to be in the youth production next summer.

I hope the little ones had as much fun as the older kids.  The 37 kids on stage were all adorable.  Maybe Tay will post about the experiences the kids had during the sleepover.

The Haunting In The Redbox DVD

So, following Broadway Cabaret night at the Little Theatre, Megan decided to take me up on my pizza/DVD night at the house while I am still alone (one more week… and it is still standing).  I suggested venturing to Wal-Mart to check out the redbox kiosk…. rent a movie for $1 per night, return when you are done or after 25 days it is yours.  After going to Electronics, I met Megan at the box and we made our choice of two movies… more on those in a bit.

We then travelled to casa Shaffer where I gave her the grand tour, upstairs, downstairs, beauty shop.  Did I show C&L the shop the other night?  My memory fails me.  So, after the pizza was baked, we put in the first movie.  He’s Just Not that Into You is just what you would expect: a chick flick.  While it was no Pretty Woman it was not all that bad and Megan wanted to see it and I  gentlemanly let her pick one.

However, I chose a movie which taylhis has posted about and a friend recommended the other day.  Megan had already seen The Haunting in Connecticut (for some reason, I thought it was A Haunting, but no big deal) and it scared the xrap out of her.  I must say that I enjoyed it very, VERY much and it did give me a good jump or 5.  Even more so knowing that it was based on a true story.  I will have to check out the frog site thingamajig to get the lowdown on how much accuracy is involved.  If you like a good horror film with lotas of thrills and chills, check it out.

However there was a downside to the DVD: it was badly scratched and about half way through it began to skip.  UGH!  Way to almost ruin a great movie!  I did send an email to the customer service dep of redbox to request a free rental or refund.  Megan asked me to watch out for the minister and see if I could recognize him.  I must admit that I was unable to.  Elias Koteas is the same actor who played Casey Jones in the ORIGINAL Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies.  Never would have guessed since it has been years since I have seen it.

All in all, another fun night of music, friendship, pizza, movies, and great times!

If They Call It The Festival Of Flags…

where are the flags?

WOW!  A Saturday off is ALWAYS nice!!!  One in which there is plenty to do is even better! This weekend is our annual hometown fest known as the Festival of Flags (how the name switched from One River Festival as it was known for about 3 years when I was in high school is beyond me). The name has always escaped me.  In all the years the fest has been named such, I see very few flags aside from the ones adorning our main street.  Yesterday, was the big parade going south on North Michigan Avenue which is great since we have prime seats right outside our front door. I am pleased to say that this year’s parade was not the 20 minute ho-hum of the past.  It lasted nearly an hour.  Of course, there was the fire, rescue, and police units from the area, the pageant contestants, and several entries from E-town businesses, churches, etc.  There used to be a parade of pets that was on a separate day but it seems to have been integrated with the main event as there were several adorable pooches being lead on the route.  One new entry was the Frank Talk convertible.  Frank Talk is a weekly tri-state paper which is written mainly by members of the Frank family from the chief editor all the way down to the young grandkids who are able to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard whichever the case may be.

I always am interested to see and hear the high school band.  Once again, the group is under the leadership of a new director.  The position seems to be yet another swinging door.  I can’t tell you how many directors it has gone through in the past 17 years, but it is quite a few.  Too many start out here fresh and discover better opportunities elsewhere which leads to the band’s suffering.  Of course, many times you are happy to see the leader vacate… like the one from last year…. EEK!  Definitely could find better.  I thought the twenty member band did quite well.  I wonder where Edon’s band was.  In my day, we always played each other’s parade.  Possibly because the directors were such good friends

My favorite part had to be the ADULT kids at the curb scavenging for candy.  Christi was out there gatering goodies for her two girls who will be returning from a visit to their father’s (don’t ask… don’t tell) relatives.  Chad got up a few times to run out (WHAT A SIGHT!)  Cousin Kim was also there to watch and she made her way to the street from time to time.  Honestly, this might have been my favorite part of the parade.  Much like the adult Easter Egg Hunt.  I sat back and watched so that my chair did not get stolen.

Actually a very enjoyable event compared with parades of the past.

In Trouble Even From Across The Country

More on the title later.  My parents’ trip to Alaska began Saturday when they were to fly out of Detroit early that morning.  However, there were mechanical mishaps on the plane which lead to the cancellation of the flight.  Around 3PM, a flight was arranged that would carry them non-stop to their destination.  Some good there since they were to have a 2 hour layover in Seattle.  They arrived in Alaska around 10:30PM EST.  However, their luggage did not arrive until 11:30PM Sunday night.

Yes, even with the parents being thousands of miles away at Fort Richardson near Anchorage, I still was able to stir up some mishaps.  It seems that my sister wanted to get into the house Tuesday night.  Thinking I was doing a good thing, I made sure that I locked the house before going to work.  When Christi could not get into the house, she did what any normal 32 year old would do: called Mommy and Daddy and interrupted their trip.  This could have been avoided simply by driving the half block to the grocery store and seeing that I was at work and asked for the key. My car was parked at the house… surely logic would dictate that I was nearby somewhere. Instead, I get a phone call from Alaska asking why I would lock the door.  Well… needless to say, that will not be happening again.  Who would break into a house in little E-town?  And don’t get any ideas.  AAAAHHHH, sisters.  But I was more upset that she bothered the parents.  I mean, what are they going to do, use the remote control door unlocker?  Oh, well such as life.

Home Alone

So… now that I have the house all to myself for the next two weeks while the parents are in Alaska, I have found that I am not at a lack of things to do.  Of course, there are the hours I must spend at work.  Friday night, I did something I have never done before:  Monster Jam at the Toledo Speedway.  Megan, Carol , and I drove and met admin and family.  It was really a fun night even if Superman got jipped (not biased, even if I was decked out in my Man of Steel Cap… maybe I should have worn one of my t-shirts) in the freestyle portion of the evening.  I think obvious local favorite, Gravedigger was at only a slight advantage as I found his performance less than thrilling.  I have seen ads for the show in the past and remember Gravedigger announced prominantly.  Very fun and Vera got the three of us to and from the event quite nicely  And we did not have to make any pit stops along the way 😉 Plus in the 4 wheeler event, the Ohio team was beaten by the Michigan team (BOOOOO!!!!)  I have a feeling a bit of proximity favoritism was in evidence.

Sunday… short work day, cleaned the beauty shop, ran to B-town to pick up a few things.  Then, I did something I have not done for years.  I brought the X-Box downstairs, had my 9 year-old niece and another friend come over and play.  And play we did! We started at about 5 and it got darker and darker and by the time I knew what time it was, it was midnight.  HOLY COW! About 2AM, we decided to call it a night.  Elizabeth was asleep in the chair, anyway.

Monday… great fun day.  I had some friends over for a pizza/movie night.  We started at Munchkin Junction.  Later, I had Elizabeth stay to play with the kids while the adults watched the totally captivating movie, The Island.  I don’t know why, but I kept thinking  The Beach with Leonardo DiCrapio (never seen that one either) but I am SOOO glad it was not.  This was a somewhat typical but nottoo typical Michael Bay production with lots of action.  I REALLY liked it… futuristic sci-fi with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johannsen (whom I just learned will be in Iron Man 2… scheduled for release next summer).

Soo… the start of my two week adventure has been fun.  More to come.  And yes, the house is still standing.

Welcome To The Craziness

The family received news today that our extended family has grown by one.  Around 3PM, we got a phone call from Alaska informing us that my cousin Charnel had delivered a 6lb. 3oz. baby girl, Chloe Mae who is being welcomed I am sure by her big 2 year old sister, Kyli Nicole.  20 inches long and has a thick head of black hair (can she mail some to me…or just send it back with grandma and grandpa when they fly up on Saturday).  One very cool thing, the proud papa who is on deployment in Afghanistan was on the phone listening as their second daughter made her entrance into the world.  When Charnel called and talked to Mom, she told her to call everyone.  Well… everyone but two people she called had already heard via text messaging or were called by someone else whom it seems tells everyone in the world after she hears any juicy gossip.  But all is well – healthy baby girl with ten fingers, ten toes, and healthy mama.  Won’t be able to see and spoil her until March when Rich returns from Afghanistan and they come South for a visit.  I’m surprised there haven’t been any pictures sent over cyberspace.  What are you waiting for?!

Welcome Chloe (I like that name)


Gremlin Be GONE!

Apparently, there was some type of gremlin caught up in the works of our happy little site but I see that it has  been irradicated.  The past two has has been a relatively busy one in our small little neck of the woods.  Friday and Saturday was our town wide garage sale in which over 60 homes participated.  Quite remarkable considering the size of the town.  Not only did residents of the community but businesses also came out and put some of their products on display.  The local, weekly newspaper gave out homemade ice cream… well, they accepted a free will donation.  The grocery had a Produce Tent Sale.  It was called Tent Sale but nowhere did I see a tent only a bunch of displays full of watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, nectarines, lemons, green peppers, and other goodies.  We also had a hot dog, chip, and soda/water for $1.  I was lucky enough to man the sale for an hour Friday afternoon (would have enjoyed spending more but I was only covering for a break).  But, of course, who had to haul in the pallets at the end of the day?

But once again, I had a Saturday to myself so I took my nephew and a “tag-a-long” (his words, not mine) to see Harry Potter.  We left with 15 minutes before show time and thinking ahead decided to go the back route to save time.  However, I had forgotten that the 3 mile bridge (or a small section of 576) is closed for the next week or so.  In any event, we were about 5 minutes late for the movie and had to sit in the next to front row.  Joshua enjoyed the movie… our companion did not think so highly of it although he has assured me that he has read all the books and seen the previous 5 movies.  He thought it was a waste of time and he is going to see it on IMAX next week?!

Before returning home, I needed to stop by my old stomping grounds and pick up a present.  While there, our 18 year-old friend decided that he wanted to buy something that he has always wanted: a cap gun.  He was like a kid in a candy store.  Cap guns have changed since I last had one.  They used to operate on straps of paper.  Today, they use rounds of small plastic pellets.  Nate was occupied quite well on the 12 mile trip back to E-town.

All in all, a pretty fun few days.  Made even more so by a pair of Yankee victories (sorry, justj) and a Red Sox loss.  STILL 2 behind the Stockings!

So Much For Sleeping In…

Saturday morning, I had planned to sleep in a few hours especially following the late night (SO NOT COMPLAINING… others had it much worse) that is until Mother Nature had other plans.  So, I was up by 8AM and decided to make a small dent in my new book.  Later, I got a phone call asking if I would like to continue my birthday celebration at a site yet to be determined (either a Mud Hens game or a drive-in movie later).  Anything was great with me.  So, ah hour or so later, we decided on a return to the Toledo Zoo.

I have to say that my favorite animal this trip was the baby gibbon… well six month old “Quon.”  The little one was so adorable.  One minute he(?) was clutching onto his parent being carried around the exhibit on the ropes, etc.  then, he would attempt to grab onto a rope solo.  I loved watching Quon climb the fence with his little arms reaching.. adorable.

I also enjoyed the tigers.  To beat the heat, the kitties got into their pool of water and at times took turns and other times shared the relief.  The sloth bears were also out.  As expected, the social one came right up and sniffed.  I held out my Supes cap and sure enough was drawn to it… he must be a fan (but something tells me otherwise, but my post so I’m sticking to it).  TANGENT:  I must have left my cap somewhere along the way.

After the zoo, we went to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner and a point was made to announce that we were celebrating 2 birthdays… 35 years and one day apart!  Nothing exciting happened… no kazoo playing, cabaret singing, nor being led around the restaurant while wearing a sombrero (NOW THAT would be fun!).  But the big guy and I did get a dish of ice cream.

On the return trip, I got tracked down and informed that I was to be at work the next morning an hour early!  What a way to spoil a great day 🙁  So, after having some fun in B-town, and going to Sonic with the girls, I did manage to make it home by 10.  Everyone was tired and had to get up the next morning.  Once again, a funtastic day!

A Beary Super Birthday!

Yesterday started off slowly and ended in the best way possible.  I had to work on my birthday but I really wanted to have Saturday off just in case plans arose for an all day celebration (ya never know).  I decided to call my pal when I got ready before work to check up on him because we were still bumbed about the auditions.  After talking to him, I sensed that he was still not fully recovered.  Hopefully, the game night would help.

Before I went to work, I stepped out into the beauty shop and was greeted with birthday wishes from my mom’s co-owner and an old friend who remembers this day 36 years ago.  The mother of the first woman to ever break my heart.  Ok, so i was like 6 when I asked “Seeah” (could not say Teresa) to marry me then she went off and got married to another man.  To this day, she reminds me of this.

After a loooong, uneventful day at work, I called over to the game night festivities that had already begun to inform them that I had five minutes left!  Games, brownie cake with a “54” candle on top.  54=18 (another game night participant celebrating her birthday)+36.  I think it was 54… sometimes that short-term memory ain’t what it used to be.

Then the surprise package.  I received a thong with a lottery ticket ($2.00 winner) from Megan and a gift bag with a homemade card from Taylor, an invitation to Beeber’s 1st birthday party, a hardcover copy of The Death and Life of Superman, and a fantastic stuffed #1 Yankee fan bear.  I think I like the bear even more than the book it is sooooooo cute.  Thanks taylhis for going to the trouble.

As usual, I was the last guest to leave.  We got into a discussion of our status as guests in a roundabout way.  Something like you no longer are considered a guest if you stay long enough to help clean up.  I don’t know how much I cleaned but I definitely stayed long enough.

Thank you all once again for a Super birthday!!!  I hope it helped C as much as it did me 😀

Work And Fun On The 4th

As with last year, I had to work on Independence Day.  I usually flip-flop Fridays and Saturdays with a co-worker.  This was SUPPOSED to be my Saturday off so I did not feel the need to ask for it off.  Sure enough, I was informed that I was going to be closing.  Funny thing is, I was told that the worker I alternate days with told the boss that it was indeed her Saturday off…hmmm.  When I got to work, I was delighted to discover that we were closing at 7 instead of the 8PM I was scheduled until.  However by the time 6PM rolled around, my co-worker and I agreed that we should have closed then.  At 6:45, one of our regular customers came in and grabbed a cart.  At 7, I locked the door and we waited in the office until the couple was finished.

After finally getting out of the store, I ventured to pick up some friends to check out some AMAZING fireworks.  Getting to the site was a great adventure.  I was armed with my mapquest directions and Megan had “Vera” with her, so we were sure to arrive with little problems.  Before getting out of town, the adventure began.  I misjudged the city limits and began to accelerate maybe a mile before acceptable.  We did see the state patrolman as we made our way along.  He pulled out of his parking location, began to follow us, and I don’t know why it took soooo long but he turned on his lights and pulled us over.  Megan had brought along some beverages but we were all of legal age and none were open, so we were safe there.  The officer asked why I was going so fast and I “innocently” explained that I was not sure where the limits were.  We were mere feet from it.  However, the generous officer asked when my last violation was (about three years ago) and he sent us on our way.

As we approached our destination, my companions informed me that they had to visit the facilities and to stop at the next available location.  We passed a rest area and then came up to a nice, clean port-a-potty (thankfully, there were no planes in the area in danger of crashing into it).  OOPS… did I say that I would not mention this?

After we finally found our friends (which was not too far from the location at which we found the restroom.  We watched some GREAT fireworks.  I saw something I don’t believe I have before.  Some began as if a machine gun was being fired, rapidly spurting out in a back-and-forth motion.  Really cool.

Around 2AM, it was time to drive back.  Coming home was an adventure as well as some fog had developed (pretty thick in spots) but I don’t think it added a great deal to our return trip.  So about 3.30, I got to bed in preparation for work at 9.  But definitely worth a few hours lost.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend.