After nearly 4 days, I believe Uncle Larry N. Gitis has finally left… THANK YOU SO MUCH 😀 !!! I tell you, it seems like the four longest days I have had in some time. Tuesday late afternoon while baking cookies for a New Years gathering, I noticed that my voice was getting scratchy and I was starting to think that I was going to be coming down with a cold. However, throughout the ordeal I felt fine… just kept getting less and less of a voice which to me is quite frustrating and scary. There is just so much that I do with my voice… it has long been a my instrument of choice. I could probably pick up a trumpet or tuba and play and I can play a little piano, but I have always, ALWAYS LOVED to sing. Even more than the other three instruments. Makes me wonder (there’s that word again) how people like Julie Andrews and I am sure many other performers endure when they lose their singing voices permantely. Of course, Ms. Andrews has endured with other projects such as writing children’s books as well as doing the occasional movie
. I’m actually glad that my voice has recovered just in case it needs to be used in a meeting tomorrow evening. [poll id=”6″]