

Welcome back gift

As I said last post, I started working again this past week.  What I didn’t mention is my welcome back gift.  In the past, I have received books at one of the district’s workshops.   Well, this year I didn’t attend their workshop due to not planning on going back to subbing.  I found out later […]

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Finally happening

The time was 1982.  With the popularity of video games and the reality of affordable home computers, this was a natural platform for the plot of a movie.  So Disney decides to bring us… Tron.  Starring Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner (side story- my parents apparently knew Bruce’s parents), this movie of course is not

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Since my blogging friends are big movie buffs, I thought I would mention a couple of movies that I have watched recently.  While they likely saw them in the theater when released, I of course watched them on DVD which provide nice extras in the form of deleted scenes and such.  Recently I checked out

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I’m curious…

Does anyone view the videos I post?  There have been no comments at all on either the Godtube one I posted two weeks ago, nor on the Archie videos.  Are they just uninteresting?  No time maybe?  I’m thinking of posting more videos, but if no one watches them then there’s probably no point. As for

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