Westward, HO!

OK… Mare and I will soon be on our way to the state of ILL in America Country.  I have Vera loaded up with directions along with mapquest printed directions, hotel check in sheet, and printed tickets (Justin Case), and cell phone.  Mare had to work last night and just called and told me she would be here soon!  WHHO HHHOOOO!

Last night’s audition went well.  I listed all the male roles I could think of (the adult ones, anyway ). I still think I could pass as one of the Bailey children.  I did forget another role, that of Mr. Martini who is an Italian immigrant who has a traveled to America with his a wife.  That a could a be fun!

Lots of people came out.  LOTS of kids.  Squirmy and his daughter came up and he read well.  But Jade… OMG… if ever there was a heartwarming, scene stealer… I think it would be very hard to find a more adorable Zuzu.  Results Sunday night.  Read-through hopefully next Thursday.


This must have been the day for fall festivals.  Here in E-town, we had what must have been the second annual Fall Fun Day at the fire hall.  Games for kids of all ages, a chili cook-off, pie judging, think that was about it.  Since the boss was in charge of the chili cook-off, I got to work the early shift.  I thought at Least I would get a bit of chili whwn she returned after the event was over.

After work, I was invited to go to a corn maze that is right outside of E-town which I had no idea had been going on for the past few years.  Heck, I had no idea there was a campground just outside town.  Unfortunately for us, the rain decided to hold off until our band of maze venturers found ourselves lost and then made our way back to the starting point… somehow.

After I went to church, I headed over to the county airport where the theatre was holding its first annual Oktoberfest.  Great fun, GReat food, FANTASTIC band (sorry I missed the polka), just a great time.  Happily, the rather dismal weather did not dispel a rather sizable crowd from attending.  I thought the turn out was really great.  It will be interesting to find out how much we raised.  I was really excited to see Peg there helping out.  She really is making her presence known in the theatre.  GOOD FOR HER!  Be sure to catch her in her stage debut when the WCCT presents Little Shop of Horrors October 9-11 and 15-18 (think there is a Thursday night show the second week).  Break a leg all!

I must say that I have heard good things about the Junk Yard Band but they are fabulous.  Playing everything from the 60s to the 80s.  Really fun music.  Mom and Dad 2 were there, too keeping us in stitches.  I participated in the So, You Think You Can Dance (Or as I clearly have state… I don’t think… I KNOW I CAN’T DANCE) contest getting a 28 out of a possible 30 points.  Personally, I think the last judge was rotten to the core but that’s just me.

Ok… off to bed so I can be fresh as a daisy for work at 9.  No rehearsal til Monday.  Must be that good.

You’ll Look So Good That You’ll Be Glad That You Decided To…

“Smile Darn Ya, Smile.” Ok… combining two song lyrics from two different musicals:

  • “Put on a Happy Face” from the just revived for the very first time on Broadway…Bye, Bye Birdie starring John Stamos.. not as the title character which 20 years ago, I could have envisioned given his character Uncle Jesse from Full House and his status as a drummer in the Beach Boys
  • The second is from some other show I must have forgotten somewhere along the line… if it comes to me, I’ll list it in the tags.

Ok, a few weeks ago we had Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Today, just happens to be World Smile Day.  What is it that makes me smile?  Just a few things, really.

  • I love to be with my friends and family no matter what the occasion: game nights are always fun and road trips are a blast, watching crazy fans enjoy watching their favorite teams play (I thought my mom got wild when she watches Yankees baseball but seeing Chris watch a Bears game… now THAT is a sight that could bring a smile to anyone).  However, just being with them to lend a hand, ear, shoulder, foot, eye, back, or finger really is great, too.  Sometimes, even more rewarding than the frivolous.  On occasion, I have also used them for guidance and support, as well.
  • Coming in very close to number one is… well, most people who regularly subscribe to my rantings and ravings know this.  Even when I am being constructively (of course) criticized, I can always find something to smile about on stage.  Except of course, when the moment does not call for it.. that’s when acting (for me) is difficult.  I guess in the moment when the unforseen happens and (perish the thought!) I donut get a part, I do tend to be optimistic and try to learn and try to move on.
  • In a big way, music can be an extension of my love of the stage.  Musicals are of course my favorite genre of theatre.  I do enjoy most types of music but there ARE exceptions (c)rap being chief among them.
  • A great, big scare.  Ok.. maybe the adrenaline getting the heart racing, the blood rushing creates a nervous smile and chuckle but I love to be scared.

Ok… that’s three things. that can usually make most of my nothing days all seem worthwhile.  So remember…. Light up your face with gladness and hide every trace of sadness because I feel sad when you’re sad I feel glad when you’re glad.

A Change Has Come

Yes, according to our calendar’s autumn officially arrived last week.  Today is the first real sign that it has indeed come.  The blustery wind, the grey skies, the falling, blowing leaves… AH… love it… evn if I had to put a jacket on to walk up town this morning.  I had to stop at the post office and as I was making my way home, I decided to go back up (after getting my wallet) and get a can of tomato soup for lunch.  Grilled cheese and tomato soup on a wonderful fall day!

The landscape also brings back wonderful memories of Autumn’s past of high school football games, baseball playoffs on the tube, bonfires, hay rides, a sudden chill, and a sense of creepiness that makes its presence known as we close out September and enter the month of October.  Last year was the first season for years that I have been REAL Haunted Attraction scavenging with friends.  Let’s hope that this continues although my next 2 weekends are once again pretty full.  It’s much more fun as the season progresses and more people come out to be given a fright and those that do the frightening are more seasoned as we found out on our multiple trips to ScreamAcres (my favorite of the bunch) last year.  We were there so many times that the ghouls knew we were coming as we approached and one very memorable escapade that I hesitate mentioning at the fear of becoming a real member of the walking dead.

So… whether you are 8 or 108 there is plenty to do during the fall in Northwest Ohio.

Another Full Weekend

Yes, another weekend full of things to do.  and one more thing after finishing this post… rehearsal… the first at which EVERYONE is to be off book… less than 2 weeks to go, I should think so, although there have been times… but we won’t go there not that I would ever be on book with less than 3 weeks to go.

Friday was another long work day followed by another wonderful night of games and friends.  But why does everyone assume that I am Mafia all the time.  I felt something tickle my leg and I jumped… so NATURALLY that would make me a member of the mafia (ok, the fact that I was that round is beside the point entirely).

Saturday was another birthday for a little princess who is about to turn 2 and is going to be on her way on a flight to Florida in the same less than two weeks.  I have never seen such a haul but there were a lot of relatives and well-wishers so…  I was told that my gift went over really well.  I found a mermaid doll that I thought that any little girl would enjoy.  So, I searched for a card.  I am particularly fond of the cards with sound so for a little more than a traditional birthday card, I found one with Ariel that played “Part of Your World” one of Lauren’s favorites.  I don’t do clothes, so I had to be creative for my little cousin.  Apparently, the parents did not know that the Buckeyes played a 3.30 game because most of us were surprised at the late start (at 5 o’clock).  But since Ohio State handily defeated Illinois 30-0, it was not a great tragedy.  But the menu was delicious and ALOT was to be had (chicken noodle soup, Uncle Delton’s fabulous chili, nacho dip, homemade rolls, not to mention cake, cupcakes, and ice cream).

All this food the day before the church’s annual chicken festival.  Elizabeth (more on her in a bit) told me that it was very warm in the church basement where the dinners were served.  She should have been around when the dinner was in the middle of July with fans blowing nothing but hot air.  My sister asked when this was and honestly, I could not remember when it was changed to the last Sunday of September.  Mom informed us that they used to have two chicken dinners annually.  I don’t remember that.

Speaking of Elizabeth, apparently her joy of getting the role of Mulan was premature.  She told me that she was asked to come for a call back for the part.  The title role was given to another girl and E-beth is a mother/dressmaker.  Oh, well she didn’t seem too upset.  I believe the dates are either the first or second weekend of November.

Ok… off to rehearsal.  Good Luck BEARS… The Yanks are playing for the  AL East title tonight.

Another Thespian In The Family?

On Tuesday nights, my niece Elizabeth and nephew Noah come to the house while their older brother is taken to Boy Scouts.  Last night after returning from rehearsal, I asked Elizabeth when her school play is going to be.  I never got the dates but I remember last year’s was sometime in November.  I was able to drag out that she has the title role in Mulan, Junior.  I was excited for her and even had to ask again to make sure I heard correctly.  How awesome is that?!  I asked if Joshua got a part… forgetting that he is too old to be in the 4th and 5th grade show.

I must admit… and I don’t know why… but I have never seen the movie.  It must have been because I lost track of Disney movies in the years following The Lion King up until Pixar joined the studio with Toy Story.  I do remember that Lea Salonga was the title voice with Donny Osmond and Eddie Murphy also voicing roles.

Another aspect of Elizabeth that amazes me is her voracious reading.  For her birthday, I gave her two books: a mid-level edition of Marley and Me and a Peter Pan prequel (it had Disney’s stamp of approval for whatever that’s worth).  I thought the first book looked a bit simple for her (she has read all 7 Harry Potter books) but, eh.  I was right because I asked how far she had gotten in them and she finished the first and started Peter Pan earlier that day and was already beyond the first 100 of 500 pages.

Apparently, school children are rewarded for outside reading far more than I was.  When I was in elementary school, we received a coupon for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut after reading so many books.  Today, children can read a book go onto a website, take a quiz, and earn points which they can build up to obtain all kinds of fabulous gifts.  I had no idea there was such a thing until my cousin asked if I made sure the books were on the AR list?  I think it is a neat idea but for one thing:  The points do not carry over from year to year. I really don’t have a problem with rewarding those who enjoy reading and I don’t believe that the incentive is connected with the classroom.

Not trying to take anything away from the fabulous news of Elizabeth’s first lead role, so CONGRATS! Break a leg!  OH… my brother came in the store tonight and he had no idea of the news when I asked him about the show dates.  And I was informed as I walked into the house last night?  Priorities.

3-0! And No Vultures Circling

I don’t know of anyone else who can claim that ranking in our annual WCCT Family Fun Day softball game but since neither of my other compatriots here at tangents can, I will gloat just a bit… not that it was entirely my doing…. never underestimate the underdog and I’m not speaking of the canine do-gooder  I just really enjoy another excuse to get together on any day with some of the best friends one could have… even if some were missing.

I will try not to report on too much that has been mentioned before.  I did arrive a bit earlier than everyone else which gave me the chance to listen to most of the remaining first stanza of the Ohio State/Toledo football game.  By the end of the first quarter, the Buckeyes were up 14-0 at the home of the Browns in Cleveland.  Just a bit of interstate competition at a neutral site…. or maybe a chance to get an Ohio team there who would win a game… this seemed likely since both teams are from Ohio.  I remember going to Cleveland my senior year in high school to watch the Bucks play.  The day after the sousaphone incident.  I must say that Mr. Tressel loosened his vest a bit instead of playing it conservative which has led to many a big game letdown… the USC game a weekend or two ago comes to mind as well as a few past bowl games.

Back to the Fun Day.  As usual, it was a very enjoyable event although there were only 8 of us (plus an all-time pitcher) who took part in the actual game.  Prior to the main event, we tossed a football and then I really showed by prowess on the basketball court.  Thank goodness for the granny shot or I would have reached “h-o-r-s-e” long before I did.  As I have said before, I know where my talent lies.

Prior to the big game, Megan and I warmed up a bit tossing the softball back and forth.  WHAT… no batting practice?!  I played shag in the outfield and was kept bust chasing flies until the final inning when it seemed one side got a bit more winded than the other.  I am pleased to say that I hit the ball every time I was up… ok, so maybe one at bat took about seven pitches for me to do so… we will blame the pitcher.  But what a ball!  One of the events I hope to look forward to for years to come.

The game ended long enough for us to return to the pavilion to chat a bit before I had to leave and song lead at mass.  But once again a great afternoon with friends.

Meet Me AAAAAAT The Fair

The Monday following Labor Day is the annual Fair Day for kids in Williams County, Ohio.  This day all the little ones get another day away from the classroom.  This year, kids in most of the districts had a four day weekend as Friday was canceled due to fog.  Monday morning, I had the honor of sitting for a five and three-year-old.  By 11AM, they were getting rambunctious so I decided to take them to the fair.  Grandma gave me $20 to use between the two of them for snacks and to bring their mother back a bag of delicious roasted peanuts (one of the stands I frequent yearly).  As we arrived, Sydney (the three-year old) saw a ride that seemed to peak her attention… or maybe it was the flag on top.  It was a ride that took passengers slowly straight up in the air; then, it suddenly dropped and returned to earth.  Up close, my young niece thought against the ride.

We found a ticket stand at which I purchased two wristbands for the girls.  And we went on our way.  First stop, the carousel at which I was needed to ride with Sydney on the non-mobile bench and Alyssa also wanted no part of riding on a horse… BOY are these MY nieces?  There was also a train that both of them enjoyed and a Strawberry ride that resembled the teacup ride at Disney Parks around the world.  Sydney did not want to ride the school bus attraction until she watched her big sister brave it.  There were a few rides that I would have gone on: the bumper cars which probably would not have been a good idea.  I had the feeling that Alyssa would still be a bit short to drive a car herself and I don’t think three in one is allowed.  However, I did get tickets to ride the Tilt-A-Whirl which little Syd did not like at all.

As for the snacks, that was the highlight of the day.  Another of my must stops is the Dairy Association’s milkshake stand.  Every year, I eagerly await the arrival of the fair if only to indulge in one of the tasty treats.  Unfortunately, the girls were not too big on them.  I made the mistake of getting them both one.  Actually, one wanted chocolate while the other wanted vanilla (I don’t know why but… a vanilla shake?  I do know that some of my other relatives prefer vanilla over chocolate so I’m not that surprised).  They each took one sip of their respective shake and immediately said YUCK!  WHAT?! Ah, well…. it wasn’t my money being wasted.

Before we left, I asked them what they wanted for their snack.  Sydney wanted a bag of salt water taffy…. yum, yum.  Alyssa adamantly stated that she wanted a CANDY apple.  So we went to the stand operated by friends of our family.  We got Syd’s taffy then I asked Alyssa if she really wanted a CANDY apple.  At least three times she said yes… a CANDY apple.  She got her candy apple, began to lick the hard, CINNAMON candy and said… “I don’t like this.”  I knew it.  Not only did I know that she does not like cinnamon candy, I had a feeling that she would not be able to bite into it.  After 5 minutes of pouting, the apple ended up on the ground then in the garbage.  Once again, not a big deal to me… not my money.  Sydney was sweet enough to share a few pieces of taffy.

I found it strange that neither girl wanted to see the animals until we were across the race track headed back to the car.  It was nearing 4 and I had to get back for rehearsal so we had to miss the big bike giveaway at 5… must be present to win of course.  Ironically, the next day I learned that a grandson of one of my co-workers was the winner of one of the two bikes.  I think they still give two away.

All in all not a bad time, except for a few moments, but what can ya do?

Moose On The Loose

I forgot to mention another thrill the parents had on their trip.  One morning, a large moose was wandering Charnel’s yard.  Dad was in the middle of dressing and ran out just in time to see the back end of the animal as it made its way along.  He quickly told her to take a picture but she was not about to snap the rear of any animal.  To hear, seeing the large beasts is common place; they previously had a moose wandering around their area for a week.  They have also seen a mother bear and her cubs in the wilderness near the roadway.

One the return flight, mom sat beside a businessman who had travelled to the state several times.  He asked if they had seen any moose.  The gentleman was slightly disappointed as he had never before seen one and my parents were blessed to see one on their very first trip.

My Parents Went To Alaska And…

all they brought back for me was this stupid tshirt. Well… not really stupid. I like it and was not expecting anything. I just remember some friends who went to Hawaii when I was really young and brought me a shirt with that momento printed on in (with Hawaii instead of Alaska, of course).

Like their trip last summer to California, their excursion had many memorable moments. As I knew he would, my father found plenty of time to engage in what must be his favorite pasttime: lawn maintenance. He mowed the lawn, pulled weeds, and whatever else he could find to do. However, all outside work had to stop at 9PM following the playing of Taps or there would be trouble. The sun rose at about 4AM and did not set until 11PM every night. Funny that I was asked if dad had sneaked his lawn mower in his carry on bag.

We were greeted by a slew of stories that seem unbelievable but with my family are quite probable. At the Army PX (store) there were three different areas: grocery, clothing, and miscellaneous. You had to pay for the items you picked up in their respective departments. For example, you could not pay for a ball of yarn in the grocery area… as my father attempted to do. And you could not pay for anything without a military ID. Problems ensued and I half expected to hear that the three adults and two small children had been arrested for shoplifting, but no such luck.

While taking a walk along the beach (in 50 degree weather… I would almost take that after the past few days), they happened upon many musicians trying to make a buck. A person from China attempting to return to his native land and a woman trying to pay her way through college were just a few.

As this is a family friendly site, I will not go into detail on my next topic. Charnel has a friend who sells products ala Avon. However, the catalog she sells from is anything but beauty care. Charnel was asked if she would like to start selling. She vehemently turned the offer down. However, I can see where the woman could make money selling her wares.

Finally, the parents had as memorable a return flight as they did going. All of the flights on the return voyage were packed. Consequently (and I don’t know how… only they could be so lucky), they only had one seat between the two of them following the layover in Newark, NJ. Thankfully, the airline took volunteers to be bumped to a later flight giving dad a seat.

As they got off the toll road after driving home from Detroit, the toll collector asked where they had been. Don’t you wish you had stayed another week when it will be cooler? I was thinking the same as I heard the forecast over the last week… WELCOME HOME!