


I only made one post about work last week?  Well, I was depressed about the state of the elections I guess.  I truly believe we are in for a very rough four years, and that’s all I’m going to say about that.  I know who my messiah is and He isn’t a politician.  So my

One?? Read More »

Full pay, half work

Thursday was an interesting day.  I subbed for the gifted teacher at a middle school.  Fir some reason this teacher has only five classes instead of the usual six.  Two each of 7th and 8th grades, one 6th grade.  Now what happens when the reason for the teacher’s absence is because she took the 8th

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Lean times

During these times of uncertainty I think it appropriate to mention that I have had a couple of lean days in the past week.  How so, you ask?  First of all I am not talking about my diet or any lack of jobs.  What I refer to is the lesson plans.  Twice in the last

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