


Tuesday I was in the same district, but got to sleep almost an hour later.  I headed the same way in the morning, but turned off at the middle school corner to continue on northward to hometown-district’s northernmost school.  I checked in and headed to class.  The big difference in subbing for elementary versus middle […]

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Monday: Industrial technology in hometown district. In near-city district, only 7th and 8th grade take this class- I think this year the teacher at one of these schools only teaches for four periods.  What does he do with the rest of the day?  In hometown district all three middle-school grades take this class.  The other

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(imagine a picture here that I’m too tired to make right now) A little drama in accepting assignments- is the job his, or isn’t it…? Can eighth grade LD/BD kids really be quiet? What happens when a hand is put in front of the face of an autistic child who doesn’t want to work? Tune

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Seen but not heard

That’s how the saying goes, only it’s talking about children while I’m talking about me.  Welcome to my journey in a deaf and hard-of-hearing classroom.  I always like to joke about how I am monolingual, speak only one language, but even with others from another country, when I talk to them they can usually understand

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