A little before midnight

I thought today was going to be a real downer.  Work seemed endless today with barely a break for lunch.  If things could go wrong, they all waited for today.  But with some luck, I had a much better late afternoon/early evening.

As told earlier, I went to a movie.  I went with not 1 but 2 of my daughters.  We all had a good time, it was just a fun little show to watch.  Then we went to dinner.  Dinner was Pizza Hut, so I didn’t find it very good, but the girls seemed to enjoy it.  Then off to the Putt-Putt.  With two free game one at an earlier time, we were able to putt with no money down.  One of my daughters doesn’t like putt-putt, but is willing to keep score.   Except for 2 miss-played holes (really badly mis-played, I had a good game.  I was able to break par by 1 stroke.  I think I figured out my problem with putting.  I get too sure of myself at times, and don’t concentrate on what I am doing.  Makes be flub up sometimes.  I guess I should be more careful.

Then we had Ice cream at the Creamery again.  Still good stuff, a bit expensive, but it is good to splurge every now and again.

Time to run.. or sleep as the case may be, it is now a bit after midnight.

Life at the center of the earth….

Well I just saw the movie, now I’m going to explore some the science (or lack of it) involved in this journey. In Jules Verne’s original book, the center of the earth is a large cave like area with some sort of electro magnetic field producing light. Same in the movie.

Current Science views the center of the Earth as a molten metal core, mostly iron. This would be well above the temperatures that humans could survive in. But just for arguments sake, lets pretend there is a large cave with volcanic vents that connect between Italy and Iceland. Why would we have prehistoric dinosaurs and other animals living there. What could be the possible connection. I can’t really think of one, maybe my loyal readers could.

One other small problem, at least for the movie. The biggest plot mover in the movie is that temperatures will soon rise to unsurvivable levels. It is also indicated that it happened 10 year prior to this visit. How did the animal life stuck in the center survive, if it was so crucial that the intrepid explorers got out very soon. Must be something really special in the water that was going to evaporate in less than 3 days. I don’t think I can believe the quantity of life in the center of the earth if every few years it is going to become an oven.

I guess since they went that far with the science, that God is having a hand again in matters here on Earth or in this case under the Earth, a running a new version of creation every 10 or so years. That would explain everything. Hmm, I guess I’m saying that there isn’t a lot of science in the movie.

However, since I didn’t start thinking about this during the movie, it really didn’t matter. It took a while for it to settle in my brain.

Off to see a movie….

I’m heading out to see a movie this evening (got to get the early show price). I’m going to see something I haven’t seen in years a 3D movie, complete with cardboard glasses. I hope we get to keep them, because I need some 3D glasses to see some stuff from NASA. I think they need the red/blue glasses, not the polarized lens glasses, so I’m hoping it is a red/blue thing….

Anyway this post is a preview of my review. I haven’t been impressed with the previews to this movie. It looks like another of those take a book and lets ruin it type. But I’ll find out more when I get there. I think the 3D is going to make or break the movie. If it works well it may make it, if it doesn’t it will be a flop.

Just my early take based on previous trailers…

Well, just got back from the movie, dinner, putt-putt and ice cream.  I’ll have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the movie.  Apparently the producers realized that a this book needed a different treatment.  Instead of completely forgetting the book, the new and intrepid explorers are actually re-investigating the book.  With this take, I didn’t care that it wasn’t following the book at all.  Just new characters following the same journey.

I can’t comment on the 3D, since the theater I went to did not have the equipment to show it in 3D.   It was a decent comedy/adventure.  Brendan Fraser again does a very good job with this type of movie.  The special effects outside of 3D weren’t too bad either.  They kept the “Center of the Earth” fairly dark, and this always seems to help blend in the special effects.   The characters all seemed to interact very well together.  I’m not sure I will need to find a 3D capable movie theater, but if the TV version is 3D, I may rent it.

So there you go.  I recommend seeing it, but you may want to hit the early shows.


Well, yesterday I finally had a chance to see Indiana Jones 4.  Since all who read this blog have already seen it I won’t say too much about it and I may also feel free to mention possible spoilers.  Anyway, it’s been a long time since I saw the first three but I had no trouble at all getting into this one.  I had to remind myself that this whole series is meant to be a parody of old time action serials and all of their improbable problems and solutions.  A couple of my favorite parts were first when Indy and company have just escaped the commie’s camp thanks to a quick action by Mutt (the bait to get the younger crowd to see the movie if they didn’t already want to see it) and Indy and Marion get trapped in the sand (not quicksand- what did they call it?) pit.  Mutt gets sent to find a rope or something and the confused Ox goes to get help.  Mutt comes back, throws what he found, Marion climbs out.  He throws it again and we then see that whoops!  It’s not a rope…  Once Indy finds his nerve and allows himself to be rescued, here comes Ox back with, um, help…  Well just where did Indy think Ox would find the help anyway?

Another favorite part was when they were on the amphibious vehicles and they run off the cliff into… a really long tree branch sticking out from the cliff.  Down, down, down goes the branch from the weight until gravity takes over and the vehicle slides off and into the water.  The branch of course does what a branch does when it’s pulled and suddenly released, causing a really bad day for some of Col. Dr. Spalko’s militia who have been climbing down said cliff.

This isn’t to say these were the only good parts- I thoroughly enjoyed the entire movie.  All the action parodies from the bullets that never hit Indy and co., the nuclear bomb test, the giant ants (which made me think of those evil little bugs from the Mummy), the Soviet’s path making machine which strangely seemed to create long paths ahead of it which they all used after the machine was destroyed. etc.

Speaking of movies, there is this really cool science film I found from another site.  The narrator could use some lessons on how not to speak in monotone, but the visuals are really cool.  They actually make visible magnetic fields.  My description is pretty poor I know- just watch it, you’ll see.

Magnetic Movie

Bureaucracy at its finest…

I have read some pretty scary stories of how politcally correct and bureaucratic the UK has become.  A recent story had some Muslims completely outraged at an advertisement for the police because it had a dog in it, which is considered unclean to them.  The proper response would have been something to the effect of “don’t be ridiculous- it’s just a dog.”  Instead the police apologized and said they would offer an alternative.  I guess it’s not surprising as the PC climate there is such that, if I heard correctly, the police aren’t even allowed to carry a gun with them- they must keep them in the trunks of their cars.

Anyway, the story I’m posting about leaves me shaking my head at where this world is going.  This couple has a teenage son who is epileptic (and has cerebral palsy) and often travels to school by means of a taxi.  Only mom and dad know how to use some special equipment they have if the boy goes into a seizure.  When driving their son to school, there is absolutely no problem whatsoever.  However, he usually has to take a cab due to the car not being available.  Mom has to go with him in case he has a fit, but get this, she isn’t allowed to because she hasn’t had a Criminal Records Bureau check.  Say what?  She’s the mom!  Apparently since the cab is provided for them, they have to follow the rules precisely- being mom doesn’t get her a waiver.  How ridiculous is that?  Of course, she’s going through the process, but really, why should she have to?  Anyway, here’s the link to the story:

Mother stopped from travelling with son in taxi to school


This is definitely going to be the hardest posting I have made… it is just so difficult to put into words what a great friend Chris is.  What he and Lisa thought would be a real downer on my birthday was the greatest present he could give me.  I have always known that you don’t always “get the part”, but to have him tell me what he did just floored me.  I really was touched and wanted to break down not because I was disappointed but because of everything he did when he told me.  He asked me if I was upset by not being cast in the show and if I was he would step down.  He also mentioned that he asked the director to consider double casting the part.  That would be very difficult as she is a first time director.  My Lord what have I done to deserve such an awesome friend.  I was not even tempted to take him up on his offer.  It sounds cliche but I really do mean that if I did not get the role, there is no one else I would rather watch in it.  Plus, I was asked to be the stage manager so I will be a huge part of the show as well.  Just still hoping for that time we get to share the stage in a show as actors only.  Thank you my friend… You have made my 35th birthday one I will never forget.


Work today just draggggged by, especially when 3.00 hit and I was still waiting to leave. I asked for some dollar bills to fill my drawer with thinking that would send a clue. I received by 50 singles and paid for them and still I waited. Finally, at 3.15 I had no line and I went to the time clock punched out and said “adios, places to go, people to see.” Oh, they were sorry.

I arrived at C & L’s house at 3.27 (by my reckoning, anyway). They asked me where I would like to go. Honestly, I hate deciding things like that. We ended up going to the mexican place by Wal-Mart which was actually great by me because it has been a while since I was there. After dinner, C had a meeting to go to so L and I went to see Hancock which I found to be entertaining and very different from the typical superhero fare. I really liked the premise but we both agreed that the twist was somewhat hokey, but still entertaining. It only increased my appetite for The Dark Knight.

After the movie, we went back to the house and awaited the results of the meeting which we all agreed was favorable. The theatre season for 2009-2010 was approved as presented. Little Shop of Horrors is in and Jesus Christ Superstar appears to be a go along with the rest. Those are just two of the shows I was really hoping for (the fact that they are musicals is beside the point).

Before leaving the home of my dear, dear friends, I was given money to revisit the ice cream shop. If I had taken it and not gone, it would have been stealing. So, I went and endulged in a cake batter ice cream cone. I guess you could say I had ice cream and cake in one. All this on the night before L is to go to the hospital to be induced for her fourth child and first boy. YOU TWO ARE THE GREATEST!!! My birthday celebration will continue in my next blog.

Astronomy Book Review…

I have a book for people with little or no background in Astronomy.  It is called quite simply “The Stars — A New Way to See Them” by H. A. Rey.

I learned my constellations by the  having start charts with lines connecting the various stars in a group (constellations and asterisms) and except for a very few, they looked nothing like what the name given.  Then there were other books that put drawn pictures around the stars, but they did nothing to connect the stars in any reasonable fashion.  Enter H. A. Rey with his book.  He made simple stick figures with the stars that look surprisingly like the names of the constellations.  He also uses English names for the constellations so you don’t have to know Latin to figure it out.  Neat stuff for the beginner.

This book is designed for naked eye viewing.  You don’t need a telescope or binoculars to use it.  As you get comfortable with the stars, he does point out things to look at with either binoculars or a small telescope, but this book is designed more as a major road map, not something that gives you all the little tourist stops.

I will admit that even though I’ve been into Astronomy for over 30 years, I never really took the time to discover or remember the constellations.  I know the major ones, and can use my star chart to find others, but this book will help me to remember ones I don’t know at the present time.   It will be nice to know my way in the sky without having to consult a map every time I look at something I don’t know.

If you struggle with what star is what, I give this book a very strong recommendation.

The Weed Saga

We became home-owners about a year and half ago, and as fellow home-owners know, it’s a lot different than renting.  For one thing, we now have a yard to maintain and being 2 very busy people who know absolutely nothing about landscaping, we’ve found this aspect of home ownership quite challenging.  As many of you know, my husband is a very hard worker, and when he is off work, we are usually out and about with the kids – no Saturdays working on the yard for us!  So I usually venture outside while I’m playing with the kids in the summer and make a haphazard attempt at pulling weeds and trying to make the yard presentable.  The good news is we have yet to receive a complaint notice on a stick from the city, like I sometimes see in other less fortunate yards.  The bad news is that if we were to ever get one of those notices, I fear now would be the time since I have been immobile with my pregnancy so far this summer.

So my awesome husband tried to make arrangements with a local fellow to have the weeds done for me on my birthday, but the guy showed up and was gone by the time we returned from lunch, etc. less than 3 hours later.  He did get some of the weeds, but not all that many, and lo and behold, the other day we received a bill from him – for $140!!!  Even if he had been here 3 hours, that would be over $46 / hour and he didn’t even do nearly everything he was supposed to do!  Needless to say, I’m going to dispute the bill, but first I’m going to have a baby and get out of the hospital, so he’s going to have to wait.  In the meantime, we’ve enlisted a friend who is a landscaper to help, and he’s going to visit and work hourly on Thursdays…  not the immediate weed relief I was hoping for, but I’m sure he will do a much better job for a much more reasonable rate.  He already visited after weed guy #1 and confirmed that there are still LOTS of weeds in our yard.  I just don’t know what weed guy #1 was thinking…  it’s tough times in the economy and he seemed nice enough, but he must be crazy if he thinks we’re going to pay him that much for what little weed relief he gave us…  My town is going to be offering college classes soon so maybe I should just take a horticulture class and do the landscaping myself from now on…


Unless I finish some of the drafts I’ve been working on today, this will be my last post for a little while – the Dr. finally gave us the green light to have our baby tomorrow!  I am to report to the hospital at 7 am for an induction, and hopefully (unless this baby takes after 2 of his older sisters who were actually born a day after their induction) we will have a healthy baby soon after that.  I would like to thank everyone who has been thinking about and praying for us, and I will ask hubby to email and / or call people when there is news tomorrow or Saturday.  We will send pictures ASAP!

Thanks again so much for your thoughts and prayers – it means a lot to us!