Memory for remembering scripts that is. We all know about my memory for names and faces by now. Memorizing scripts used to be a breeze, but now I just can’t seem to get it right. I had two weeks this time, and it was better, but I still changed a few of my lines because I couldn’t quite remember them. I know part of this is actual rehearsal time- we seem to be able to run through it an average of 1.5 times before the performance- but even with this handicap I feel I had a better handle on the memorization at the beginning of the year.
Today we also had a crisis getting props together. There was supposed to be a squirt gun, for example, but I had to improvise by using a flashlight instead (cool flashlight by the way, in the shape of a cordless drill so I think it worked). Also I had to make a backpack have some semblance of a rocket jet pack using some printed graphics and rolled-up paper tubes. Of course the tape on this and another prop failed. I will have to bring duct tape for the two groups tomorrow.
And now, I have to study the lesson for tomorrow’s 4th/5th grade class- it is my turn to teach again, and this time I have more than a half-hour notice so it needs to sound like it. 🙂
Ahhhhh….. the joys of memorization. I dunno why it is but I always get upset with myself if I am not off book before anyone else. Even after going to the theatre just to get the script for LW last week, I spent an hour just looking at my part immediately after I returned. WHO DOES THAT?!
You do, apparently. 😀
This is something I will have to start doing, it looks like. This next script worries me- I really hope he gets it to us tomorrow so I can start looking at it. This is our rehearsal week (once a month) and usually they hand us the next three or four scripts at once, giving us only three days to memorize the first! I have succeeded in the past, but with my memory the way is has been lately, who knows this time?
Well… besides me of course.