

The Kindle

While I’m on the subject of reading…  I came across a cool looking device on the other day – the Kindle.  Have you heard of it?  I hadn’t, but it sounds pretty cool.  Basically you can upload books, magazines, and even blogs to this portable device so you can read them anywhere.  It appealed

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Welcome back gift

As I said last post, I started working again this past week.  What I didn’t mention is my welcome back gift.  In the past, I have received books at one of the district’s workshops.   Well, this year I didn’t attend their workshop due to not planning on going back to subbing.  I found out later

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More on Books

A friend at work loaned me a book that she thought I would like. The authors of the book were Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. The story was one of a series and the title was “Brimstone”. A very good book revolving around a New Jersey Cop and an FBI agent. I’ve learned that this

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Books to read…

Stole this one from Tanja’s site. It looked like fun. The Big Read, an initiative by the National Endowment for the Arts, estimates that the average adult has read 6 of the top 100 books they’ve printed. How about you? 1) Look at the list and bold those you have read. 2) Italicize those you

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