Tidbits From The Earth
Each week the hometown newspaper has a column entitled, “Did you know?” It is a list of little known facts (little known to the general public… there maybe some who do know everything). A few of these are facinating:
Did you know…
- that until 1978, Camel cigarettes contained minute particles of real camels (Always wondered how they came up with that name)
- that in 1943, a Parisian street mime got stuck in his imaginary box and consequently died of starvation (I would have guessed suffocation or claustrophobia)
- that you should never hold your nose and cover your mouth while sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeball
- that aardvarks are allergic to radishes, but only during summer months (I like to think that I am alergic to them year-round)
- that approximately one-sixth of your life is spent on Wednesday’s (why could it not be on a Friday or Saturday on game nights?)
- that polar bears can eat up to 86 penguins in a single setting
- that every three days a human stomach grows a new lining (what happens to the old ones?)
- that watching an hour-long soap opera burns more calories than watching a three-hour long baseball game (must be from the laughing one does while watching the suds. I would have to disagree especially when watching a football game at C & L’s… of course that is not baseball)
- THAT IN SARATOGA FLORIDA IT IS ILLEGAL TO SING WHILE WEARING A BATHING SUIT (why and how about singing in the nude… not that I would want to push the envelope)
- that about one-third of all Americans flush while still seated on the toilet (ok…)
- that on average, every chocolate bar contains at least three insect legs (mmm…. good)
Now that I have educated you all, go out and have a Snickers bar, go to Saratoga and sing in your bathing suit, and laugh those calories away watching a soap opera.