Book idea

I normally don’t do things like this, but since I have a blog, I might as well. I have decided what I want my first book to be and I have already started on the research.

I am going to write about Egypt! A young woman, early twenties, I think, is going to be touring Egypt and finds herself in Ancient Egypt. There she sees all the monuments in their glory and learns about Ramesses II and Nefertari. That’s all I’m giving up. So, any thoughts? Would anyone be interested in reading it? Of course, it could take years because of all the research to do.

Answering some questions

After my last post, I had some questions that were asked of me and I intend to answer them to the best of my ability.

Rameses II and Nefertari were one of the many Pharaohs and queens of ancient Egypt. Rameses’ line was originally one of the military. His grandfather was Pharaoh Horemhab’s general and was given the throne upon his death, as was Horemhab’s wish. Rameses II became known as one of the greatest Pharaohs in history.

Nefertari and Nefertiti are two different people and were queens next to two different pharaohs. I’m not sure if they were descendants of each other, since there is no evidence remains of Nefertari’s family and Nefertiti has all been erased from history. Though I find it interesting that I can find more sites for Nefertiti than I can for Nefertari, who Rameses II painted on so many walls.
I don’t think that Nefertiti and Nefertari were common names in the time period, but I could be wrong. There might have been plenty of people named Nefertari and Nefertiti among the common people, but at least in the Royalty, they were not common names.
I am not sure if Nefertari was named after Nefertiti, though the similarities makes one think so. There was only 57 years between the end of Akenaten and Nefertiti’s reign and Rameses and Nefertari’s reign. That gives the time for someone close to Nefertiti to have a child and name her Nefertari, in remembrance of Nefertiti, but we can’t be sure at all.

More answers to come…


I have read The Heretic Queen, which as I said in my last blog was about Rameses II’s wife, Nefertari. Since then, I have been trying to find out as much as possible about Nerfertari and Ramesses II. At the moment, I am watching “The Last Great Pharaoh Ramesses II on Let’s just say he was a little arrogant! 🙂 But besides that, he really did love his Chief Wife, Nefertari. He would write poetry for her and even built her a temple right next to his own.

But I not only want to know about just Nefertari and Rameses II. I love to read about Queen Elizabeth I and her family, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Anastasia and her family, Helen Keller, Pocahontas, and Sacajawea. Those are the people I usually read about. I am sure there are other people that I read about occasionally, but at the moment, it is a lot of Egypt! I have seen the Mummy, the Mummy Returns, Prince of Egypt, Joseph: King of Dreams, and something on Cleopatra on Youtube. I have also read Nefertiti and The Heretic Queen. So, you would think that I would be sick of Egypt, right? Nope.Even though I have had all this Egypt poured into my head and I had a dream about Egypt, I still want to know more! I want to understand these people, to actually get to meet them and know what they were thinking! Sometimes it’s not fair!