But It WAS A Productive Rehearsal!

The last two rehearsals have been dedicated to blocking the entire show… preliminary blocking anyway.  You just know that it is going to change, particularly when we get our two weeks (of rehearsal) time on the stage.  But even to get that little idea in your head as to what you will be doing on stage is a big help.  It was like the blind leading the blind but when aren’t first blockings like that.  We did get to see “Eve’s” development of her big moment and the rest of us think she is off to a good start!

I am pleased with where I am at this point!  The memorization is coming.  Although, I do find myself running over “Kate’s” lines at times which at times seems appropriate since most of our moments end dramatically.  However, I will focus a bit more on the cue lines.

One of the highlights last night did not involve any blocking or scripts.  In the middle of a scene, we heard the thrilling refrain of John Williams’ “Superman March.”  I should have ignored it and kept the others guessing.  I was as surprised as them because I am usually careful to turn the cell phone off at inopportune times.  I did silence it after I read the text.  I did get HOMEWORK!  I’m to find my recording of the instrumental “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” which is an important part of the show.  It is in my itunes library.  I wonder if there is a way to send it to Beth via email.  I’ll see.

All in all.. a successful rehearsal with less than 4 weeks to go?!

Discovery And Other Developments

I think the best way to delve into the character of Tom Hudson is through repeated read-throughs.  In fact, that is what the past few weeks have been rehearsal wise.  There is so much still to discover about his character: where he came from and where he will be by the journey’s end.  How will he get there and why will he be where ends up?  Next week, we begin the actual blocking.  Since most of it will be derived from the actual stage directions, I now need to start looking at them a bit more. Although I have yet to be in a show in which blocking is totally dependent upon what is written in the script.  Each of the three characters say a lot but even without the italicized movements, we all can tell that it is going to be a physical and (even more daunting)  emotional workout.

Tomorrow nights rehearsal has been pushed back to Thursday so it gives me a few days to look and think about both the spoken as well as the non-verbal attributes of the character.  Actually, I am pretty impressed with my start in line memorization and that is before I have felt the need to type out or record them.  Just reading alone or at rehearsal has given me a good grasp on it for the time being.

And now that it is after 12:30AM, I believe it is time to stop with the emptying of my brain and give it a rest.  I really think this show is going to be another special one.  Hopefully, we can get a large number of people to come and see our little three-person show.  I really think that the story is very profound and needs to be told!  So different from ANY play or character I have ever before been part of because the events are certainly plausible and heartfelt.  There comes a time for light theatrical fare and then there is a time for more serious drama.  So glad that I knew I wanted to be part of it since January.  Never hesitated just hoped I would be cast in it!

Mark Your Calendars NOW!…  May 21-23… Huber Opera House

Working On A Baptism Rehearsal For One

I am so glad that Mondays are one of my days off each week.  I don’t know if I could have made it this morning.  A long weekend full of fun.  I worked Saturday afternoon before mass after which Chloe was going to be baptized.  Getting her big sister into a dress was a chore.  Kyli was not impressed that she had to put on a pretty dress.  Uncle Jamiahsh to the rescue!  I volunteered to put the dress on!  I almost got it up to my head… Thank goodness the 2 year old stopped me before I did.

During mass… more “controlled chaos” which made me question yet again the absence of a crying room at church.  Not sure if a Saturday night school would be a good thing.  But I do seem to remember a Sunday School for children up to 1st or 2nd grade that must have been done away with.  But the  ceremony was nice, quick, and I got the chance to go to the theatre and see Working. A very different show light on plot but the songs and the performers made it a surprisingly well delivered show.  Glad I got the chance to see it!

Sunday after work.  I had rehearsal.  What was supposed to be “Eve” and I, turned into the director and I.  Beth had a late game night/early morning on Saturday but we read through the play which helped me so not a bad rehearsal at all.  And the short practice allowed me to go out to dinner with the 16!  by 9PM when it was over, I was ready for a break!  Let’s just hope my “daughter” shows up tonight 😉

Here’s the only picture not featuring red eye from the baptism:

Younger Than Springtime

I will join in my two fellow tangenteers who have exuded about the beautiful day we had in our little corner of NWO.  PICTURE PERFECT!  Had to work, but got off at two so I had plenty of time to enjoy it!  The down-side… learning from our friendly (no… really… he’s always looking out for all his customers) mechanic that I will soon need to purchase four new tires.  Not so bad considering I’ve had the same car for 8 years and have yet to make the purchase.  And he promised that he can get me a good set for $300.00… not WM el cheapos.

On my way to the garage, I stopped by our going out of business video store where all DVD’s MUST GO for $5 a piece.  I picked up yet another of my childhood memories: The Great Muppet Caper.  I may watch after I finish watching my boys take care of the Angels.

Rehearsal went very well tonight.  Actually, I think this is going to be another dandy!  It’s a good thing I decided to check the door.  I was my usual 15 minutes early, so I got to enjoy the weather a bit more.  Unbeknownst to me, Beth and Rebecca were already inside.  No cars parked except for mine.  Finally at 6, Dawn arrived and we headed upstairs to the costume room where the other two were waiting.

Our director commented to me how well I have been doing.  She wasn’t sure (as I wasn’t) that I had it in my acting prowess to convey all the emotions that “Tom” must go through during the course of the play.  She has not seen me on stage enough to know the full extent of my performance arsenal.  To be quite honest, I don’t think I know.  To me, that is one of the most rewarding things about the theatre… growth and development.  If you are not willing to take chances… you never know what you are capable of.  Sounds a bit like life.  Maybe I should listen to some of these ramblings, eh?  Can you tell I am a wee bit excited… not that that hasn’t happened every show.

OH, YEAH… Jackie Robinson Day.  EVERY player on EVERY team is wearing #42 in recognition of the 62(?) anniversary of the breaking of the color barrier in major league baseball.

Speak The Speech, I Pray You, As I Pronounc’d It To You, Trippingly On The Tongue

I remember very well learning this line spoken by Hamlet to the Players in Act II, Scene ii.  It was during whatever course falls between beginning and advanced acting (which would be intermediate) and each student had to learn the speech and deliver it trippingly on the tongue.  We also had to choose a monologue from the bard, memorize it, and perform it in true Elizabethan fashion… ok the costume was extra credit.

Tonight, we had read-through (FINALLY!) for Miracles.  It went very well… imho.  Beth told me to watch my delivery at times.  In places, it sounded as if I was “reading” the lines instead of attempting to “perform” them.  However, she was very complimentary most of the time and it was the read-through so as we progress I can only go one way.  I even surprised myself in a couple of scenes.  “Eve” was absent so our producer had to fill in for the role of my daughter.

I do get to sing bits of two songs, waltz, and a short little dance with “Eve.”  The waltzing may be the most challenging bit of all.  HAHA!  Somehow I think that the drama will be a challenge, too.  But… a challenge is a GREAT thing! Time to once again put my erasable highlighter to use… so glad that the gift I received is being put to good use 😉  Think I found another good use for the blog… an actor’s triumphs and stumbles spot!