I’m going green

Ok, I think I should stop reading the news… I found this on people doing extreme recycling.

I’m all for getting by with less and taking my bottles and cans to the recycling center. I’ve seen how big Mt. Trashmore is getting just down the road from where I live. But taking old food out of dumpsters?!! Man, you have to draw the line somewhere don’t you? This just hit me wrong. I know people throw out a bunch of stuff that is still good, but once it is in the dumpster, ya just got to leave it there. Don’t you?

Maybe not… Hmm… There is a small gathering of friends this weekend. Maybe I can check the trash behind the local markets and restaurants to see what is available… Anybody else want to go extremely green?

Whoa!!! I use this stuff!

While scanning the news sites today I found this.

I’ve taken that stuff through the years. The heaviest usage was during my most depressing time of life!! The allergy season of 2004 was extremely bad for me. I took Singular for the entire Spring thru Fall (Last Frost to First Frost). I’m very glad (my girls are probably glad too) that I never had that side affect. Suicidal is something I’ve never been. Hell, I’ve been so depressed I couldn’t find my own socks in the morning, and they were right in the sock drawer where they’ve always been. I’ve put things in ‘safe places’ never to find them again. I went through at least 1 year on pure instinct. I’m surprised the people I met then still talk to me… Then again, the depression medication I was on had the same warning about suicide. Scary to take a med to help depression, that could cause thoughts of suicide.

Guess I have to talk with my Dr. before the allergy season starts up again…