There’s a celebrity in Britian named James May who has a show on the BBC called “Toy Stories”. Each episode centers around adventures he has with one of Britian’s best loved toys. For the episode about Legos (to be aired in the spring), he had a life-size Lego house built in which he lived for several days. While the house itself didn’t look all that cool from the outside, it was fully furnished with Lego, including a working commode. Here are some shots from the inside set to a groovy little song, “I’m living in a Lego house…” It’s a shame that the entire project went to waste when they tore the thing down… prospective buyers were scared off by the million dollars it costs to move a Lego house.
I’d hate to meet the one who plays with that life-size dollhouse! 😀
That Lego song was…painful. Thanks for the clip- I hadn’t seen the inside of the house.
I actually kind of like the Lego song, but one problem… it lodges in one’s head quite easily!! I’ve been singing it all day! Good luck getting it out of your head!
I’m living in a Lego house…
Already gone (been listening to worship songs for small group tomorrow night), but thanks!
I do have a question… Is it the Lego underwear that are lumpy or the house itself? The outside of the domicile was rather unimpressive, but the interior was neat. I’m livin’ in a lego house. I say again… someone is wanting her Legos. How about a theatre set made of Legos 😉
WOW – that would take a long time! Not to mention how expensive it would be!
I think it was implied that the underwear was lumpy 🙂
I’m good without my Legos; I just like to look at Lego stuff on the internet sometimes (NERD!) I figure I can haul out the Legos in about 2 years, maybe 3. Then I’ll have a bunch of helpers!