The Newlywed Game – 10 Years Later!

This April 10 (2009) will mark the 10-year anniversary of my marriage to my wonderful wife, Lisa.  And, last night we got to celebrate a little bit early by joining our local theatre for a night of “That’s Amore” – a cute little game where couples answer questions about each other “Newlywed Game” style.

And my wife, who HATES getting up in front of people actually got on stage and joined me in the competition — and we won!

But, this isn’t really about the game…

The fact that my wife would get up on stage (looking smokin’ hot I might add) and participate in this event meant so much to me.  I know how much she hates/fears being on stage and the fact that she was willing to do this…  I know it was because she, like me, will jump at any chance to show our love to each other.

For these past 10 years I have just been so blessed.  Not only has Lisa given me complete marital bliss for the past 10 years, she (and God) have given me a wonderful family that has far exceeded my childhood dreams.

As I child I had a dream of getting married and having a family with many children; but the reality has been much sweeter than the dream ever was!  Each day I wake up (even when it is to crying little ones) and think to myself how blessed my life is and how lucky I am to have my wife and kids.

A few people have chided me about not blogging enough.  But the truth is, my blog would get boring to readers quickly.  Really, aside from the ocasional gripe about the theatre, all I ever feel like writing about is Lisa — my love for her and my love for the kids…  And maybe now and then about my love for my friends.


Plus, I work on the computer — so when I get some “free” time the last thing I want to do is MORE on the computer.  I want to spend wime with LISA, CHRISTOPHER, DISNEY, SAMANTHA, and TAYLOR!

A Toast to The Best!

You know, it’s not easy to be the best at something…  Anything.  Sure, you can be good — even great.  But to be the best it means there is nobody better.  You are IT.  The one, the only one.  The best.

I am good at a few things…  Computers, ummm…  Well, computers.  I am pretty good with computers.  I can probably think of one or two other things I am good at if I try.  But the best?  Nope.  I am “the best” at nothing.  But as amazing as it may seem, I do know a few people who truely are the best at what they do — and it amazes me every day.

First is my wife Lisa.  She is the BEST wife (for me) possible.  Sure, I would be happy with a good wife.  I would be thrilled to have a great wife.  But how the heck did I land THE BEST wife?  It’s true.  There is no one in this world that would be a better wife for me than her.

She understands me; which is hard to do.  She loves me unconditionally; equally hard.  And she always complements my life.  She is the best!  And if you read her blog you will see she is pretty talented at writing too!

Then there is my daughter Disney.  SHE is the best baby anyone could hope for!  She is always smiling, she is super snuggly, she listens well, she is concerned about others, and ooooohhhh soooooo cute!  She is the best.  There couldn’t be a better baby in my life!

Of course there is Samantha.  She drives me crazy!  She is so unique and has such a strong will and strong spirit that she always keeps me on my toes.  Her energy and her unique qualities are just magical to me.  She is just the best.  She is the best at being the excitement this family needs on a daily basis.  There is no other person in our family so uniquely special.  She is just wonderful in such a unique (hair-going-gray-fast) kind of way.

There is also our oldest, Taylor.  She can always put other’s feelings first.  I remember when she was 5 and at the annual easter egg hunt.  Her and another girl were staring down a big chocolate egg and were off to the races.  Taylor got there first and got the egg…  And then promptly handed it to the other girl.  She likes making others feel good, and in our family, she is the best!  She is the best at being sweet and taking care of her sisters!

I have some friends who are the best too.  In fact, my friend Derek is the best at being loyal.  I know many loyal people.  But Derek’s loyality has spanned much time and much trial.  He is simply the best at being loyal (to me).  The guy can also sing like WOW and can sometimes make me look like a computer novice!

My friend John is always able to give quality input to any situation.  He is the best at it…  John has such a vast knowledge of…  Well, everything.  Whenever I need to know anything about anything, I ask John.  You should too.  Because John is the best at this.  There is nobody I know better.  Not to mention that he is a friggin genuis and darn good actor!

Then there is Jamy, another blogger here.  The guy is just plain nice.  All the time, and to everybody.  Yes, he has the art of being a nice guy down perfect.  He is the best at being nice.  Sounds weird to be the best at being nice, but if you meet Jamy you will know what I mean.  But for a nice guy he plays a great bad-guy on stage and is one of the most talented character actors I’ve had the privilage of working with!

I just think all the time about how lucky I am to have such an amazing wonderful family and such great friends. 

This is a toast to you guys, you are all the best!!

Especially Lisa 🙂  Seriously, she is the BEST!!!