Bring Out The Old… Bring In The New

AH… 2009, where have you gone?  Some really high points and some really low ones.  Lets deal with the low and end on a high (not THAT kind).

  • We lost Michael Jackson who was one of my favorite performers growing up and even throughout his wierdness was a genius.
  • Aunt Carol is still hanging on however little.  But good thing… the doctors did not give her until Christmas and she is almost to the new year of that we can be thankful.  So, I guess that can be a good thing disguised as a bad.

And now the GREAT which looking back can easily outweigh the bad:

  • Back in January, after being passed over for a role in a WCCT show, my brother recommended me to the director of Meet Me in St. Louis and that led to three unforgettable shows at a new favorite venue.  I also met some great friends through the VPs some of whom have also transported to the WCCT.  When one door closes, another is soon to open up.  Good words to live by.
  • Last Spring, I got to take another bite out of the Big Apple while once again assuming my role of Manny for the best friends ever.  Buses notwithstanding.
  • The return of Star Trek to the big screen… nuff said.
  • A Halloween road trip to the Big City with loads of friends.
  • The evilness of one Mr. Henry F. Potter.

Of course, we cannot forget the fact that I do have a job in this turbulent economic time and have reasnably good health and a loony bin of a family (wouldn’t have it any other way) and the best group of characters anyone could possibly hope for that I love to call my friends and second family.  Thank you all.  Happy New Year and may 2010 bring you good health, good times, and good fortune.