Rectal Gas Policy
We’re all adults here, right? Then you’d think the following sign spotted in the band room at a local high school would be less amusing:
Rectal Gas Policy
– Any student who releases audible rectal gas will receive one after school detention.
– Any student who “reacts” to audible or inaudible rectal gas will also receive one after school detention.
If you feel the need to relieve yourself of rectal gas you must stand in the hallway to pass it.
Where do I start? First, it must be said that I was visiting the school while attending a wonderful show choir performance starring (as far as I’m concerned) a good friend and my favorite teenager. She did an awesome job!
After the concert, another friend gave us a brief tour of the new school where she works. It’s a really nice school, but we were surprised to find that they apparently have an entire policy about a specific bodily function. I wonder if students actually go into the hallway to abide by the policy. And it really makes one wonder about the incident(s) that caused the policy to be drafted in the first place. Asking my friend to make copies of the policy so I can post it on my blog is juvenile, I’ll admit… but funny is funny, and I find it amusing. I wonder if the teacher realizes that strangers come through her band room sometimes and read her rectal gas policy? Did she have to submit it to the principal for approval before posting it? Hey, Derek, do any of the schools you sub at have a body function policy?