

He’s Walking!!

My son will be 15 months old on October 11, which makes him due for his next check-up with the doctor.  I made the appointment today and found out that all 15-month appointments are made with our pediatric nurse rather than our regular pediatrician, whom we really like.  We like the nurse also, but some

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Boys Are Gross!

It’s becoming clear to me why little girls think little boys are gross.  They have a point – little boys ARE gross.  Case in point: my almost 15-month-old boy was playing on the stairs today.  When I went to retrieve him, he had taken half of his diaper off, and…  well, I really don’t want

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I actually ran out of room in my previous post to talk about my little ones, my non-schoolers, so it’s time for an update! The baby, soon to be toddler, Christopher (we call him Beeber since that’s what his big sister used to call him) is getting so big and is now probably closer to

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Back To School!

Well, summer is officially over – school starts tomorrow!  I could be like everyone else and say “where did the summer go?”, but for me, it actually didn’t go as fast as I would have thought.  We were so busy; though it was good-busy; not like so-much-work-to-do-busy.  But much fun was had and I enjoyed

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Kid Currency

Sometimes Dr. Phil does give good advice.  Among my favorite Dr. Phil advice lines is: “every kid has his (or her) currency”.  Unfortunately, our second-oldest daughter’s (age 5) currency (referring to something that can “buy” a kid; in other words, cheer up a sour mood) happens to be one of the girlie things her parents

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