Pet Store

My bible verse today was John 14:27, and for worship we did Old Church Choir. Today’s sermon jam was by John Krach.

For math we did more on Fractions, and for History we learned about Michael Rockefeller’s disappearance. We walked outside and went to the pet store for recess, and for Physics we learned how the Tower of Terror works.


The sermon was by Rafael Rodriguez, my bible verse was Isaiah 6:8. For worship we listened to Egypt by Cory Asbury.

For math Luke learned the butterfly method in adding and subtracting fractions. For History we learned about Chris McCandless, and for Physics we learned about Iron Gwazi. For recess we played four square.

An Open Book

Morning Prep

For breakfast, I had two halves of a bagel, each with peanut butter and banana on top

Heart Prep

Sermon Jam – 10am
Worship – 10:10am

Bible Verse: The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. -1 Corinthians 2:14



I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 35 minutes

Math – I watched the first two and a half minutes of this to review
History – 30 minutes (Part 1/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 2/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 3/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 4/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 5/5)

Lunch at noon

Recess – Played four square in the garage for about 30 minutes

I took a shower

Spanish – 20 minutes of Duolingo

Fun with Friends

The sermon jam today was by Judah smith, and for worship we listened to Way Maker Kid’s Worship. My bible verse was Romans 8:31.

Then we had Fun with Friends but they didn’t show up so we played board games together. For outside activity we walked ginger, and for physics we learned about the Dueling Dragons coaster.


For worship we listened to Grace got You, and our sermon jam was about A God Who Passes Over Sins. The bible verse was 2 Chronicles 7:14

For history we learned about Chris McCandless, and we played four square outside.

I did not do physics today because I had to go to the Doctors for a check up.

The Park

Our sermon jam was about the gospel again, and we did Come to the Table for worship

Luke had his English test and he scored 74%. For math we did division facts, and for history we learned about the Emancipation Proclamation and Christopher Columbus.

We played in the park, and then for physics learned about Hagrid’s coaster.

Four Square

Our sermon jam was about the gospel today. We listened to Old Church Choir for worship

For math we did more exponents and some 7th grade math vocabulary, for history we finished up The Cold War and talked about it. During recess we played four square and baseball, and we finished up the steel vengeance video for physics as well as talked about it.

Steel Vengeance

Today’s sermon jam was called Uncompromising Gospel and it was by Leonard Ravenhill. For worship we did Even So Come by Christ Tomlin, and my bible verse today was Proverbs 19:31

I read more of The Meg today, for math Luke and I were learning about exponents. for American history we learned about the cold war, then we went outside and played four square and baseball. For physics we watched more of the Steel Vengeance Video

Honest Abe 4 Prez

Morning Prep

Started at 9:35am, done at 9:50am

Heart Prep

Sermon Jam – 9:50am
Worship song – 9:55am

Daily Bible verse; Rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the autumn rains in righteousness. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. -Joel 2:23


Started at 10:05am


I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 20 minutes

Math – 20 minutes; I ended at the time stamp 14:11
History – 30 minutes (Part 1/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 2/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 3/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 4/5)
History – 30 minutes (Part 5/5)

Lunch starting at 11:50am

Outside recess – 45 minutes; We played baseball and four square

Spanish – 30 minutes of Duolingo

Home run

The sermon jam today was by Leonard Ravenhill, and it was about praying. My bible verse was Zephaniah 3:17. For worship we listened to Come to the Altar

The book I read for reading today was The Meg. I got to page 74 where it was just revealed that a character the protagonist didn’t like was going to be working the same job.
For math Luke and I looked at math vocabulary, exponents, and pre-algebra. For American history we talked about World War 2. I had a Hot Pocket for lunch and we played baseball outside. Luke was having some temper problems and would throw the bat and rip up grass and plants when he got an out, but other than that he played well. For physics we watched part of a video on the Steel Vengeance roller coaster