

Twins – Years Apart

Everyone says it.  Our family, friends and acquaintances are in agreement – our two middle children look just like each other.  They could pass for twins, except for the fact that Sammie is almost 5 and Disney is 2½ – so twins years apart, you might say.  Don’t believe me?  Nothing like photographic evidence… Lisa

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Disney’s Intervention

It’s no secret that our formally sweet daughter Disney is in the throes of the ‘terrible twos’ right now.  One minute she’ll be snuggling…  But the next minute, she’ll be spitting, pinching, hitting, pulling hair, or one of the other horrible behaviors that define the ‘terrible twos’.  So the other night, we had some friends

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Random Kid Stuff

The other day, my husband reminded me of a cute story about something our oldest daughter did when she was younger, probably around 4 years old.  He said I should write it down somewhere so we don’t forget about it, so I decided to write something about all four of our wonderful kids, starting with

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Checkup Time!

INSERT DISK HERE: My son Christopher passed his 6 month baby checkup at the pediatrician with flying colors.  If only adult physical tests were this easy – pass a block from hand to hand, pick up a raisin (which was promptly taken away because he’s too little – where’s the reward in that?), a turn

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Hannah’s Wish

Our 4-year-old daughter Samantha is having her first sleepover tonight.  She’s been here when her older sister had friends sleep over, but tonight it’s her friend, just for Sammie.  Four years old is a little bit young to have a sleepover.  And tonight is the second sleepover in a row since older sister Taylor had

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Flavor Poll

Since I’m on the subject of Girl Scout cookies (per my previous post), I’m going to conduct a flavor poll.  Girl Scout cookies are very popular.  So many people enjoy them that I would consider them a slice of Americana.  So what’s your favorite flavor? [poll id=”5″] And thanks to Jamiahsh for giving me the

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