50 of the most important…

happenings my life for the past 50 years. Not that your things aren’t important too, but it is my birthday. 😉

1) 1959 I was born — That made this post possible
2) 1983-1984 I met my future wife and married her
3) 1981 thru 1991 My four daughters were born
4) 2003 My wife of almost 20 years died (not good important, but it did make a big impact)
5) 2000 and 2002 Parents died (see above)
6) 1981 Graduated College (set up for all jobs since then)
7) 1982 First job in computer field
8) 1990 Second job in computer field
9) 1992 3rd and current job in computer field (no longer automotive)
10) 2006 Oldest daughter got married (first “step”-grandchild let’s drop the step, it doesn’t mean anything to me)
11) 2007 2nd daughter got married (2nd and 3rd grandkids)
12) 2008 3rd announces pending wedding
13) 2009 1st daughter announces pending grandkid 🙂
14) … To be continued

It was some day

First one big cheer!! I finally got my truck back from the body shop. It looks great and I can’t even tell a deer hit it. 1 week without my truck and driving around in a mid-sized car, grump, grump. Even though I have a mid-sized truck, I missed the higher ground clearance and view. What really surprised me, was that I missed the gas mileage. The car I was driving got around 20-22 miles per gallon, my truck on the other hand gets 25-28 miles per gallon. This is mostly highway driving, I’m sure the in-town driving is much less for the truck. Since I usually drive highway miles, that is what I need to measure. The 3+ extra miles per gallon made a difference in the driving I had to do last week.

For those who aren’t in the know, I use my truck as a truck. If there had only been dents and dings on the body after the deer hit, I would probably have left it alone. But I was without my front driver side head lights, and that needed some attention. I was 1 week without my truck during the coldest/snowiest week of our winter. So it was a bit harder moving firewood and driving through deep snow.

The other part of my afternoon was spent with a Doctor. Turning 50 early next month has prompted my Dr. to want me to get all sorts of preventive procedures. Today was a meeting with the Dr. who will perform the first of many procedures. I won’t go into what will be involved in the procedure, just need to say I will be sedated through the whole thing and then need a ride home. I really don’t like being driven anywhere, and it gets worse when I am in an incapacitated mode. My daughter should have fun!!! This will be the first of many such tests and procedures I will have over the next few years. Can’t wait.  😯