One Day More

Ah…. opening day at Yankee Stadium, the last opening day at Yankee Stadium as the Bronx Bombers will be moving next year to the new park across the street. I was anticipating a great game with a huge opening ceremony and all the pomp and celebration to open the final season in the House that Ruth Built. Alas, it was not to be.

1;05 came and went. The sportscasters on ESPN kept promising to start the game as soon as possible. Then, the channel switched to the Detroit Tigers game. A short time later, the screen went dark announcing a blackout in the area. I then switched the channel to WGN to see if the Chicago Cubbies game was still on. They were also under a rain delay. How ironic that Chicago and New York were getting rain while Detroit was able to start their game on time. I’m sure a certain Tigers fan will have something profound to say about that.

In the end, the Cubs game started shortly after 3. However, it was raining enough in New York to postpone Yankee Stadium‘s swan song season for one day.

As of this posting, the Cubs were under another another rain delay and the Tigers were tied in the 10th inning

Not Very Funny….

Said Short Round to Willie Scott after he nearly fell through the hole of a rickety bridge crossing a wide chasm where hungry crocodiles awaited a tasty morsel. (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)

As my Liswathistani friend so eloquently pointed out, several people at the wedding reception on Saturday did come down with a case of the dreaded scoots. We have come to the conclusion that it stemmed from some bad creamed chicken sandwiches which are usually very good. Apparently, the canned chicken (which was purchased a week ago) was bad.

All day long, we laughed and joked about the situation. It was definitely a reception no one will forget. Tonight around 10 o’ clock, it became not so funny. Apparently, two of the groom’s relatives are in the hospital with food poisoning. One of them is hooked to an IV.

The bride called the store this afternoon to explain the situation and ask about the return policy. I imagine tomorrow she will be inquiring about the liability policy. They will be getting a copy of the bills. Thank heaven all I have done is take some anti-diarrhea medication which seems to be doing the trick. Ironic how something that seems funny one moment can be so serious soon after.

As Plain As the Nose on Your Face

Took the kids to see the movie Penelope this weekend.  Unusual choice for kids, I guess, but they watched the trailers for that one and for College Road Trip, and they chose Penelope, a movie about a princess named Penelope (played by Christina Ricci) who is born with a pig nose because of a generations-old curse that is put upon her family.  I wasn’t expecting much from the movie, mainly because I hadn’t heard much about it, but also because let’s face it, the premise isn’t exactly one based in reality.  I had read one little article about Christina Ricci, and how this is her first movie in awhile, yada, yada, but I didn’t think much of a movie about a girl with a pig’s nose – until it was in our local theater and it was only rated PG.  I did not doze off during this one, and it did not bore the kids like I was expecting.  Our 8-year-old liked it, our 3-year-old fell asleep; not from boredom, she just does that a lot in the movie theater, takes after Mom, I guess 😉 and our 17-month-old was rambunctious as can be.  I think she is getting too old for movies.  You know what I mean – there is a window where kids should not be taken to movies, I guess, say between walking age and an age they can sit still and actually enjoy the movie.  Our youngest-for-now is reaching that age quickly!

So anyway, Penelope is actually quite entertaining, and it wasn’t entirely predictable like I thought.  Overall, a cute movie that kinda throws a lesson in for the kids – don’t judge a person on looks alone.  Christina Ricci is pretty good, barely recognizable, and I had trouble figuring out if it was because of her acting or her pig nose.  Catherine O’Hara was wonderful and fun to watch as always, and Reese Witherspoon was also fun to watch (surprisingly so for me, because I’m not a big fan of hers) in her equally surprisingly small role as Penelope’s newfound biker-chick friend.  Fun to watch, ok for kids…  I’d see it again. 


HELLO EVERY PEOPLE! Morat Notboratnichkov a return to OHHO on his a way west to continue covering for de news election of new owner America country. I a visit the strange person once again a working at the Super Kaiser Market or something like that. When I a enter the store in Edgertown, OHHO a woman say to me: “You are Morat!!!!”

“WOOLY SHEEP! YES, I A MORAT. You a know Morat?”

“Yes, I took my children to see your show. You made me laugh.”

“So… you have little people so a you must be married woman?”

“No, I am not married.”

“OH, then it would not a be possible for a you to go on de Wife Swap trading on tv box. So sorry. Thank you for a shopping at Super Kaiser Market.”

Very strange person he a tell me he sing in wedding on Fiffelday. He a tell me that many people had de running problem to de bathroom today. He a say some sandwich chicken was a bad. Every people they a call his house and ask if everyone was ok. Very strange person he say he still has running to bathroom problem and had to go many times at the work. Morat say that is a very funny 🙂 Strange man person did a not look amused.

OK every people, I a must go to sleep so I a can continue covering for news election of new owner. Morat say “NO WOMANS.” And what is name of Obabadaba… I a no like so much.

Defunct TV

I received another email forward that is worth mentioning today.  It was a list of people’s first names followed by a tv show.  The idea is that you are supposed to add your name to the list along with a tv show you used to watch that’s not on tv anymore.  I was a huge fan of tv as a kid, and I watched it a lot, so it was fun to sit and think about shows that I enjoyed that aren’t on tv anymore.  Since you were only supposed to add one show after your name on the email forward, I’m going to share the other shows I was going to put in it, along with imdb links so you can learn about them if you wish:

Dolphin Cove – This is the show I included with my name in the forward.  It was originally an Australian show, but they tried it in the US, and it only aired for one season, if that.  I think there were 8 episodes.  It was about an American widower who moves to Australia with his 2 children to work with dolphins.  His daughter is mute because she is in shock after witnessing the accident that took her mother’s life.  She develops special communication skills with the dolphins.  Since I was only 10 when the show aired, I don’t remember much, I just know that I really liked it and that I was extremely disappointed when it didn’t come back on tv.  Since it was cancelled abruptly, there were some open-ended plot lines, and I waited for months hoping the show would be back.  Of course it was not.  If anyone knows how to get it tape or the internet or anything, let me know, I’d love to see it again!  Oh, and something interesting I learned from imdb – apparently the show was written by Peter Benchley, the author who wrote Jaws.  I read a book by him once called The Beast, and it was pretty scary.  Not that Dolphin Cove was scary or anything like that, it’s just a note.  I’m not sure if he wrote the concept for the show or all the episodes or both, but it doesn’t really matter much now anyway.

The Charmings – I was 9 years old when this show was on and I thought it looked stupid then, if that tells you anything.  Still, as a pre-tween girl, the intrigue of a sitcom based on a fairy tale was irresistable, so I gave it a try, and I still found it dumb.  The tagline says it all:  “Snow White and Prince Charming fell asleep in the Enchanted Forest… they woke up in Burbank!”  Unbelievably, this show actually WON a primetime Emmy and was nominated for 3 others.  True, it won the Emmy for Outstanding Lighting Direction (Electronic) for a Comedy Series, (does that one even still exist?) but still…  I guess that magic mirror was truly something to behold.  The writing and acting apparently were not however, since the show only lasted for 2 seasons, and they switched Snow Whites after only 6 episodes.

The Carol Burnett Show – I’m not talking about the well-known show that ran from 1967-1978 since I wasn’t around for that; I’m talking about the hour-long show that aired in the early ’90’s.  Each show featured a series of sketches with an awesome cast of supporting actors, and this is where I was introduced to an actor named Richard Kind, who went on to do shows such as Mad About You and Spin City.  I loved every skit he was in on The Carol Burnett Show of the ’90’s – they were my favorites.  I don’t know how long the show lasted because I was very young at this time and there is not much info on it at, but I know that it should have lasted longer because it was true family entertainment – very funny for all ages.

Silver Spoons – Hardly anyone in my generation has forgotten this show.  Airing for 5 seasons, it made a star of a young Rick Schroder (then he was known as Ricky Schroder, a heart-throb for teen girls everywhere!) as a spoiled rich kid who lived in a mansion but faced many of the problems normal teenagers face.  His father (played by Joel Higgins, whatever happened to him?) was a toy inventor, so needless to say, their house and the gadgets inside were pretty cool and fun to watch.  It’s hard to believe this show only lasted for 5 seasons, but then again, it was rerun on so many networks in syndication, and that’s where I saw the majority of the episodes I watched.  I still remember the theme song, and no, I didn’t have to look it up first, which I guess is a little sad, but anyway: “Here we are, face to face, a couple of Silver Spoons.  Hopin to find, we’re two of a kind, making a go, making it grow, together…”  I could go on, but you get the idea.

As an avid tv watcher, of course I watched many more shows than the ones I’ve listed here.  These are just the ones that came to my mind today which I thought would make interesting conversation.  And, for extra fun, here is a copy of the forward:

How many shows can we come up with that we USED to watch that are no
> longer on TV? Add one and keep going.
> This should be fun and jog our memories. No repeats on the shows please.
> Send to all your friends and back to me.
>Lisa…………………………..Dolphin Cove
> Jamy………………….Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
> Barb…………………..Little House on the Prairie
> Dutch…………………Dragnet
> Marilyn……………….Friday night fights!!
> Dutch…………………Dynasty
> Carol………………….Streets of Sanfrancisco
> Cheryl………………..St. Elsewhere
> Lisa……………………Here Comes the Brides
> Toni……………………Peyton Place
> Mary…………………..Topper
> Madeline……………..Friday Nite Videos
> Sheila…………………China Beach
> Twyla………………….I Remember Mama
> Sandy…………………Dallas
> Melanie……………….The Adventures Of Brisco County
> Ellen…………………. Sports Night
> Karen…………………Hawaii 5-0
> Pat…………………….Lucy’s Toy Shop
> Karma………………..Happy Days
> Shari…………………That Girl
> Bill…………………….Checkmate
> Judy………………….Amos ‘N Andy
> Peg ………………….Mickey Mouse Club
> Ron —————– Lucky Strike Hit Parade
> Paula…………………My Three Sons
> Cindy………………..Mary Heart Line
> Barb………………….I Love Lucy
> Glenda……………….Phil Donahue Show
> AJ…………………….Saturday Night Hit Parade
> June………………….The Naked City
> Jeanie………………..Danny Thomas Show
> Pam…………………..Bozo The Clown
> Kim ……………………Andy Griffith Show
> Cassie………………..30 something
> Kay……………………Saturday Night FRIGHTS (good ol scary movie night)
> Kaye…………………..Dick Van Dyke
> Karen Rust ………….Father Knows Best (way back)
> Kat D………………….Mama’s Family
> Janna…………………The Love Boat
> Dan……………………Night Court
> Maureen……………….Once and Again
> Michele ………………Bosom Buddies
> Jennifer………………..The Lawrence Welk Show
> Marilyn………………..Dr. Kildare
> Diane………………….Have Gun Will Travel

>Sharon………………..Winky Dink


Spring training is officially over, and the MLB starts now. While I know there was a game or to in China, the official first game that I acknowledge is tomorrow at 1:05 in Detroit. I wish I could be there, but there are always other obligations. I’ll be following the Tigers and one other team. I have friends who are Cubs fans. Since they are in the other league, I can root for them too. Someone else I know (who shall remain nameless… Can’t say that name anymore 😉 ) will be rooting for the Yankees. Never could stand those Yankees.

All new season, with everyone starting on an even basis. Any game can be won by any team. This is baseball, all 162 games… Looking forward to it. Go Tigers…

Oh yes, and I have a couple of friends that are rooting for the Indians… We don’t talk much during the season… 😉

Math dyslexia?

I have heard of dyslexia of course, but this is the first time I have heard of math dyslexia.  Apparently this condition makes for a very hard time in math.  One Florida teacher is finding that he may not be allowed to teach since he can’t pass a required basic math skills test due to his disability.  Where this gets interesting is he is an art teacher.  No math involved in what he teaches.  The rules say it doesn’t matter, all teachers must pass this test.  However, he has people fighting for him.  Click the link to read the article:

 Math dyslexia imperils Orange County art teacher’s job

Back to drama

It was a little exhilarating to get back to the children’s drama this weekend. We had been off for over a month, partly due to Easter. So this weekend we were back with a vengeance, err- three of us were. I guess the other two were still on spring break or something. Fortunately the head director, I guess I can call him, was there with his son who plays one of the roles on Sunday morning (this is Saturday night I’m talking about), though unfortunately not one of the characters who was needed. Young as he is (4th grade!) he happily brought out a script and filled in. No, he couldn’t be expected to memorize it in a half hour. The other character was a puppet, so another drama regular easily filled in, no memorization even required for that role.

I play sort of a clumsy, bumbling, absent-minded TV scientist in the spirit (but not the intelligence) of Christopher Lloyd’s Doc Brown character from Back to the Future. There are two assistants played by kids, one an airhead-ish lab assistant and the other a geeky research assistant. The one tends to ask some very silly questions (to which my character has a wacky response) and the other is immersed in a computer and constantly correcting anything misspoke (usually by me). There is also a puppet I mentioned and a guest character, a recurring role played about once every other month.

The lesson was about being thankful. My character was the one who had something to learn about it, as almost usual, but comes up with the proper thankfulness in the end, attributing all power to Jesus, to whom we should be thankful. Presumably this leads into the actual lesson taught after the drama which should be on the same topic. However, I have never heard any of the lessons as I usually go directly to 4th/5th grade (drama is only for K-3) right after the drama, or head into the worship service if it is a last weekend of the month like this weekend.

I wish I could say it went perfectly, but a couple of us had some minor line trouble (nothing the kids in the audience would notice) and for some reason none of us thought of putting a microphone on our young 4th-grade fill-in so he was very hard to hear. Well, nothing can be done for it now but to move forward. I will be looking forward to the monthly rehearsal this Wednesday.

Telescope review 1 — The Questar

I really can’t say much about this telescope.  Most of my memories of that night were trying to look again and again at the orange-red dot that was centered in the telescopes field of view.  I was 5 or 6 years old.  My sisters were bigger than me at that time.  Why bring this up now, since it won’t be of any use for those looking to buy a telescope?  The answer is simple.  This is the scope that focused my attention on all things in the night sky.

For the record, I did find out (when I was much older) that this was a 3.5 inch Questar scope.  It was a production test scope with a brand new mirror material (called “Cervit”).  My father worked for O-I in the 60’s as part of the quality control of various telescope mirrors made with “Cervit”.  The Questar company was looking into the possibility of using this material for their scopes.   Questar telescopes have a history of being a “Quality Scope”, so I was probably looking through a good one.  I will have to check the histories to see if Questar ever put the Cervit mirrors into production.  I know that they now use a different zero-expansion material.  Might be fun trying to find one.

On to the review, from the memories of a 49 year old trying to remember something at the age of 6.

I was frustrated (mad) that I didn’t get to look through the scope as much as I wanted.  I remember being told that if I didn’t settle down, I wouldn’t be able to look again.  I think I sat as still as I ever did.  I got to look a lot.  My sisters then complained I was “hogging” it.  I didn’t care.

The color of whatever I was looking are still clear in my mind. After years of looking through other scopes the only thing that comes close is Mars or one of the red stars of similar color.  I can’t remember if it was a disk or a dot, so that is of no help  I just remember a bright red-orange object in the middle of the blackest background I ever saw.  I just was drawn to that telescope.   Unfortunately, my father took the scope back.  I had to survive, my growing fascination with space, with any books or magazines I could find.  At that time, it was hard to find them for my reading level.

I forced myself to learn to read better, because I wanted to understand all I could.  I thought if I really applied myself, my dad would bring back the telescope, or maybe get another.  That was never meant to be. Dad noticed I was interested in space, but never put a connection with that one night with a telescope. It was the middle of the space race, so the apparent assumption was that I was interested in rockets.  Those were cool to, so I didn’t complain.

Jump forward a few years…  Just after my mother died, I took my dad to the Ritter Planetarium and Brooks Observatory at the University of Toledo.  This was the closest mirror made with ‘Cervit’.  Yes, my dad was on the quality control team for that mirror.  It was too cloudy to actually look through the scope that evening, but we did get to look at it.  Dad was in center stage, explaining how the mirror was made, and all the problems they had casting “good” glass.  I also explained that evening about how much I remembered the scope that one summer evening so long ago.

I was never able to get back out the the observatory when they had open view with the ‘Cervit’ scope when Dad was alive, but I did go again shortly after he died.  Do you know the object we looked at was the planet Mars.  It was red-orange in the middle of a deep black sky. Oh how the memories just came flooding back.  A wonderful evening.

Later a review or two of scopes I actually use…

Toledo Zoo pics

As promised here are a few of the pictures from the Toledo Zoo. Just click on them for a larger image. It took me longer than I thought since I had to transfer the pictures one at a time (about 60 pictures!) from the phone memory to the card memory, so I could then take the card out of the phone and put it in my computer’s card reader. Then I had to select some pictures and edit them in a paint program to make them uniform in size and more web-friendly. Enjoy!
