
My list of books…

Ok, it is late at night, early in the morning again.  I had about 1/2 hour nap earlier today, and I’m wide awake again…  So my list of favorite books. 1 – 4  The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogy  — Tolkien 5-11  The 7 Harry Potter Books  — Rowling 12-14  The Chronicles of […]

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Books to read…

Stole this one from Tanja’s site. It looked like fun. The Big Read, an initiative by the National Endowment for the Arts, estimates that the average adult has read 6 of the top 100 books they’ve printed. How about you? 1) Look at the list and bold those you have read. 2) Italicize those you

Books to read… Read More »

Back and caught up

Well, mostly.  Anyway, I have returned and apparently the site I thought would link to my HPX page never did so (EDIT: there was a post there- I just missed it and so apparently did everyone else!), so there are no comments there.  In the last couple of days I have caught up on much

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Too Much To Expect?

This is going to have to be a very brief post…  We’ve been SO busy lately, and I would love to make a post or two about all the fun things we’ve done this weekend, but my 20-month-old is quickly approaching her terrible two’s and is constantly spilling things and needing attention; therefore, I cannot sit

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4.5 hours

In 4.5 hours I need to be up and getting ready for work. For some reason I just couldn’t sleep. Not much new in this, but it is new that I was asleep and then woke up after an hour or so, and I was wide awake. No strange noises in the house, just the

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