Moved in

I know that I haven’t written in about a month, but Tony and I have settled into my sister’s house, in a way. Most of our belongings are in

storage at the moment, since we really only have one room to put our stuff in. I know Emmy said we can put things in other parts of the room, but there still really isn’t much room. My cats have somewhat adjusted. They are getting there, but Padme and Grim are still trying to decide who is going to be in charge. None of my babies like the dogs very well. They prefer Oakly over Isaac, but than Isaac gets in their faces and whines. He also likes to herd them back into our bedroom. Beru and Darth seem to be accepting the dogs better than Wedge and Padme.

I am working at Midwest Tape with Emmy. Well, not exactly with her, since she is in the office and I’m working in the warehouse. There is no air condition in the warehouse, so it’s really hot, but I like what I am doing. I get to see so many different movies and walk around all day. I would hate to sit around all day. I get too fidgety. I do that sitting at the computer at home. I am always moving, getting up to move around before sitting back down. Tony doesn’t have a job yet, but we are being positive that he will find one soon. I know we are very thankful that Emmy and Bill are letting us stay here for now, but I know we both want a place of our own again.

If anyone has any more questions about Egypt, I will be answering those in my next blog.

short blog post

Well, today I won’t be writing much. I haven’t been home much at all since I worked 9-5 at Goodwill and then went to see a house with Amie almost as soon as I got home and then there was church after that and then waiting for Tony to get off work! Whew, it seems that there are days that I am never at home and I miss my cats terribly! They are my babies, and they know it. Anyway, I have been trying to get ahold of my older sister to see if she has found me a job in Toledo but does she answer her phone? Noooooo. Though my other sister has found me a job in Florida. Tony really doesn’t want to move down there since it would be a pain to move all our stuff down there. It would be very expensive! I just know that we need insurance, very badly! I am over due for my check-up with the doctor and unless I see the doctor for this check-up, I can’t get any birth control! ARGH!!!!

Who knows right now?

Right now I do not feel very optimistic. I feel like crap and start crying at just the thought of what happened today. I have been a head cashier for about a month now and in that time, I have been over/under my drawer at Goodwill by five dollars or more at least three times! I have never had that problem before when I was a cashier and now I am worried that it could cost me my job! Tony and I cannot afford for me to have no job. If I lost my job, we would have to move in with his parents and that wouldn’t be good. They don’t really have any money either, plus, Amie just moved in with us! That isn’t fair to her.
I have been thinking of asking if Sarah would let me go back to being just a cashier, but what if she won’t let me, or my hours get cut back a lot! We can’t afford having my hours cut back anyway. I just don’t know what to do.
I have no job skills, no one is hiring anyway. I really don’t have any good talents to help me find a job.
I am good with animals, but I have no school to do anything with them, I cannot make a living out of babysitting, I would go crazy and eating chocolate isn’t going to help with anything! I just don’t know what to do anymore. Apparently math isn’t one of my strong suits anymore. I apparently can’t count money, no matter how many times I recount before I hand it back to the customer. Well, enough on that. Who wants to hear my rantings.

On a happier note, both Beru and Padme came out of their surgeries just fine. Padme is just finally starting to eat again, so hopefully she will put on the weight that she lost from not eating for a little less than a week. She was really starting to scare me, but she’s much better now. I know that most people didn’t know that Padme and Beru were going in to get spayed, but my blog wasn’t working for awhile. Unfortunately, Padme isn’t any more cuddly than she was before she was spayed, but at least she is healthy. I miss when she was a baby and would cuddle and want to be picked up and held. She’s still my little baby and I love her. She’s just growing up, that’s all. At least that what I try to tell myself.

New position

I have come to a decision on the new position at Goodwill. I will be taking the job in the back. At least for now. I was talking to Sarah and decided that right now, what is best for me is to have something steady, with set hours since I have all this other stuff to get used to and work with. I am getting married in about three weeks, I will be setting up a house, and actually buying food and supplies for Tony and myself. With all these changes, I will have something in my life that is very steady and I know that it won’t be changing for awhile. Plus, it will give me the weekends to hang out with my younger sister before she heads off to Fort Wayne.

I also have the option of asking for a head cashier job when one comes avaliable if I do not like working in the back. Head cashier sometimes have to work in the back anyway, on the weekends, so doing this job now will help me in the future if I ever decide to try for the head cashier job. And who knows, I may like it back there. I’m not sure, since I am not moving around as much as I would be with working up in the front. This position will give me more of an understand of Goodwill and how things work. It will let me see things from a different perspective, at least.

Coming to a close

‘Tis that time of year again, when things come to an end for the hot season.  This month is halfway over, and jobs will soon dry up for me.  I anticipate this week will be my last full week for work, assuming I can find jobs for Thursday and Friday- the rest of the week is covered.  Fortunately a friend of mine has a friend looking for a few part-time camera-people to take pictures of cars for ads.  I am also going to finally start filling out some summer applications if anything is still available out there.  I did apply for a management position at Oberweis, but I kind of bombed the interview (hey, at least I got that far) and they never called back.

Besides school, I have just performed my last church drama for the year- so sad.  Next week should have been the one for me, but I switched with another cast member because he couldn’t do this week.  It was also a farewell of sorts for our 5th grade students.  I say of sorts because there is actually one more week, but it was decided to go ahead and hold the graduation this week since next weekend is Memorial weekend.  Yes, graduation.  We actually held a little ceremony for them with the Pomp and Circumstance song and diplomas from children’s ministry.  As of next month they will be considered 6th grade and a part of youth ministries which goes through high school, though similar to children’s ministry which is divided into three parts (pre-K, K-3, 4-5 which parallels school which calls them early childhood, primary, and intermediate) it is divided into two parts, junior high and high school.  They also had a going-away video which I put together over the last few days, which included testimonies from many of the 5th-graders.  I wish I could have watched it with them to see their reaction, but ironically for only the two times I was there they mistakenly played it at the wrong time, while I was still doing drama.  If the church makes it public by putting it on their website I will post a link to it for you.  I will be modifying the video (change some text, lower the music volume which was too loud during its sections compared with the spoken sections) to show the new 4th-graders next month, and since drama won’t keep me out this time I will get to see the new kids’ reactions at least.


I was called by the manager at Goodwill this morning. Starting Friday, I will be working two to three days a week at Goodwill!!!!! I know this is not going to be a very long blog, but I really do not care at the moment. I am just so happy about getting some money to go into my bank account (to come back out, of course, for the wedding) and maybe this way, I will be able to keep a $1,000 in my account by the time I am done paying for things. If not, I will certainly be close to it. I cannot believe that this is happening. I still haven’t recieved a call from Movie Gallery, but with me having some money coming in with Goodwill, I am not as upset about it. Plus, with Sonic opening in June or sometime around there, I can always apply there if I need to or feel that I want to. But, YAY!!!!!!!!!

Interview disaster

I had a job interview at First Federal today, though most of you didn’t know it. I have been looking for a different job since January. I have to pay for my wedding and since Goodwill is still closed, I really need a job! Unfortunately, I don’t think I did very well at the interview. Tony kept telling me that I was going to get this job. Even though it’s part time, I would get benefits, which both Tony and I need once we get married. I would have health insurance, paid vacation, not have to work on Sundays (always a plus since I have church in the morning, choir practice at 5:30 and then church again at 7:00). I think it would have been all right until I had to answer why I would be better than others for this job, what would I bring to the company. I know you’re supposed to make yourself look good and everything, but I just couldn’t. I had no answer. I am not any more special than the next person, and so I answered truthfully. I didn’t know. Yeah, some good answer. I guess it’s back to the newspaper for job searching.


Well, what can I say? I haven’t blogged in awhile and now I am writing about bad news. No, I was not fired from my job at Goodwill, but we have a leaky ceiling and we are closed for awhile, which means that everyone that works there cannot go to work until they fix the leaks. We closed down on Friday because of it. I didn’t even know about it until I went to go get my paycheck and there was a sign on the door. Later that day, I received a call from the assisant manager to let me know that she would be there for a little while so that we could get our paycheck and that we would be closed for the weekend. That was all right, not great, since I was only working Saturday, Sunday and Friday for the next week, but it did mean that I was able to see the children’s program at church. I thought that they would open sometime early this week, and I would at least be able to work on Friday, but unfortunately I received a call from my friend and she said that we would be closed for a couple of weeks to a couple of months! Thankfully, I have been looking for another job just to get a little more money, by having two part time job, since no one  is hiring full time, because I would really like an apartment so I can get it ready for when Tony and I get married.

It doesn’t help that Tony’s room is getting a little crowded with stuff and I would really like to have a place to live once we are married. It would help everyone out, even though they don’t want to admit it. I have put in two applications so far, and will be wandering around Bryan tomorrow and Thursday most like picking up other applications to fill out. I just really need a job, whether or not I get an apartment, but so I can pay for the wedding. Okay, I will stop ranting for now.

Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order?


Massage the teacher = bad.  Just remember that, m’kay?  In reference to a previous post we learned that while paper passer, messenger, and librarian are good jobs for teachers to give their students, massaging the teacher doesn’t quite fly.  However, apparently not all service jobs are a problem.  From the title I think you can guess what unusual job I ran across today.  Coffee.  That is, making and serving coffee to several teachers in the school.  That’s right, this teacher is training her students up for the type of job they can only hope to achieve should the economy not pick back up.  Another 733 points today- sigh.  There’s more to this story though.  Apparently today was something like clothes mismatch day.  Some students traded a shoe to have mismatched shoes.  One boy had a sandal on one foot, a gym shoe on the other.  Other students turned shirts inside out or wore them backwards.  It was quite funny to see hoodies with the hood in front, like they were made for people who get carsick… 😮

So one student was wearing an apron.  A forest green apron.  I walked up to him in the morning and joked with him, “could I have a grande latte, please?”  I had noticed the coffee job by this time by the way, so it wasn’t coincidence much like I would like to say it was.  There were two girls assigned to this.  As a non-coffee drinker I don’t have much experience making coffee and I guess they didn’t either as we tried to set the older-type coffee maker up.  Guess who did know what he was doing and came over to help?  Mr. forest green apron of course.  That was the coincidence and what I found funny.  I left it to him and the girls and started with the lesson.

Let me tell you that this had to have been the noisiest group I ever worked with.  Sixth grade and social.  This sort of group should have been in a middle school still trying to learn the new system back at the bottom of the food-chain.  Some people disagree and say that sixth graders in elementary school is better for them.  I was in a sixth grade middle school class myself, so I guess it’s just what I’m used to.  When I first got there today I found out they had a sub yesterday.  I read some of the notes she left about their behavior.  Great…  It could have been worse though.  There is bad behavior and annoying behavior, and chatty behavior falls into the latter category.  The ELL class I mentioned several posts ago would be the bad behavior, as would some of the BD classes I have subbed for.  Talking I didn’t mind so much, except when I or someone I have called on is trying to talk of course.  They turned out to be good kids, just chatty.

And I will be with this class again tomorrow (a two-day assignment, yay!), so more on this in another post.

The half-day gamble

I am not really a gambling person, at least where money is concerned.  I always tend to lose and it just seems like a waste of money to me.  However, when it comes to subbing I do take some gambles.  Unfortunately, it hasn’t worked out well for me this year.  In the past I have had a reasonable ratio of half days turned into full days compared with those I haven’t.  This year I am on the low side of things.  Whenever I get a half day I always try to get a second job for the other half of the day if possible.  I think this may have succeeded maybe once this year.  To make matters worse, when it’s too late to cancel an assignment only then do I see full-day assignments show up to mock me.  Today was such a day.  Think I saw no less than half a dozen such jobs show up this morning.  I even saw a half-day assignment for the morning posted.  Too bad this was the half of the day I was already assigned.

I tried a few times today even at work.  Nothing.  Then finally before I came home I came across an afternoon at a nearby school.  Yes!  Wait, no.  It turned out to be a half day for Thursday.  Sigh.

What was work today?  Or yesterday for that matter since I didn’t get around to posting…  Well, that’s something for another post.  Stay tuned.