My Daily Functions

Morning Prep was started at 9:35

Heart Prep

Sermon Jam – 10am

Bible verse from Verse Of The Day: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. -Ephesians 4:29

Worship song


Done together at 10:15am


Done on my own starting at 10:30

I read The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove for 20 minutes

Math – 20 minutes; I only needed to watch half of the video. Work done on dry erase board
History – 30 minutes (Part 1/6)
History – 30 minutes (Part 2/6)
History – 30 minutes (Part 3/6)
History – 30 minutes (Part 4/6)
History – 30 minutes (Part 5/6)
History – 30 minutes (Part 6/6)

Lunch started at 11:40am

Outside Recess lasted for 45 minutes. It started at 12:25pm. We played baseball and makeshift volleyball

Spanish is 30 minutes of Duolingo. Started at 1:25pm, ended at 1:55pm

School Day

We all prayed together then ate breakfast. After that we started heart prep. For worship we listened to Grace Got You. My Bible verse was Psalms 85:2. Our sermon jam was about indwelling sin

After cleaning I tested Luke in spelling, and he got 92%. Then for math we worked on pre-algebra. For American history we learned about World War 2

After American history we all went to the thrift store with mom. Once we were back we made lunch. Because of the thrift store, our time schedule resumed on dishes.

Happy Easter

and Resurrection Day

Migraines SUCK!

I used to get them quite frequently while growing up but every once in a while they rear their ugly heads and I am done.  My only regret is that I had to miss my voice lesson for which Kathrine was more than understandable 😀 Next week promises to be interesting as she is hosting an exchange student from New Zealand,  I will have some one critiquing me full time.  Kathrine tries to play the piano and watch me at the same time.

My New Years Day was ehh.  After getting to bed around 5AM, I was awakened 4 hours later by the dulcet tone of “Can you come in to work today?” I probably would have been more receptive of the idea had I not been brought out of a deep sleep.  I did go in from 1-6 and at time and a half plus the 9 hours at the same rate that I put in the day before, I wasn’t all that upset.  Even the fact that the day just SEEEMED to DRAAAAAAAGGGGG did not put that much of a damper.  At 5:45 however, a customer called asking if we had Similac Baby formula.  About 30 seconds later, the man of the house called, asked the same question, and thankfully asked how late we were open.  So, being the nice guy I am… waited for the customer’s arrival.  But as he was checking out with his 9 cans of formula (which put us over $100.00 for our last hour) I turned out the lights.

Bowl Games for Big 10 country have not been overwhelmingly successful.  Thankfully, the Buckeyes ended their 9 game winless streak against teams in the SEC as they defeated Arkansas 31-26.  And poor Rich Rodriguez is out of a job.  I thought he did a fine job as the 3 year coach of the team up North but I guess the PTB had other ideas.

Moving AGAIN!

Three months after we first move to Maumee, Tony and I are moving again.! It is time for us to have  a place of our own again, and though it was hard to find a place that would except four cats, we found a couple. We are still close to my family and I love the place. And…not only will Tony and I have a place to ourselves once again, we will finally be on the same shift! After three months of never seeing my husband except for a few hours a day because of opposite shifts, we have been put on the same shift. It might  have had something to do with me telling the supervisor that we were moving and that we only had one car.

Tomorrow is the big moving day, we have gotten most of our stuff back into boxes. Well, what we had unpacked. Most of our things were put into storage, since we are currently staying with my sister and her husband. My cats and their animals are not getting along very well, even after three months! Padme, the baby of our family, has gained a lot of weight since we moved here. She has started eating so much  more since we moved in and we think it’s because she is stressed and that she is eating more also because one of the dogs keeps eating her kitty food! She has to save her food from the “stupid” dog! 🙂 Once we move, we are tinking about having set food time to see if that helps, if it doesn’t get any better.

Finishing the packing and then heading to bed is the goal once Tony gets home. Too bad, I won’t have internet for a week. Hope to get back on and find plenty of support from my friends! 🙂

Season Premiere

Tonight is the season premiere of  CSI: New York. There is about half an hour left before it starts and I am dreading and anticipating it at the same time. Last season they ended it with a shot ringing out during a black screen! Who was shot and was baby Lucy all right are the top questions I need answered and I know that with this episode, my questions will be answered, but with this episode, I will see how my favorite character, Stella, is being written out of the show. She decided she didn’t want to do another season, to be able to spend more time with her family. I get all of that, but she was my favorite character and I don’t want her to leave the show! The person they have coming in to be her replacement I don’t really know. I have only seen her in the Fugitive and that was for about five minutes, because she was the wife who was killed.

Of course, she isn’t going to be Stella. They have come up with a new character, but being second in command to Mac? No one will do the job as well as Stella. She was Mac’s best friend, his trusted co-worker, his confident. And now she is going to be gone! Who is Mac going to be able to turn to now? I think it will be either Flack or Danny, most likely Flack. I will watch the show, but not until Tony gets home. I am going to record it and then once Tony gets home, we’ll watch it together. I hope it’s still good without Stella!

Woke up from a nightmare?

Well, I’m really not sure I would classify it as a nightmare, but what else? What would you call a dream that had most of the WCCT regulars, Rosanne, the Flintstones (animated), large bats, broken windows, broken down garages, downtown Bryan Ohio, and seedy bars in it? I wasn’t frightened but I woke up very confused.

Now I just had to write that down so I could get some sleep. Just contemplating the dream has kept me awake for the last 1/2 hour. Maybe this will help clear the brain for a few better dreams.

Have a good one, and I hope this slight description doesn’t keep anyone else awake. I hope to forget the details of the dream by morning, so this is all you should hear about.

Missing Out!

I have signed up as a fan on Zahi Hawass’ website. For anyone who doesn’t know, Zahi Hawass is currently the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities over in Egypt and is still active at dig sites in so many places around Egypt. I have been watching his show on the History Channel, Chasing Mummies. It is great show and I watch it every week.

To get back to where I started. I signed up as a fan on his site. He keeps blogs, what he has found, events, what he’s writing (books) and press releases. Well, since signing up for all of that, I have received many emails about all this new stuff that he is doing. Well, yesterday, I received an email and it said that on September 25, Zahi Hawass was going to be in Los Angeles and one of the Chasing Mummies episodes was going to be shown on the big screen. Not only that, but afterwards, there is going to be a question and answer session with Zahi Hawass! Ugh, and I can’t go!

Moved in

I know that I haven’t written in about a month, but Tony and I have settled into my sister’s house, in a way. Most of our belongings are in

storage at the moment, since we really only have one room to put our stuff in. I know Emmy said we can put things in other parts of the room, but there still really isn’t much room. My cats have somewhat adjusted. They are getting there, but Padme and Grim are still trying to decide who is going to be in charge. None of my babies like the dogs very well. They prefer Oakly over Isaac, but than Isaac gets in their faces and whines. He also likes to herd them back into our bedroom. Beru and Darth seem to be accepting the dogs better than Wedge and Padme.

I am working at Midwest Tape with Emmy. Well, not exactly with her, since she is in the office and I’m working in the warehouse. There is no air condition in the warehouse, so it’s really hot, but I like what I am doing. I get to see so many different movies and walk around all day. I would hate to sit around all day. I get too fidgety. I do that sitting at the computer at home. I am always moving, getting up to move around before sitting back down. Tony doesn’t have a job yet, but we are being positive that he will find one soon. I know we are very thankful that Emmy and Bill are letting us stay here for now, but I know we both want a place of our own again.

If anyone has any more questions about Egypt, I will be answering those in my next blog.

Just a quick update.

I know I haven’t written in over a week and I am sorry about that. This one is going to be short as well. I need to get back to packing. My husband and I are moving to Maumee to live with my oldest sister and her husband until we can afford our own place. I have a job at either the DeVeaux Goodwill or where my sister works: Midwest Tape. I need everything packed and ready to move by Friday night. Wish me luck.

And yes, my anniversary was awesome!