Lights, Let there be lights

I’m running the light board for our community theater’s up coming performance. It has been a challenge to get the stage lit just right. First when we were setting it up 2 spots were burned out, and we didn’t have any replacement bulbs. Now these aren’t bulbs you can go down to your local hardware store and pick up, no they have to be ordered. I’m not even sure where to order one of them. I’ve never seen its kind before.

Anyway, we are getting it together, but there is still a spot on stage that I can only call cold. It just seems a little darker than the rest of the stage. I’m trying to figure out if a bit of color in that area would help, but I’m not sure at this point. I guess I’ll have to go back early tomorrow and check again. Oh well.

The show went much better tonight. Pace was very good, and the lines were almost there. The songs, well they sounded good to me. I’m no singer, and I’m no judge of singing. I can’t tell a flat from a sharp, a good note from a bad, except when I see the face of the singer cringe. There was no cringing tonight, so it must have been good.

It is absolutely amazing how a show comes together so quickly. The are worked on for weeks, and that final week of rehearsals you can really see the shows start to jell. A lot more fun watching from the outside. I know from experience, it isn’t as much fun for the actors, until everything falls into place.

Here’s to more place falling tomorrow.

A good Father’s Day

I only got to see one of my 4 daughters today. I did get calls from the other’s and my granddaughter in Florida. So it was a good day. My eldest is waiting to take her old man to dinner, but since I was working on a play, it will have to wait. I am glad to be doing the lighting for “Little Women” at the Williams County Community Theater. If you have a the time to see a show in the next couple of weeks, give this one a shot. Our little community theater does a very nice job on all the shows, and this one will be no exception. If you read this blog, stop by the light booth and say hi to the guy with the beard. That will be me. I’m still trying to reach the many lurkers here, you know who you are…

My youngest has a small role in this. Theater is one thing I share with my two youngest daughters. I’m glad we were able to do that. Running the lights gives me a chance to see her every performance.