Well It’s Been A Long, Been A Long, Beenalong (Few) Day(s)

Started on Wednesday afternoon.  Dad came home from his crossing guard duty and headed to his bedroom (in itself not unusual) and fell asleep (which is a little strange).  Around 6, he cam out for a bit and told us that he was not feeling well and shortly turned in for the night.  Around 11, I heard the parents talking and all of a sudden, I hear Mom calling my name.  So I run to the bedroom and see her holding him up trying to steady him in an attempt to get him to the restroom.  Before I get to him, he (not so gracefully) tumbles to the floor.  To me, he looks kind of pasty and sweaty and he is mumbling but coherent (unlike the stroke adventure).  Call 911 and by 11:15 he is on his way to the hospital.  Mom and I get there about 11:45.

While sitting in his ER room, his heart rate goes on a roller coaster.  Up and down, down and up.  The lab tech came in and attempted to draw blood and wouldn’t ya know… he was being stubborn an didn’t want to give any… but eventually cooperated 😉 Around 3:30AM, we are finally informed that he is going to be admitted (course, we didn’t see THAT coming at all).  So, 4AM finally get to bed.  I got a few hours. Mom got 45 minutes.

Thursday, he was given a pint of blood.  ABout 3-4 years ago, he had to be given 7 pints after suffering a bleeding ulcer.  We had to wait until the battery of meds he has to take everyday to travel through his system before they can do anything extensive to determine what his problem is.

Friday morning, Dad is scheduled for a colonoscopy.  I had to go over for my own lab work so I arrived in plenty of time for his voyage to the OR.  Mom arrived shortly before the procedure began as Dad made sure.  The procedure did not last long and showed that he had suffered another bleeding ulcer, nowhere near as bad as the previous one.  In fact, it had stopped.  Apparently, he is really prone to these because of his susceptibility to the acid in high acid foods: citrus fruits, tomatoes and the like.  I guess when we order fruit from our school’s FFA later this season, he will not sit and indulge in 2-3 huge grapefruits in one sitting.  Back up in his ICU room (it seemed a bit different than the last time I was there), he fell asleep so I did not feel guilty when I left to meet some friends around the corner for lunch.

Today, at least we know what the problem was and is being treated.  He probably will not be able to come home today as his “numbers” are still not where they need to be.  But with the help of the doctors, prayers from loved ones and with HIS guidance, I’m sure Dad will be back to his “normal (?)” self in no time.

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night

Ok… backtrack post… Saturday night after church, I tagged along with my parents to watch the little ones in their new house.  While it was fun to have the family stay at the house after their return from “The Last Frontier”, it was a relief for all concerned when they moved into their new abode a short walk away.  Nice house that has been well taken care of.  Before I had decided to make my way home, it began to storm.  AND STORM IT DID!  Before the storm began, the two girls were asleep.  However, the biggest baby was still up and you never saw such a sight! Big 120lb. Bandit decided to take refuge across Mom, Dad, and I on the sofa.  He was shaking like a leaf and whimpering like a infant!  Big old softie.  Although, I have heard tell that he will let a stranger know that he does not like them specially when they are around “his girls.”  Just not during a thunderstorm!  I can only imagine being actually attacked by the Burmese Mountain Dog when a greeting from him seems like you are being attacked.  😀 The only thing missing was the camera.

Finally, after the storm turned into a sprinkle, I braved the hazardous walk home.

It has been a while, but I wish it had been longer.

I don’t usually have the need to visit the local hospitals, especially for myself. As far as an unexpected trip to the hospital, or emergency room has been years. The last time, I think I was 4. I really dont remember it. So almost 50 years later, I was back for more stitches. Last time was my head, this time my foot. So I’ve had stitches from top to bottom.

WHAT!! I went to the emergency room? I didn’t call my kids? Yes to the first, no to the second. Why not? Why didn’t I let anyone know? Well, the first part is that I was hurt. Serious enough to warrant some stitches, but not life or limb threatening. If push had come to shove, I would have been able to drive myself to the hospital. Luckily, I was with someone who could drive. Trip to hospital taken care of.

The emergency room staff were very pleasant and efficient. I was in very good hands. A little clean up, some pain killer, and 4 stitches later, I was out and on my way. My plans for the day were shot, but I will be back to doing what needs to be done soon. I can’t really complain.

So after 200 words, I have yet to say exactly what happened. The best I can come up with is that I used tools without the proper equipment. Canvas deck shoes were not made to stop a sharp axe. My foot was able to stop it, but only after suffering some damage. My good work boots would have stopped the blow with ease. After years of working with tools, I failed to follow the simplest of rules. Dress properly. Be prepared for those accidents. Use the proper safety gear. Hmm, you would think I didn’t know any better. I guess even at my age, one can live and learn. At least I hope I can.

One Labor Day Institution Comes To A Close

Well… another summer is UNofficially over.  It seems that once Labor Day is here, the kiddies are back in school and the county fair is about to begin, the scene changes.  However, it is my favorite season.  This holiday weekend is considerably different and I did not even realize that it was set to change this time last year.  Since 1966, Jerry Lewis has been the face of the Muscular Dystrophy Association as HIS telethon began airing locally and has spread Nationwide since.  In total during his reign, he helped raise $1.66 billion to find a cure to the number of diseases which affect millions of “Jerry’s Kids” around the world.  Apparently, last fall it was announced that the 21.5 hour telecast would be chopped down to a six-hour broadcast on Sunday night from 6PM-midnight.  That was not the only change to come.

In May, Jerry announced that this year’s star-filled extravaganza would be his swan song  but he would appear to close the show with his traditional take on “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”  In August, the organization announced that not only would the comedian/philanthropist not “be appearing on the telethon” but also “had completed his run as [MDA’s] national chairman.”  Dunno but it sounds like  some water under that bridge especially when little has been heard from Jerry himself.

I had to work last night and went to a bon fire after so I was unable to watch any of the shortened broadcast.  However, I have learned that in the 6 hours $61.5 million was raised (two million more than last year’s total).  I think it will be interesting to see if this version will be as successful as the last 45 years.  I realize that 22.5 hours is a long time and technology exists that can get word out and raise $2 million more than a year ago; however, it should be interesting to see if this year was more of a farewell for the decades long chairman.

Plus the fact that 2 days ago it was 100º+ and today’s temp barely reached 60º has not been lost on me!  I love the autumn season but a gradual fall into it is greatly appreciated 😉

They missed the wolfbane…

Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.

Finally saw the latest Wolfman movie. I know it was a disaster in the box office and critics generally disliked it, but I found it to be an enjoyable romp in the werewolf legends.

While it was different than the 1941 original, the writers gave us a good story. Some tension, some mystery and excellent performances from all the lead actors. I enjoyed the film craft of the movie as it harkened back to that 1941 original.

I would recommend this movie to any fans of the horror movies of the 30’s and 40’s. A wonderful way to spend an evening with someone.

Disney’s First Day

Disney had her first day at her new preschool last week, and she had a great time!  She really likes going to preschool every day!  Here are some pictures of her on her first day.  One picture features her little brother who wanted to go to preschool too, but he’s such a cool dude that he got right over it and is happy going to pick her up every day (despite his parents making him wear the Chicago Cubs shirt):


The weather has been wonderful. The visit with my daughter’s family delightful. The first meeting between grandpa and granddaughter fantastic.

There haven’t been any trips to major theme parks. Nothing special planned. Days come and go just like at home. I am enjoying my visit. I get to spend time with my family.

That was written back in August, during my visit with the Florida family. It has been almost a month since those words have been thought of. I really enjoyed my trip, and I miss everyone I saw when I was down there. I know my little granddaughter is growing quickly, it is usually a given for babies. The other grandchildren have slowed there growing pace, but they will be different the next time I see them. Families grow, change and develop at their own pace. A new pathway in life is open to them.

Here in NW Ohio, the changes in life usually happen at a slower pace. My children are grown, they have their lives, and I have been set in my ways for many years.

I’ve recently have written about change. Those who know me realize that I was taking a reflective approach to the changes occurring in my life. I’ve written about love and relationships. Those again, were posts reflecting things going on in my life. And here I am today, focused on changes that have occurred and will continue to occur. Today life is good, and the future is full of promise. In my opinion, it is good to be me. I haven’t said that often recently, but today I can say it. I’m looking forward to what life has in store for me.

Time To Get This Thing On The Road

My lesson was delayed an hour today as K had to take her youngest to his very first day of school.  I remember my mother taking me my first day every year up until the fifth grade after which I had to do more than walk out the front door.  I do not remember my first day of preschool; however, I do remember that it was in a church in B-own not far from my current lesson locale which itself is a converted place of worship now serving as the South Campus of the local Y.

The lesson itself was GREAT! much better than last week’s when  we only made it through 2 songs.  Today, we breezed through 6 of the 11 songs in 40 minutes (lost track of time and since none of us had anywhere pressing to we did not stop).  One piece still had some problems but was better than the last time we attempted it.  So, I think after we see how the remainder goes next week, I will be setting the date for the fruits of my labor to be put on display… no pun intended.  NOW if I can just get over this cold/allergies that seem to have latched onto me. 😉

5G has arrived

Not mobile data- is that what you were thinking?  I have a 4G phone released this year that’s not really 4G if that says anything about how long we’ll be waiting.  No, our church has a regular meeting for all church leaders.  This year we had about 400…more leaders than last year attend.  One church, six campuses, 15,000 churchgoers.  Yes there were a lot of leaders in attendance.  Our thing for this year is five Gs.  Let’s see if I can remember- the literature is in the car.  Growing, giving/generosity, grace, gratitude, and…  Okay, four out of five isn’t bad (giving and generosity are the same g).  In addition to this upcoming series, our pastor announced a revisit of a past series done about 12 years ago and a new financial drive- no specific dollar amount goal, but something else.  We’ll hear more about it soon.

In other church news, I am no longer a Liferock leader but am now a 4th and 5th grade leader.  Did I ever name the ministry before?  Probably not, but since I have stopped blogging for the most part causing my readership to heavily dwindle, I feel it is now safe to write.  Back to topic, the kids ministry decided to dump all names and just refer to the classes by grade.  Gone is Rock Solid (preschool ministry) and their climbers, leapers, trekkers, sleepers, and whatnot.  Now it’s just nursery 1, nursery 2, preschool 1… (ten preschool classrooms if you can believe it- remember the number of churchgoers I mentioned above…?).  Likewise, the separate names for the K-3 and 4/5 ministries have been removed.  I’ll learn of whatever other changes they have in store in two weeks when we have are children’s ministry meeting.  What this change means is I may be the only one who has served in the complete run of Liferock.  The year I started doing kid’s drama at church they had a Friday night ministry for 4th and 5th grades which I did not serve in, but they called that Life on the Rock I just learned.  They didn’t change it to Liferock until the following year when they moved the program to the weekends, separating the K-5 ministry into the now current K-3 and 4/5 as referred to earlier.  Now that the name has been terminated, I have served from start to finish.  How many years was that?  Well, my nephew was in 4th grade at the time- he may have attended once or twice.  He is now the equivalent of 16th grade.  That’s right- a senior at a university.  That makes this, what?  My 12th year?  Yes, I started drama in 1998, so Liferock the following year.

A note to L & C- 4th and 5th grade are quite different from junior high, but it is a real joy to teach those grades and I am sure you will agree.  Not the handful younger grades are, but not adolescents pulling away from adult authority either.  A perfect age in my opinion.

Blah- 11:00, and I have to get up and drive to Chicago in the morning.  I detest driving over there.  30 minutes away in no traffic, so that means over an hour to get to where I need to be.  I really wish this job of mine didn’t do business in the City…

Just remember this is from someone who really likes hot sauces…

My little girl in Florida (along with her husband of course) got me the most wonderful present. It could have been for Father’s Day or maybe my birthday. They hadn’t shipped it, and I was last there at Christmas and I didn’t get it then. But anyway, this present was a wonderful collection of hot sauces. All well up on the scale of things hot and spicy. My son-in-law had to sign a waiver to buy them, good stuff that. I think I will try them out in different foods to determine which one I like best….

Hot Sauce Death Pack

First one in the package was Dave’s Insanity Sauce. My little family knows about this sauce, I’ve had it before and it is quite potent. I add a drop or so to my bowl of chili, just to liven things up a bit. I will write more on that one later.

Today I tried “Smack my ass and call me Sally” hot sauce. The bottle comes with a warning label on it.

WARNINGThis sauce is extremely hot. Keep away from children. Do not use if you have heart or respiratory problems. Wash hands after use.

I tried this in Florida on a cracker or something like that. Just one drop and it is VERY hot. I added some to my quick dinner tonight and found it extremely pleasant (for something that could very well light my lips on fire 😉 ) One or two drops does not seem to affect the flavor of the dish all that much, but it does increase the fire power. I imagine I could use this sauce on anything I wanted a bit of a kick with. 3 drops in a cup of chicken soup is about my limit of enjoyable heat. I think I could take more, but even for me there comes a point when the heat just doesn’t add anything to the dish. I will admit that there is even a point when I go. DANG that is just too spicy. I haven’t hit that one often, but I think I could with this sauce.