Better Unheard?
Since I was unable to deliver it vocally, I will post it for posterity.
I would like to first thank everyone in the three shows I was in for making me feel so welcome this past year. I want to thank all my directors; Virlyn, Beth, and Travis. I want to thank everyone sitting at my table:
- my parents for putting up with me which is not always easy
- my brother for recommending me to Virlyn for St. Louis
- Megan and Carol for their unfailing support
- Lisa for telling me to go “where my talent is appreciated”
- and my wingman, Chris, who is always there behind me in EVERYTHING and who, if you did not already know, has created a whole new website for the Village Players. THANKS PAL!
I also want to thank everyone I have had the pleasure to work with on and off the stage over the past year. Working with such a fantastic group of people has made the past year Wonderful. I want to especially thank Greg, Dawn, Mary, and Travis who have all been there since last January.
OK… so maybe it is a good thing I was not expected to give a speech. I would surely have been given the music cue to wrap it up long before I was ready.